My first experience both of giving and receiving a scissors was in my first ever match. My opponent had more experience than I did but otherwise we were quite evenly matched. He was quite happy to give advice and when I thought I had him trapped in a good scissors he took it for a while and then explained that I’d got the positioning wrong and so was only wearing myself out while not really causing him too much pain. Later he managed to catch me and I could see what he meant !!! But I managed to counter by standing upright (he’d got me square on), holding onto his legs and turning him into a Boston crab hold
My first scissors experience was with the bigger neighbour, once my ankles locked not even out mate could get him out. I smiled and just kept squeezing, even telling the other guy he was hurting him as I had to increase the power to not let the ankle lock being unlocked by our mate. Since then I started squeezing all the neighbours, even taking 2 on at the same time. One in a bodyscissors and other in a headlock, they both taped as I was hard as .
My first time getting squeezed was only a few years ago. I was wrestling with a woman and she had a bit more experience with it than I had. We were tussling from our knees on the mat when she pulled me into her and held my head against her body while her legs wrapped around my torso from what was almost a side position.
I remember the power of her feminine legs being surprising and I couldn’t move as she was holding me tight and squeezing pretty hard with her legs. At one point as her thighs pressed into me I felt and heard a pop in my ribs. Then as she crushed down again there was another pop. At that point she heard it and released me, asking if I was ok. I felt fine and we continued to wrestle for awhile longer but my ribs began to get sore shortly after the popping.
My ribs were sore for a good 3 weeks afterwards, I’m guessing that I had some rib cartilage popped but I kind of enjoyed the pain and now I seek bodyscissors every time that I wrestle.
I had always thought my legs were my best muscle feature and would love to squeeze other fellows between them in play. But this is about my first fight using them to win. My brother, older than me by 3 years, played soccer, and often hung around with team mates, bringing them to the house whenever my parents were away. This particular Saturday, he and 4 other mates came around, starting to pick on me incessantly, the worst being Phil, who’d flunked a grade so was 4 years my senior. I think I was 13 at the time.
The group were pushing me around, punching me, two holding me between by the arms, while Phil punched me hard in the stomach. A few good ones and I sank to my knees, gasping for breath. Phil leaned down in my face, laughing.
“If these guys weren’t holding my arms,” I croaked out, “I’d hurt you for real.” Phil must have nodded at the other two, for suddenly my arms dropped. Phil said, “let’s see what you’ve got.”
I straightened up, only to have Phil plant his foot against my chest and shove me to my back. I could hear the others, including my brother, encouraging Phil to “teach me a lesson.”
Phil tried to mount me, like he was going to school boy pin me, but as he came in, somehow I managed to get my legs around his midsection. Grabbing his arms, I pulled him forward, right up between my quads. Locking my ankles behind his back, I began to squeeze. Not playfully, or slowly applying pressure 1-10 like with my friends. I went straight to ten. Phil lurched back, the look on his face going from one of surprise to one of absolute pain in seconds. I still held his arms as well, and though he wriggled and squirmed, my legs weren’t going anywhere except tighter. It was obvious he was having trouble breathing as well. The shouts of encouragement changed to shouts demanding I release him. But I wasn’t ready to do that, not yet.
I’d never squeezed someone this tight before and frankly, it was exhilarating. I could feel myself getting a hard on, like morning wood. That’s when I felt his lower rib start to bend inwards, bone against flesh. I looked Phil straight in the eye. He wasn’t making a sound but his lips were saying, “please.” That’s when the gunshot, at least that’s what it sounded like to me, filled the room, shutting down all other sounds. The others stood around absolutely quiet, their eyes wide, like saucers. My brother stepped forward and twisted my ankles apart. Phil sucked in a huge amount of air and when it came out, it was in the shape of a blood-curdling scream. He grabbed his side, moaning. I pulled away and got up, unsure just what the others might try to do to me now that I hurt their mate.
“You’ve broken his rib,” my brother yelled at me. Honestly, those were the sweetest words I think I’d ever heard in my life to that point. The others helped Phil up and my brother drove him to the hospital to get checked out. The X-rays confirmed he had a broken rib. They told the doctor he’d taken an errant kick playing soccer to save face. But we all knew the truth and I never had trouble with any of them again, including my brother. It was well worth it.
Damn how long ago was that not only did you take the wind out of that guy but you sucked it out of all who looked on never realized a scissor hold could be so powerful Good thing you got your legs wrapped around his chest & not his neck or head you could have crushed like a grape
lovesleeperholds I have seen many uploads of scissor holds would love to experience some myself especially by a thin fit guy with muscular legs if your willing to apply the hold contact me I am willing to travel for the experience
My first time was pretty brief. I was visiting my dad and ended up wrestling with my brother in law. My other siblings were all watching and so my mindset, as I guess it always has been, was to stay competitive. I remember the feeling and how brief it was. I seem to remember breaking free and the match being over with him not acknowledging the escape and declaring victory but I was too prideful to concede defeat. I remember being turned on but keeping it to myself. It was of course awkward feeling that way with someone you're legally related to but in my defense I had only known him for 3 days prior and don't think I've seen him since going back home (I'm not close with my dad). Still, that might have been the start of my fascination/obsession with scissors
How old were you then and did you wrestle prior to then? What experience and/or training did you have? How about sleepers and being knocked out? Did you have a similar kinky experience with them?
