I myself have lived with people who knew nothing about me fighting, nothing about me being gay even so him not wanting to give you a number that someone else might pick up or be around when you called and overhear stuff, is not out of the question. I used to just be about contact with email as I didnt want people hearing me talk this stuff.
And why talk to you for 10 minutes or so?
I agree safety is a concern for people but just because he chose to break contact over the phone as he didnt want to give out his number? And seeing as you hadnt given him any details.
I have to agree with Chi on this. Bit overly dramatic man.
It just sounds like you are upset because he didn't give you your way and now you are looking to find other people to join you in punishing him.
You're using melodramatic terms like "warning", "beware" and "be careful" like he has some proven track record of violence or identity theft. I know you are upset and want to get back at him for hanging up on you, but just preferring to communicate over email instead of give out his personal phone number is a preference... not a crime or any kind of violation.
You definitely aren't entitled to his phone number, nor is a a necessity to meet someone, so meet him or not, that's your choice.... but taking the time to "warn" other members that somebody upset you once is kind of ridiculous.
He's not that far off. Had one guy that wanted to do a GP session that wanted to meet me in San Francisco. Since I was going to be there at that time, I told him we should exchange numbers so we can meet. He never gave me his number but only wanted to do contact via email and it became one way communication. I tried to contact him a week, two days, and then the day of. Never contacted me. Another time,another faceless profile on a different site tried to "catfish" me into thinking he was powerlifter Chris Higa. I would ask for a phone number even if it is texting.
I'm sorry you feel that way. I invited him to my home to fight and he accepted. I don't think it's unreasonable to ask a stranger to provide a phone number for contact and safety reasons. I won't fight anyone without a face picture and without talking to them on the phone, especially if they are coming to me. It's unreasonable to hide yourself behind an email when you are asking me for my house address and pictures before offering anything about yourself. To me, a phone number IS a necessity if you are asking for my personal information like my house address. And I had already given him my number so we could talk about the fight rules.
I guess we'll have to agree to disagree because I won't fight without those basic common courtesies.
In this day and age safety must ALWAYS be the most important consideration. And we all need to be reminded of it now and then. We often tend to become too complacent.
Thanks for the support, Scuba. I failed to mention this guy did not contact me through meetfighters, it was from elsewhere. And he wanted to use an anonymizer email address not a real one like yahoo or gmail. So I had no real email address, no phone number (he blocked his number when he called me), and no name (he didn't even give me a first name). I just posted the warning in case other guys get contacted from a guy like that since he is in NYC this week from California looking for fights. I didn't mean to upset other fighters like ChiFight. If I had the option, I would delete the post but I don't think I'm allowed to do that.
Regardless of someone's liking how you posted the information, being too dramatic or not. Any strange or potentially shady activity should be called out. I don't personally meet anyone for boxing without having their face showing photo, some I have talked to on the phone and others only via email. Any strange actions or bad vibe and I decline. I am online seeking boxing since 1998 and can attest to your concerns that not everyone you meet is level headed or even sane. Your participating in a contact sport which can become very violent quickly, if they don't want to follow proper channels, that's a red flag and those can never be ignored.
Thanks for the support Canuck. Since he gave me no info - no first name, no real email address and blocked his phone number when he called me, I was leery. I've had great fights on here with open guys. 18 opponents in 6 months. No sense taking a chance with a guy who is evasive about contact info.
No, because he hung up the minute the question was out of my mouth. A real guy would not do that. A real guy would talk about how we could work out a fight. Sounded like a scam. I think he just wanted pics and my personal info.
Just a heads up... I posted a match request locally and some guy claiming to be from California, and soon to be coming to NY, contacted me. I gave him my phone number to talk about sparring rules of engagement and what are mutual interests were. We talked about 10 minutes, everything seemed cool, then he wanted me to send him pictures. I asked him for his phone number for communication when he gets here and he said we should communicate by email. I said "dude I'm inviting you to my home, I don't allow that unless you're willing to meet me halfway on personal information, and email is not gonna work for me. ". He then hung up on me. Thank God I hadn't sent any pics. Or worse, given him my address at that point.
Amazing how so many guys can chat you up for weeks, months, saying they are so interested in meeting, then not a peep from them when you finally say 'we should either do it or stop talking about it." Or the ones who actually agree to a time and place; but when it comes that time and he doesn't show up, you find "Profile not found" or you are blocked.
Wonder what motivates these all-too-common sicko f**koffs who are like some infectious disease pervading the Internet. All we can do about them is hope they meet up with one of their "victims" in a dark alley some night and the vic in a really belligerent frame of mind.
BareKnuxUK (2 )
11/7/2017 22:20I myself have lived with people who knew nothing about me fighting, nothing about me being gay even so him not wanting to give you a number that someone else might pick up or be around when you called and overhear stuff, is not out of the question. I used to just be about contact with email as I didnt want people hearing me talk this stuff.
And why talk to you for 10 minutes or so?
