Body Scissors

Scissor clips

chicagocroix (16)

30/4/2019 0:53


chicagocroix (16)

30/4/2019 0:49


chicagocroix (16)

08/2/2019 0:52


Juggernaut (0)

15/10/2023 13:51

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Arrgh. Why do I click on these videos like this? I should know better by now. That 30 sec. I can never get back.


Leoscissors63 (5)

26/10/2023 10:06

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If you
Come in france you can win time and squeeze my ribs hard ! 😳


chicagoburbswrestler (20)

08/2/2019 1:00

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seen before but will always watch again and again


chicagocroix (16)

08/2/2019 0:51


zbobsled (0)

30/12/2017 17:38

I have yet to find someone who can submit me with a body scissors hold. I have submitted to a few head scissors but I can usually find an escape.


ribcrusher (28)

29/12/2017 0:09

I just have to chime in a bit–I have have squeezed Chris in seattle, I will just say that man can take a squeeze better than any others I have had the pleaser of crushing. Most guys will only last a few min or so---but with him, I think over time he has built up his core so well and knows how to control his breathing. He is one awesome squeeze toy I will say!. Just remember he has some wicked legs him also and if you do squeeze him tight enough or long enough, you may end up a squeeze toy your self–ha-ha


squeeze002 (0)

14/10/2023 23:25

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Chris has squeezed my neck before between his legs he has got some really sexy powerful legs without a doubt.


CrushingMuscle (6)

30/4/2019 0:42

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Can’t wait to meet you sometime soon


hellman34 (13)

28/12/2017 2:44

I love your posts. I’ve been in love with scissors for decades.


ChrisWrestling (59 )

27/12/2017 22:46

Why aren't there many if any bodyscissor videos of people actually getting scissored, squeezed hard, and squeezed because they love getting squeezed.

I personally cannot stand fake scissors in the gay porn world where people are screaming like they're dying and you can actually see that there is space between the heel's legs and the jobber's body. They do these horribly fake big windups to a squeeze and go for slight contact and the guy cries out or gasps for air and it's BS. I've been getting squeezed for most of my adult life, I've squeezed maybe 50 guys by now, it's never like that, especially when the guy is into it.

Granted, I've been told that my take on being squeezed it rare if almost never seen. I can take more than most for longer than most but I know other guys who like it, some who at least say they can take it like I do. Really, I would love to watch 20 minutes to 2 hours of someone being pushed to their limits in bearhugs, scissors, maybe even some chokes. Maybe they get pushed to the point where they're about to tap or try to escape but for the most part they're getting scissored because they want it and the heel to make them suffer.

I get tired of BGEast and youtube. Even Movimus, though real wrestling, is about getting the tap and trying to escape. Sometime I just want to see a good long squeeze.


wrestler noob (0 )

15/10/2023 5:59

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If you're up for it I'm willing to be squeezed and choked by you for as long as you can keep it up, all I ask is respect the tap for chokes and if the squeeze in the area becomes too much to bear and move to another area to squeeze or put through joint locks. Definitely would let you practice your bjj and wrestling skills on me and if you'd like record it. I am the same here I love watching real long heald scissors and seeing some one tortured in them, and have always loved being in them.


goldawg76 (4)

28/5/2019 13:16

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Hey, Chris, if YOU want to inflict hours of CRUSHING pressure in scissors holds, I will gladly let you really squeeze ME!!!!


CrushingMuscle (6)

30/4/2019 0:43

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I’m in total agreement with you!


ultimatescissorsjobber (2)

28/1/2019 15:05

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If you ever travel this way I want a very long,very powerful& punishing head scissors. Not around my carotids - to easy for you a a bit dangerous for me, but right around my face/head wedged deep &tight into your inner thigh muscles. We'll set a time limit so there is no quitting, and you get to crush me again and again as I am "forced" to take what you dish out.


rufffight1979 (2)

28/1/2019 10:28

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I DEFINITELY wouldn't mind being that person! Damn that would be incredible. Make it a pure torture session with the limited option of tapping but with a punishment for doing it. e.g. KO sleeperhold? I love all of those things so it would be amazing for me. Pity I'm not close enough to anyone who would actually do any of it for real.


bach1369 (0)

07/2/2018 21:28

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Well said, my friend. I'm right there with ya. :)


Leoscissors63 (5)

29/1/2018 16:26

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I’m alright with you !
And if one day you want squeeze me between your thighs i’m okay aha :3


skweezhard (8 )

28/12/2017 16:03

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I must agree too.
I feel disappointed when what could be a good tight scissor hold is not applied with any pressure!
The tell tale spacing between the applier's legs and the body or head
the lack of seeing the muscles conform around the parts of the body that should be getting a good squeeze.
So, just have to sit back and imagine ... as the acting proceeds.
So rare indeed to see a long scissor applied with real pressure, real suffering with guys who are into it and "enjoying it" ... sure it hurts, sometimes ALOT ... but its worth it.


leanaussiemuscle (31)

28/12/2017 5:47

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Yes!! I agree mate and have had some hot sessions with a guy getting squeezed for ages and kept on the edge of discomfort... but if I so much as touch his quads to try to escape he clamps down hard and crushes me.... so I just have to take it.
Would love to see the same video you described matey and no more fake stuff!

Big Connor seems to squeeze for real - check out his videos


ChrisWrestling (59 )

28/12/2017 6:09

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I've seen a few of his and I'm not that impressed. Too short and the guy he's doing it to is usually too wimpy


leanaussiemuscle (31)

28/12/2017 6:10

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Ha ha yeah they often tap out too quick
There is one video where he holds them for longer - I’ll have to try to find it for you. PM me mate


ChrisWrestling (59 )

28/12/2017 6:10

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I thought we were pming already

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