My first squeeze in a body scissors was by a close friend of mine. We were rough housing in his room and when we were taking a quick breather, he surprise attacked and real quick wrapped his legs around my waist and grabbed me in a sleeper. I managed to break free of his sleeper, but with his legs still wrapped around me, just said, "Now I'll crush you" and proceeded to squeeze the life out of me. I didn't rush to break free of his legs as it was pretty awesome experience, but after letting him try and squeeze a sub out of me I got pretty winded and eventually had to tap.
As it says - share the time when you were young where you had your first experiences with wrestling toehr guys and taking or giving body scissors. For example mine was vis my younger brothers friends, 4 year age gap. I'd end up getting into private matches in my bedroom vs them, we'd roll around for hours and scissoring was the way forwards. I spent hours locked in their teen thighs panting and begging for release. There was no love lost, mutual dislike was the key and there was some pretty brutal crushing going on.
Since age 20 it's died off - but those were the glory days.
Shapeshifter (30)
30/1/2024 20:49Mine was with an older cousin, he would often use his legs to wrap me up when we play fought.
I didn't know they were called scissorholds until much later. He just used to call his scissors his "traps" or sometimes "the lock".
It was always lots of fun, and it was decades ago but I recall they were inescapable.
Stf67 (0)
29/1/2024 17:32My first experience both of giving and receiving a scissors was in my first ever match. My opponent had more experience than I did but otherwise we were quite evenly matched. He was quite happy to give advice and when I thought I had him trapped in a good scissors he took it for a while and then explained that I’d got the positioning wrong and so was only wearing myself out while not really causing him too much pain. Later he managed to catch me and I could see what he meant !!! But I managed to counter by standing upright (he’d got me square on), holding onto his legs and turning him into a Boston crab hold
cyclone74 (35)
28/1/2024 7:00My first scissors experience was with the bigger neighbour, once my ankles locked not even out mate could get him out. I smiled and just kept squeezing, even telling the other guy he was hurting him as I had to increase the power to not let the ankle lock being unlocked by our mate. Since then I started squeezing all the neighbours, even taking 2 on at the same time. One in a bodyscissors and other in a headlock, they both taped as I was hard as .
Baueralois431 (0)
04/2/2024 6:39(en respuesta a esto)
Scissors und Triangle ist das geilste was es gibt tel.015157468271
Michaelmac12 (0)
30/1/2024 23:51(en respuesta a esto)
WOW! Incredibly hot!
NYC Wrestling (67)
30/1/2024 18:38(en respuesta a esto)
Cyclone74, that story makes me want to move in next door to you! 😁
E Willie (0)
27/1/2024 19:31My first time getting squeezed was only a few years ago. I was wrestling with a woman and she had a bit more experience with it than I had. We were tussling from our knees on the mat when she pulled me into her and held my head against her body while her legs wrapped around my torso from what was almost a side position.
I remember the power of her feminine legs being surprising and I couldn’t move as she was holding me tight and squeezing pretty hard with her legs. At one point as her thighs pressed into me I felt and heard a pop in my ribs. Then as she crushed down again there was another pop. At that point she heard it and released me, asking if I was ok. I felt fine and we continued to wrestle for awhile longer but my ribs began to get sore shortly after the popping.
My ribs were sore for a good 3 weeks afterwards, I’m guessing that I had some rib cartilage popped but I kind of enjoyed the pain and now I seek bodyscissors every time that I wrestle.
Guysmiley (41 )
03/5/2020 21:23I had always thought my legs were my best muscle feature and would love to squeeze other fellows between them in play. But this is about my first fight using them to win. My brother, older than me by 3 years, played soccer, and often hung around with team mates, bringing them to the house whenever my parents were away. This particular Saturday, he and 4 other mates came around, starting to pick on me incessantly, the worst being Phil, who’d flunked a grade so was 4 years my senior. I think I was 13 at the time.
The group were pushing me around, punching me, two holding me between by the arms, while Phil punched me hard in the stomach. A few good ones and I sank to my knees, gasping for breath. Phil leaned down in my face, laughing.
“If these guys weren’t holding my arms,” I croaked out, “I’d hurt you for real.” Phil must have nodded at the other two, for suddenly my arms dropped. Phil said, “let’s see what you’ve got.”
I straightened up, only to have Phil plant his foot against my chest and shove me to my back. I could hear the others, including my brother, encouraging Phil to “teach me a lesson.”
