Alternative Wrestling Games

3 man wrestling

Combatsportsfun (4)

05/3/2021 20:03

There are 3 or more guys wrestling as round Robin for a set time.
This continues until one guy gets tied, he is now first person to lose.
Now gets interesting part....
Once first guy gets tied up, the other two guys start wrestling each other, until second gets tied up.
Then he becomes second loser.
While both wrestlers are wrestling the first loser can try to escape, and if he can escape, he can attempt to force the winner of his match to cum as they wrestle.
First to cum or get tied up is loser. If match ends in tied up, the process continues till two guys are tied up. If match ends in cum, he is out until winner is decided.

Depending on stakes, the winner can:
1. Punish both losers for a beating
2. Watch both wrestlers wrestle but both of them have a handicap (can be different, winner can choose).
Ex, has hand tied, blind folded, feet tied, etc.
Winner of the handicap match determined by first to cum.

Then the winner does agreed stakes after the matches.

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