Body Scissors

Who has the best scissors on site?

vostok scissors (5)

20/6/2017 14:52

We should organize scissor festival somewhere :)


cyclone74 (35)

21/6/2017 5:04

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Yes in Sydney


PA Wrestler (48 )

12/2/2016 7:41

I'll gladly be the test dummy


Vikingwrestler (9)

11/2/2016 4:17

Anyone up for seeing if you can endure my body scissors?


alexxwrestler (219)

13/2/2016 9:33

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I also woyld like to try. Also you will like my bodyscissors!


cyclone74 (35)

13/2/2016 11:07

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I would love to try yours mate


PA Wrestler (48 )

12/2/2016 7:40

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Me please sir!


cyclone74 (35)

11/2/2016 7:42

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I like to try


crushmyribs (0)

30/8/2015 1:30

i love to meet men with hard legs and bodyscissor me till im passout


crushmyribs (0)

22/8/2015 16:48

im due to be put in bodyscissors!


cyclone74 (35)

25/2/2015 23:28

I think we should all meet and have one big squeeze out. It might go for days as I like to hold on and not let go for hours as I toy


zippy76 (3)

20/6/2017 4:31

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Cyclone74, I want to see if I can take your scissors holds longer than you can dish them out!!!!


roughplay (3)

26/2/2015 5:13

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Good idea Cyclone! I'd love that. Your leg shots back up that threat of toying with someone for hours. Like to find out what you can do!


cyclone74 (35)

26/2/2015 5:29

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We should all find out with a squeeze a thon


InkedRican (31)

26/2/2015 22:22

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Sounds like a great work-out.
Count me in.


roughplay (3)

21/5/2015 9:07

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I'm ready! I'll take you both on.


canucrushme (2 )

01/1/2015 7:31

I do let me lock my l


roughplay (3)

09/1/2015 23:24

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Can't wait to get up there and find out what you can do! Bring it on, all your muscle and strength!


ChrisWrestling (59 )

21/12/2014 10:00

I will judge and compete!


Bison Jock (11)

12/12/2022 13:57

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I'm new to the site and to wrestling. But judging from your technique videos that I've been watching you would be one of the champions for sure. (I'm trying to learn to up my game. My husband loves bodyscissors)


ChrisWrestling (59 )

12/12/2022 20:33

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The difference between bad technique is huge. A weaker guy with good technique would beat a strong guy with bad technique. There are several guys on here who have both excellent technique and strength. I would say I have moderate strength and my endurance could use work but at least I know what I'm doing


Bison Jock (11)

12/12/2022 22:12

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Too bad you live so far. I bet I could learn several things from you!


Chokemaster (7)

21/12/2014 17:53

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Come to Memphis and I'll be glad to swap scissors with you. You will tap; I won't.


Vikingwrestler (9)

20/12/2014 19:56

My scissors are pretty good.


wrestleinsocks (161)

08/10/2014 21:12

Been told my scissors are pretty good. Would love to show any challengers that get to Chicago.


zippy76 (3)

20/6/2017 3:18

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I definitely want to experience your scissors holds and see if they are as devastating as they look in your videos!!!!


InkedRican (31)

07/2/2015 1:15

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I'm game. Count me in.


Chokemaster (7)

30/11/2014 19:58

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Scissors Squeeze,

YOU KNOW who has the best scissors!!! I invite any of these lightweights to come to Memphis and find out for themselves!


jason (27)

09/10/2014 2:44

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We will do this and see who has the best scissors in the Chicago area. ¡Ingresa para ver las fotos de la galería, por favor!


Travis 1 (0)

21/5/2015 12:49

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I'm in Wisconsin not far from u lets scissor each other see who passout first:) or u scared


roughplay (3)

21/5/2015 9:11

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WIsh I were in Chicago


Travis 1 (0)

21/5/2015 5:20

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Let's scissor each other or are u scared of thighs that leg press over1000 pounds


roughplay (3)

21/5/2015 9:13

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I'm not afraid. BRING IT ON!!


ChrisWrestling (59 )

21/5/2015 8:02

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No, more just disappointed that you don't live closer. I would love to test your. . . ego


Travis 1 (0)

21/5/2015 12:46

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Do u have strong quads too an I think I'd tapout fast:)


wrestleinsocks (161)

09/10/2014 3:15

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Sounds good.


ChrisWrestling (59 )

25/8/2014 8:24

There should be a play party/gathering for people to compete in this category. I would enter as a contestant and judge! :D


Guysmiley (41 )

26/4/2013 18:52

I've been known for both my leg scissor and my bear hug. But my favorite leg scissor is me on my back, opponent caught in my guard/leg scissor. While I squeeze, I love being punched in the gut. I continue to tighten until uncomfortable without breaking anything, just incredibly hard for my opponent to get good air. Then suddenly, I loosen my grip and instinctively, my opponent lets out his air he's been holding. That's when I take control. Before he can sunk in new air, I reapply my leg scissor, tight enough that he can't breath. No air, and quick, they tap if agreed to, or go out still caught in my scissor. How fun does that sound...


ScissorsCrushee (4)

21/10/2014 23:54

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Please do that to me


wressinglet (16)

15/1/2014 2:25

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Would be interesting to wrestle you n


Kevin93 (14)

10/1/2014 19:30

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I bet I can escape your body scissor's guy..


Chokemaster (7)

15/4/2014 17:45

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Then, bring it on and we'll see. No one escapes; maybe you'll be the first (but I doubt it). But come on anyway and try to back up your boast!


jason (27)

16/4/2014 3:24

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I may be a jobber , but I have very powerful legs and thighs. Many of my matches against bigger wrestlers have been won by me in making them submit to my scissor hold.


Stevecrab (2)

26/4/2013 15:52

Well I don't like to make claims for myself. But you could ask MuscleMart or BostonKid what they think of my scissors. I have to be careful not to crack ribs. Just like to keep the hold wrapped on tight until my victim is gasping, or tapping of course. Photo shows me training legs with lunges whilst on hol. ¡Ingresa para ver las fotos de la galería, por favor!


canucrushme (2 )

26/4/2013 2:57

i have strong legs for it i have made ripped abs give in it.. but there are alot better out there on here then me


musclebear2b (4)

03/2/2013 23:25

I love a man with thick solid legs... I love to be trapped between them, and would be more than happy to judge this contest!



10/12/2012 16:38

I am definetely competing to no.1 place! Ask anyone! :)


UncleJohn76 (0)

25/5/2014 21:50

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If you are competint, then let's meet, friend!!


UncleJohn76 (0)

21/3/2014 21:54

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You would have to convince me in person!


canucrushme (2 )

26/4/2013 2:57

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i bet u do would love to test them out


fmrhugger (17)

04/8/2012 17:10

There's a guy in Philly I wrestle who's body scissor is so strong i can't inhale at all while its on me. thankfully, he can't keep it up for more than about 30 seconds. otherwise, he'd have a sub.


wressinglet (16)

08/10/2012 23:24

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Sounds like he would be a fun guy to wrestle.


wressinglet (16)

28/7/2012 13:15

I would like to judge who has the best scissors.


ScissorsCrushee (4)

20/12/2014 23:41

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Almost everyone in this group would like to be a judge for this contest.


jason (27)

21/12/2014 2:30

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I will be a judge for free!


wrapme (0)

11/12/2011 0:34

I guess finding a good squeeze is mostly a luck of the draw when you meet up with someone for the first time, but reading through some of the recommendations there are some very talented wrappers around.

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