Phil tried to mount me, like he was going to school boy pin me, but as he came in, somehow I managed to get my legs around his midsection. Grabbing his arms, I pulled him forward, right up between my quads. Locking my ankles behind his back, I began to squeeze. Not playfully, or slowly applying pressure 1-10 like with my friends. I went straight to ten. Phil lurched back, the look on his face going from one of surprise to one of absolute pain in seconds. I still held his arms as well, and though he wriggled and squirmed, my legs weren’t going anywhere except tighter. It was obvious he was having trouble breathing as well. The shouts of encouragement changed to shouts demanding I release him. But I wasn’t ready to do that, not yet.
I’d never squeezed someone this tight before and frankly, it was exhilarating. I could feel myself getting a hard on, like morning wood. That’s when I felt his lower rib start to bend inwards, bone against flesh. I looked Phil straight in the eye. He wasn’t making a sound but his lips were saying, “please.” That’s when the gunshot, at least that’s what it sounded like to me, filled the room, shutting down all other sounds. The others stood around absolutely quiet, their eyes wide, like saucers. My brother stepped forward and twisted my ankles apart. Phil sucked in a huge amount of air and when it came out, it was in the shape of a blood-curdling scream. He grabbed his side, moaning. I pulled away and got up, unsure just what the others might try to do to me now that I hurt their mate.
“You’ve broken his rib,” my brother yelled at me. Honestly, those were the sweetest words I think I’d ever heard in my life to that point. The others helped Phil up and my brother drove him to the hospital to get checked out. The X-rays confirmed he had a broken rib. They told the doctor he’d taken an errant kick playing soccer to save face. But we all knew the truth and I never had trouble with any of them again, including my brother. It was well worth it.
lovesleeperholds (1)
03/5/2020 22:15(en respuesta a esto)
Damn how long ago was that not only did you take the wind out of that guy but you sucked it out of all who looked on never realized a scissor hold could be so powerful Good thing you got your legs wrapped around his chest & not his neck or head you could have crushed like a grape
Guysmiley (41 )
03/5/2020 22:40(en respuesta a esto)
I’m 68 now and still using my leg power to crush opponents.
goldawg76 (4)
11/5/2020 9:39(en respuesta a esto)
Hey, Guy. How about CRUSHING ME in your powerful LEGS???? Make me beg for you to stop (IF you can squeeze me that hard)!!!!
lovesleeperholds (1)
22/4/2020 13:23lovesleeperholds I have seen many uploads of scissor holds would love to experience some myself especially by a thin fit guy with muscular legs if your willing to apply the hold contact me I am willing to travel for the experience
ChrisWrestling (59 )
21/4/2020 0:06My first time was pretty brief. I was visiting my dad and ended up wrestling with my brother in law. My other siblings were all watching and so my mindset, as I guess it always has been, was to stay competitive. I remember the feeling and how brief it was. I seem to remember breaking free and the match being over with him not acknowledging the escape and declaring victory but I was too prideful to concede defeat. I remember being turned on but keeping it to myself. It was of course awkward feeling that way with someone you're legally related to but in my defense I had only known him for 3 days prior and don't think I've seen him since going back home (I'm not close with my dad). Still, that might have been the start of my fascination/obsession with scissors
jwest1111 (0)
22/4/2020 13:22(en respuesta a esto)
How old were you then and did you wrestle prior to then? What experience and/or training did you have? How about sleepers and being knocked out? Did you have a similar kinky experience with them?
cyclone74 (35)
21/4/2020 2:54(en respuesta a esto)
He squeezed you or you squeeze him?
ChrisWrestling (59 )
21/4/2020 4:10(en respuesta a esto)
He squeezed me
cyclone74 (35)
21/4/2020 21:56(en respuesta a esto)
Now that would been hot
Blaze1290 (2)
06/12/2018 20:19My first squeeze in a body scissors was by a close friend of mine. We were rough housing in his room and when we were taking a quick breather, he surprise attacked and real quick wrapped his legs around my waist and grabbed me in a sleeper. I managed to break free of his sleeper, but with his legs still wrapped around me, just said, "Now I'll crush you" and proceeded to squeeze the life out of me. I didn't rush to break free of his legs as it was pretty awesome experience, but after letting him try and squeeze a sub out of me I got pretty winded and eventually had to tap.
cyclone74 (35)
07/12/2018 3:40(en respuesta a esto)
You must have been in heaven!! That would been my mates as I crushed them. Once I locked my legs I told them they were in trouble .
goldawg76 (4)
22/4/2020 6:15(en respuesta a esto)
Cyclone74, I want to get CRUSHED in your powerful scissors holds!!! SERIOUSLY!!!!
Trayas (0 )
04/12/2018 6:12I’ve still not had a first time with body scissors!
Wrstlelvr (0 )
03/12/2018 22:06As it says - share the time when you were young where you had your first experiences with wrestling toehr guys and taking or giving body scissors. For example mine was vis my younger brothers friends, 4 year age gap. I'd end up getting into private matches in my bedroom vs them, we'd roll around for hours and scissoring was the way forwards. I spent hours locked in their teen thighs panting and begging for release. There was no love lost, mutual dislike was the key and there was some pretty brutal crushing going on.
Since age 20 it's died off - but those were the glory days.