
Best boxing gloves

glovelover (4)

07/11/2018 21:08

I prefer the vintage leather old school gloves, I sell them from my collection, too. I have at least a hundred pairs and some sets of 4, all sizes and brands, colors and ages, mostly before 1980 and some in their original boxes, matching sets. I even have the 1970s BERG gloves from Germany and a few newer Cleto Reyes. Contact me if anyone is interested, OK?


AussieBoxer (47 )

07/11/2018 6:53

I second what Mitch says. He knows what he is talking about.



ChiBox (33 )

07/11/2018 6:09

First suggestion is that boxing gloves are designed for boxing/sparring or light pad work; you will destroy the padding in boxing gloves by using them for heavy bag work. Secondly, boxing glove fit is very much an individual thing based upon hand size, how one wraps hands, thumb articulation and wrist support.

I've sold off several sets of good boxing gloves that were too big for my small hands (even heavily wrapped), didn't provide me with enough wrist support or hurt my thumb when I threw hard hooks. Best fitting sparring gloves for me are a pair of Rival 18oz lace-ups. If you are over 180lbs or are a hard hitter you may want to go with 18oz gloves for sparring (rather than 16s) to make it a little easier on your sparring partners.

Dedicated 16oz bag gloves will protect your hands best when doing hard heavy bag workouts and will also work on double end bags and pads. I know guys who use 10-12oz pro fight gloves for pad work because it speeds up the tempo of their combinations. I don't wear gloves for speed bag work, just my handwraps.



Ironbull (96)

07/11/2018 10:47

(en respuesta a esto)

Thanks Mitch. I have smaller hands too and I'm concerned at the movement inside them. I'll look around for a pair of Rivals and see how I get on with them.



Ironbull (96)

06/11/2018 12:33

Anyone have any recommendations for heavy pad and bag work and light to full contact sparring?

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