Alternative Wrestling Games

Random Selector (2)

BearhugAddict (3)

13/3/2011 12:23

Random Selector (2)

For these you need some way of picking options randomly, such as drawing pieces of paper out of a hat or spinning a wheel with the different options written on it. When I did this, I wrote the options on small foam balls (about the size of a golf ball) and drew them out of a fabric bag, but anything that lets you pick one at random will do. (Heck, if you're particularly savvy, you could rig it up on a computer to do it for you!)

Version #1: Part Target

This first match uses one random selector containing body parts (eg left leg, right leg, left arm, right arm, back, abs, torso, head/neck) and one random selector containing time durations.

The Attacker starts by drawing a random body part and announcing it to the Victim. The Victim has the option to request a redraw at this stage. If they do, the selected body part is replaced and another is drawn. Regardless of the outcome, the Victim cannot request a second redraw. At this stage, whatever body part has been drawn is left out of the random selector. The Attacker then draws a time duration. If the Victim has used their redraw request, this time duration is immediately doubled. The Attacker then places any hold they wish on the Victim provided it solely and specifically targets the drawn body part. The Victim cannot submit but must simply endure the hold for the time duration. Once it expires, The attacker draws a new body part (and offers the option of redraw) before replacing the old/previous part in the selector. This is done to prevent the same part being targeted twice (but note that requesting a redraw does not guarantee avoiding the original part being targeted, as it gets replaced in the selector for the redraw). A new time duration is drawn (doubled if a redraw) and so the match continues until the Attacker gets bored or the Victim is too wrecked to go on.

Version #2: Harder/Longer

This match uses one random selector of various holds and one of time durations. The Attacker draws a hold (leaving it out of the selector) and duration, and places the Victim in the hold, watching the clock. The Victim is unable to submit out of the hold. Any time between 50% and 75% of the duration time, the Attacker announces "Choose!" and silently counts to 3. The Victim must say either "Harder!" or "Longer" before the Attacker finishes their count. If they say "Harder!" then the hold is immediately intensified a notch or two for the remaining duration. If they say "Longer!" then the hold is maintained at the current level, but kept on for an extra minute after the duration elapses. If they fail to answer before the count of 3, they suffer *both* penalties, the intensified hold at the extended duration.

Once the required time has passed, the Attacker releases the Victim and draws a new hold before replacing the previous one. This prevents the same hold being drawn twice in a row. Again, this continues until the Attacker gets bored or wrecks the Victim.

Version #3:Say When

This match uses a random selector of holds and time durations, although the latter is only used once. Despite this, it is actually the most complex of the matches and will by its very nature take up the most time. The Attacker starts by drawing a hold (leaving it out to prevent repetition, as in the previous matches) and duration. They place the Victim in the hold and watch the clock. In this match, the Victim actually can submit, but the response to this submission relies on how much time they have spent in the hold.

At the start, the random duration drawn is the "base time". While the Victim can submit at any time, they cannot actually be released until the base time has elapsed. If they submit before the base time has elapsed, the Attacker tells them so and maintains the hold for *twice the difference*.

If they have not yet submitted when the base time elapses the Attacker says nothing, but maintains the hold until they finally do submit at which point they are released and the Attacker draws a new hold.

The time spent in that hold becomes the base time for the next hold. The Attacker never tells the Victim what the base time is.

To make it a bit clearer, let me describe a sample of holds for you. Let's say the random time you draw at the beginning is 2 minutes (02:00) but I submit in the hold at 1 minute 30 seconds (01:30). The difference between the two is 30 seconds, so double that is 60 seconds (i.e. 1 minute), meaning you keep the hold on for an extra 60 seconds from the time I submit, making a total time of 2 minutes 30 seconds (01:30 + 01:00). After that time, you release me and draw a new hold, and the base time for it is 2 minutes 30 seconds.

Now, say I again submit too early, at 2 minutes 15 seconds (02:15). Double the difference is 30 seconds, added to my submission time makes a total of 2 minutes 45 seconds (02:45) before I am released and you draw a new hold and apply it for the 02:45 base time.

This time, however, I man up and last for the full time. At the 02:45 mark you do not release me, and you do not inform me in any way that I have lasted the full base time, you just wait for me to submit, which I do right on 3 minutes (03:00). You immediately release me and draw the next hold, and its base time is now 3 minutes.

So you see, the longer the Victim can hold out before submitting, the less time gets added to the new base time, but only up to a certain point. If they wait too long, they're just making it worse for themselves by increasing the base time anyway.

Ultimately, they have to try and submit as close to the base time as they can to minimise the duration increase, but since they can't see the clock and don't know what the base times are anyway, they have to judge it purely on how long they think has passed, and considering they'll be somewhat distracted by the pain of the hold they're in, they may not be too good at that.

This continues until either the Attacker gets bored, wrecks the Victim, or the base time reaches some agreed upon maximum cap (30 minutes maybe)

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