


11/9/2012 16:54

OK guys, that's enough. This thread is no longer constructive discussion, indeed maybe it never was.

I declare it over, any further posts will be deleted.


wrestler2013 (0)

05/9/2012 13:48

The word "gym" or "fitness" must not be in their vocabulary. A simple weight loss program combined with cardio can help. I never saw so many on this site that get tired just walking across the street, and just lay on the mat with no moves.


wrestler2013 (0)

04/9/2012 3:21

Why do overweight, fat people, especially ones who are senior citizens, seem to think this is a hold for them? Is it because they like the word "bear" in that hold? Can you imagine how gross it would be to have contact with all that hair and cellulite on fat people?


unclejohnny79 (0)

29/11/2018 5:05

(en respuesta a esto)

You are a mean man!!


fmrhugger (17)

05/9/2012 4:11

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If there's enough muscle under that fat, you could find yourself gasping for air.


BearhugAddict (3)

10/9/2012 2:35

(en respuesta a esto)

I actually prefer a little padding around the muscle, as long as they've got the strength to squeeze long and tight.


wrestler2013 (0)

10/9/2012 4:02

(en respuesta a esto)

Padding? thats about as gross as you can get. Its VERY simple to follow a weight loss program so you dont look pregnant.


BearhugAddict (3)

10/9/2012 6:29

(en respuesta a esto)

Nobody is talking about looking "pregnant", so maybe you should just calm down a little. Likewise, nobody is *forcing* you to like any particular build/shape/size, and similarly you have no authority to tell *us* what we should like. I prefer thick and beefy to super-cut defined. That's my preference and I'm as entitled to it as you are to yours. The difference is I'm not the one insulting people who don't fit that preference.


wrestler2013 (0)

11/9/2012 13:48

(en respuesta a esto)

The only people who are insulted are the lazy ones who dont care how they look, that are obese and dont realize the health dangers of being fat. Thick and beefy are terms referring to obesity - an excuse not to call themselves what they really see in the mirror. I aspire to teach people on here that true wrestlers seek ultimate physical conditioning, perection of the body. Going on a diet doesnt hurt. I am never politically correct and dont care to be.

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