Alternative Wrestling Games

Fighting video games online

Chokestud (1)

03/4/2023 9:05

Who is into choke games?


oahurookie (1)

01/4/2023 9:45

Looking forward to Tekken 8. I hope they keep all the customization options from the previous games.


SimplyDapper (15)

21/3/2023 17:22

I always enjoy Smackdown vs Raw 2006 and 2007 on ps2!


JobberOtter (13 )

21/3/2023 17:43

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Ugh yes I love svr 2007!


SimplyDapper (15)

21/3/2023 18:00

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It’s such a fun game! I enjoy the slower nature of the matches over the faster, newer games.

I also tend to enjoy submission matches, and the older games have a lot more options and longer submission animations than the newer generation games.


JobberOtter (13 )

01/4/2023 12:43

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Submission matches are my favorite as well in games!


JobberOtter (13 )

01/4/2023 12:43

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Yes!! That’s exactly why I prefer the older games as well! They put more detail in the submission like when a submission is locked on and the wrestler taps out that add more pressure to the hold as they are tapping out it’s so hot!


SimplyDapper (15)

01/4/2023 19:50

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Exactly! My go to match type was always submission. I love the aspect of wearing down the opponent until someone taps out.

The newer games, while fun, unfortunately just don’t have the variety of submission moves. Every wrestler has basically the same few, like the Boston crab, the knee in the back camel clutch, etc.

The older games, specifically like SvR 2006 and 2007, just had so many options for moves!


JobberOtter (13 )

02/4/2023 2:13

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Omg! I’ve noticed that too! When I play www 2k games I get a bit excited to see what holds my opponent knows only to find out they have basic moves like ankle lock or that weird move where they put their foot on the back of your knee and just pick it up and slam it down and I end up disappointed they focus too much on everyone having a unique special but in the end they all wrestle the same when It comes to the basics


SimplyDapper (15)

03/4/2023 10:51

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Yeah exactly! Unfortunately the moves are too similar for most wrestlers in the games now. Still fun to play but not a large variety.


JobberOtter (13 )

03/4/2023 15:59

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I agree glad someone else shares my favorite things about wrestling games!


fightinboots (0)

03/3/2023 14:39

Rumble Roses. Awesome game 😁 can’t play it without getting hard.


Boxing LEO (0)

01/3/2023 14:14

ufc4 or fight night champion on xbox


xulomad88 (3)

16/9/2022 13:51

I recommend u try this one called Naked Fighter ( . You can create ur own fighter and play solo or multiplayer wrestling, boxing or even sexfights where the first to cum loses. ¡Ingresa para ver las fotos de la galería, por favor!


oahurookie (1)

14/11/2022 3:17

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I've been playing that, it's pretty fun.


JobberOtter (13 )

05/9/2021 13:20

I love playing wrestling games online!


RyuShoryuken (1)

29/8/2021 4:58

I got an account to play in fight code, for playing fighting games online


AlphaViking (0)

15/7/2020 11:39

Sounds cool, what games do you suggest to play?


karoso (3)

15/7/2020 17:46

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I tried ready 2 rumble and a japanese wrestling game on a N64 emulator. The graphics are not the best but it can be fun


karoso (3)

15/7/2020 0:36

Hey, has anyone tried playing boxing/wrestling videogames online with another person? It can be pretty hot. There's a couple available to play with emulator on a computer


Ryugcyber78 (0)

07/9/2020 4:17

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You can play Super Nintendo online emulator

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