
Pass out in bearhug

Male4male (1)

05/11/2024 18:40

Não há prazer igual em ser subjugado e usado ao Bel prazer de outro macho tão dominante quanto vc.


Just a person (0)

04/11/2024 4:17

id love to pass out in one


Juggernaut (0)

04/11/2024 7:12

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Essentially the BH is an incapacitating hold, but only if there is sufficient size and strength difference – that's when its best applied.

If incapacitation is the goal, I assure you any pleasure component to it won't last more than a few seconds before the pain threshold is reached.


Just a person (0)

04/11/2024 7:17

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oh ok, good to know


Juggernaut (0)

04/11/2024 7:36

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Don't let me discourage you from trying it through. Its something you have to through and experience for yourself. I know its a thrill, since guys always came back to me for seconds.

In fact, I wish I could give you that wish. Since I've never had anyone brave enough to tolerate it for that long. Good luck.


Just a person (0)

04/11/2024 7:39

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yeah, you have a nice muscular build.


KJM090 (0)

24/2/2020 4:21

Id give it ago sounds hot, dunno if theres something wrong with me or what but I enjoy the rough play hands on thing. Dominating a fella


LockEmTight (0)

25/2/2020 2:21

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I'd give it a go too. Might regret it, but what the hell. Maybe something wrong with both of us. But would defo try it.


wrestlerspig (14)

24/2/2020 6:18

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There is nothing wrong with rough play! Lucy jobbers in Australia.


Maximovillareal (9 )

22/2/2020 1:48

I have not passed out in a bearhug, but my opponent fractured a rib. Hurt like hell.


scottpa (1)

22/2/2020 3:36

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gotta find someone strong enough to crush all the air out of you and hold it like 5-15 seconds man.. you will passout! no questions..far and few people can crush that tight and hold it on though..Ive wrestle about 100 but only 2 had that kinda strength..and endurance..


LockEmTight (0)

23/2/2020 20:50

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5 to 15 seconds doesn't sound like a lot. But it is if you're unable to breathe. Agreed...trick is holding the pressure that long. I reckon this would apply to a body scissors as well.


scottpa (1)

23/2/2020 22:19

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yea scissors work well too, if you got the crushing strength to pour it on and hold it..


LockEmTight (0)

24/2/2020 1:45

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Yeah the key is getting your legs squeezed tight over the ribcage, and then holding it there. That would be an amazing KO in a bodyscissors squeeze. Would have to ignore all taps.


wrestlerspig (14)

24/2/2020 6:20

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Head scissors can have take one out cold too. I know that firsthand.


Maximovillareal (9 )

24/2/2020 1:54

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I think the person who would be squeezed to passing out would need to agree beforehand to allow himself to be passed out. I don't think the squeezer should keep applying the hold if the person taps out.


LockEmTight (0)

24/2/2020 2:02

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Yeah there would have to be an agreement up front for that. I love being crushed breathless in bodyscissors, and wouldn't mind to be KO'd that way. But when it actually happens, I bet there'd be a lot of tapping before the KO occurs. Which, of course, would need to be ignored if that's the agreement.


Juggernaut (0)

23/2/2020 22:28

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Scissors is easier. No lifting involved, and you're using the biggest muscles in the body.


Maximovillareal (9 )

23/2/2020 22:40

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Can scissors really make someone pass out?


wrestlerspig (14)

24/2/2020 6:19

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Yes, indeed. It has happened to me multiple times.


Juggernaut (0)

23/2/2020 22:48

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Absolutely. Scissors can compress the rib cage with even more force than the BH. You've seen the watermelon thing. Imagine that's your chest.

Of course the average chest is bigger than a watermelon, but the general physics is still there.


Maximovillareal (9 )

23/2/2020 22:54

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Juggernaut, thanks for the lesson.


Juggernaut (0)

23/2/2020 23:00

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You're welcome. But that's just from my perspective as the applier. Now that I think about it, I wish I had interviewed the receiver to find out how it felt.


Maximovillareal (9 )

23/2/2020 23:15

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Juggernaut, have you ever made someone pass out using leg scissors?


Juggernaut (0)

23/2/2020 23:18

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Never heard about it until here. Everybody taps, and pretty quickly too – within a couple of seconds.


