Delta1717's blog

Delta1717 Update

I’ve mentioned to fighters on my travels recently that I’d be taking a break from meetfighters. Having dived right in after the pandemic and travelled pretty vastly for matches and tourism alike, I feel it necessary to keep the passion going but for other reasons such as my studies also.

That said I do think it’d be a good opportunity to write a testimonial of sorts about my time and experiences so far on the site. For the overwhelming majority, the 100-odd men I’ve met on MF are professional, easygoing gentlemen who are credits to their families, countries and the MF community. I’ve been very lucky to encounter men of varying backgrounds, ages and professions of which I can draw so many examples from for how to live a life. Be it a gay life, one as an immigrant, person of colour, or creative, I find I can look back to past conversations both in and outside of the ring for advice. It’s one of the pleasures of being one of the younger guys on this site having so many more experienced minds to talk to and bounce ideas. I value both the principle of site and the gents I’ve met on it immensely.

That said, I have had few wayward experiences and to that all I can say is that I hope people present themselves and their intentions honestly. We’re all busy living lives here (apparently we only get one, idk) and it makes things so much easier when we all clearly state what we want. I can’t speak for everyone but I know I’ll never blow up at anyone for having different interests or even denying me a match because of that. This would be an even better platform if we kept the Grindr vernacular and the childlike behaviour in the appropriate places. I appreciate this site can bring out the most passionate sides of everyone but a bit of calm and clear communication makes everyone feel more at ease. Obviously we’re all free to operate as we please on here but doing so in a way that’s simple, sensible and pleasant for all is always best. Treat other how you… On my part I apologise for any lapses in my own communication that I’ve had with anyone. When travelling things can move and change faster than you can react to with croissant and half a sangria sitting in you, after 3 hours sleep in a room with 5+ strangers 😂

I have many more travels to do during and after my studies and hope to meet more fighters soon. Summer 2025 between Mays end and mid September I hope to do a Pan-American trip that looks something like this:

NYC-Chicago-Texas (specs tbc)-Vegas-SoCal-Central Mexico-Rio-Sao Paolo-Buenos Aires-Montevideo. (All very very loose as of yet)

Am I crazy, likely yea. I’m also young, easygoing minimalist traveller which serves me well everywhere. I flicker between naive and over cautious and the two extremes If anyone’s got any tip, useful info along that “route” or help to make this sound slightly more possible that’d be appreciated. I do realise I just named the better part of a 1/3 of the earth but nothing is impossible. I still have very real intentions to get to Greece and Turkey soon also

I will be online with varying regularity once Uni kicks off in a few weeks, but won’t be following up lengthy chats here in any sense. I will try to organise things for next summer as they come. I hope to continue to have great experiences on this site with transparent, easygoing and communicative guys. Say what you mean and stick to it !

Happy wrestling :)

Editado últimamente el 30/8/2024 13:43 por Delta1717; 1 comentario(s)
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