Maximovillareal (9 )

22/2/2020 3:58

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It appears he needs to be experienced to know how to do it effectively. If he doesn’t make me pass out, I will settle for just being squeezed and thrown around like a rag doll.


bearhugs76 (13)

17/1/2020 14:01

I have a great resistence
I never tapped out or pass out in any bearhug.. I think it is impossible


ribcrusher (28)

16/1/2020 21:16

I will just say I agree with Chris from Seattle!! I have crushed and squeezed many people to sub. And I have squeezed Chris with a lot more pressure than 90% of the people out there would be tapping to or not breathing. But with Chris he just had that big grin on his face and loved the pressure / squeeze! So yea, very tuff to make a guy tap when they are enjoying it so much! I will just toss out there I would scared to see the guy that could make Chris tap from being squeezed.


Juggernaut (0)

15/1/2020 11:35

The squeeze only has to be enough pressure to keep the lungs from expanding. After an exhale you just have to hold at that point. If you continued to squeeze, they'd tap due to pain long before they passed out.


scottpa (1)

15/1/2020 19:25

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once the guys crushed to his limit he will squirm and give...but if you dont let him out and hold on the pressure he will passout in another 10-20 seconds...for sure..Most guys don't have near the strength for a beahug submit let alone holding on the pressure to make em passout...


Alpha Tamer (0)

22/2/2020 12:30

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I admit that I only have 2 reviews to reference this, but out of the 2, both opponents tapped out in my bearhugs every time. They didn't pass out, but one of them went limp after a while, though he was still conscious, he was too exhausted and short of breath that he couldn't fight back or struggle against me any more.


Juggernaut (0)

15/1/2020 19:50

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I've yet to meet a guy that didn't submit to my BH (I know there are lots I just haven't met them). One regular wrestling buddy from my neighborhood had me pinned in a corner and I couldn't break his pin so I just wrapped him up and clamped down with everything I had. This guy was built like a rock so it was like hugging an oak tree. He fought it off for about 10 seconds then tapped out. He was not happy as he liked to win but was a poor loser. I didn't see him again for a couple of weeks until he got a new wrestling hold to test on me. He loved using me for his test dummy.


ChrisWrestling (59 )

16/1/2020 6:31

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I'd like prove you wrong if you're ever in Seattle. I'm wired funny and don't tend to tap to squeezy crushy holds because I like the pain


Juggernaut (0)

12/2/2020 16:57

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That would be an interesting experiment to test. But I've gone up against some pretty tough guys before (guys that chew on nails and spit barbed wire), and in my experience it doesn't take long for a submissions once the pressure approaches their maximum tolerance.

Still, I suspect you feel that way because whoever applied the holds you've endured didn't use proper or full "submission" methods.

Remember, the BH is more than just a hold of brute force, there is also technique involves. And it can be applied to either the waist or the chest.

Unlike a BH to the waist, a properly applied BH to the chest will shut off your oxygen supply, where regardless of pain tolerance (and provided you can hold it), a submission due to asphyxiation will be inevitable. Same as a constrictor.


wrestlerspig (14)

15/1/2020 19:28

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I envy your opponents you do not let out.


Bearhuggedboy (0)

25/1/2018 18:59

When you pass out in a bearhug, how long does it take for you to wake up again?


scottpa (1)

24/3/2018 21:57

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5-10 seconds man and you're back


PerthMan (1)

26/1/2018 5:48

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I dont think its possible to pass out from a bearhug.


legflexxxer (31 )

31/10/2023 15:09

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I completly passed a man out in a bear hug last week.I never knew this was possible.

I asked him if he wanted a squeeze. He agreed, so i wrapped my arms around him in a nice tight gable grip and squeezed. He seemed pretty unaffected by it (but quiet) so I just didnt let go, keeping my muscles engaged.

Then suddenly he foamed and dribbled at the mouth and passed out! He collapsed to his side where I caught him and looked after him until he came around about 5 secs later. He had NO idea what happened.

I never knew is was possible (had guys close before but I ease off as they weaken). But those that know me know i'm a fairly strong gent!💪💪


Juggernaut (0)

15/1/2020 19:59

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You don't pass out from the BH per se. You pass out from the lack of oxygen due to compressed lungs. That's a high torso BH as opposed to the waist BH.


kowtip (0)

24/3/2018 15:29

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oh i assure you it is


wrestlerspig (14)

24/3/2018 19:05

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I hope I get to pass out from one of your bare hugs one day.


LostmacVin111 (15)

26/1/2018 17:46

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I got a guy to hyperventilate and go limp in my bearhug . If I kept squeezing him he might have passed out


scottpa (1)

24/3/2018 22:00

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if he went limp man..he was passed out


LostmacVin111 (15)

24/3/2018 22:01

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He hyperventilated then went limp and I released the hold , he moaned and looked at me

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