I agree safety is a concern for people but just because he chose to break contact over the phone as he didnt want to give out his number? And seeing as you hadnt given him any details.
I have to agree with Chi on this. Bit overly dramatic man.
ChiFight (6)
10/7/2017 20:49It just sounds like you are upset because he didn't give you your way and now you are looking to find other people to join you in punishing him.
You're using melodramatic terms like "warning", "beware" and "be careful" like he has some proven track record of violence or identity theft. I know you are upset and want to get back at him for hanging up on you, but just preferring to communicate over email instead of give out his personal phone number is a preference... not a crime or any kind of violation.
You definitely aren't entitled to his phone number, nor is a a necessity to meet someone, so meet him or not, that's your choice.... but taking the time to "warn" other members that somebody upset you once is kind of ridiculous.
BigBhim (2)
15/7/2017 16:00(en respuesta a esto)
He's not that far off. Had one guy that wanted to do a GP session that wanted to meet me in San Francisco. Since I was going to be there at that time, I told him we should exchange numbers so we can meet. He never gave me his number but only wanted to do contact via email and it became one way communication. I tried to contact him a week, two days, and then the day of. Never contacted me. Another time,another faceless profile on a different site tried to "catfish" me into thinking he was powerlifter Chris Higa. I would ask for a phone number even if it is texting.
Bikerguy516 (32 )
10/7/2017 21:37(en respuesta a esto)
I'm sorry you feel that way. I invited him to my home to fight and he accepted. I don't think it's unreasonable to ask a stranger to provide a phone number for contact and safety reasons. I won't fight anyone without a face picture and without talking to them on the phone, especially if they are coming to me. It's unreasonable to hide yourself behind an email when you are asking me for my house address and pictures before offering anything about yourself. To me, a phone number IS a necessity if you are asking for my personal information like my house address. And I had already given him my number so we could talk about the fight rules.
I guess we'll have to agree to disagree because I won't fight without those basic common courtesies.
scubawrestler (91 )
11/7/2017 5:21(en respuesta a esto)
In this day and age safety must ALWAYS be the most important consideration. And we all need to be reminded of it now and then. We often tend to become too complacent.
Bikerguy516 (32 )
11/7/2017 8:37(en respuesta a esto)
Thanks for the support, Scuba. I failed to mention this guy did not contact me through meetfighters, it was from elsewhere. And he wanted to use an anonymizer email address not a real one like yahoo or gmail. So I had no real email address, no phone number (he blocked his number when he called me), and no name (he didn't even give me a first name). I just posted the warning in case other guys get contacted from a guy like that since he is in NYC this week from California looking for fights. I didn't mean to upset other fighters like ChiFight. If I had the option, I would delete the post but I don't think I'm allowed to do that.
Canuck Boxer (11 )
11/7/2017 10:24(en respuesta a esto)
Regardless of someone's liking how you posted the information, being too dramatic or not. Any strange or potentially shady activity should be called out. I don't personally meet anyone for boxing without having their face showing photo, some I have talked to on the phone and others only via email. Any strange actions or bad vibe and I decline. I am online seeking boxing since 1998 and can attest to your concerns that not everyone you meet is level headed or even sane. Your participating in a contact sport which can become very violent quickly, if they don't want to follow proper channels, that's a red flag and those can never be ignored.
Bikerguy516 (32 )
14/7/2017 2:06(en respuesta a esto)
Thanks for the support Canuck. Since he gave me no info - no first name, no real email address and blocked his phone number when he called me, I was leery. I've had great fights on here with open guys. 18 opponents in 6 months. No sense taking a chance with a guy who is evasive about contact info.
Canuck Boxer (11 )
14/7/2017 12:34(en respuesta a esto)
Exactly, withholding ones number I can see but all of that information. Feels wrong, is wrong or just a phony.
ChiFight (6)
10/7/2017 19:51You are warning people to be careful because some guy wouldn't give you his phone number? A little melodramatic there?
Bikerguy516 (32 )
10/7/2017 20:29(en respuesta a esto)
No, because he hung up the minute the question was out of my mouth. A real guy would not do that. A real guy would talk about how we could work out a fight. Sounded like a scam. I think he just wanted pics and my personal info.
Bikerguy516 (32 )
08/7/2017 22:38Just a heads up... I posted a match request locally and some guy claiming to be from California, and soon to be coming to NY, contacted me. I gave him my phone number to talk about sparring rules of engagement and what are mutual interests were. We talked about 10 minutes, everything seemed cool, then he wanted me to send him pictures. I asked him for his phone number for communication when he gets here and he said we should communicate by email. I said "dude I'm inviting you to my home, I don't allow that unless you're willing to meet me halfway on personal information, and email is not gonna work for me. ". He then hung up on me. Thank God I hadn't sent any pics. Or worse, given him my address at that point.
Just a warning to be careful out there.
Spruceman (55)
09/5/2018 15:03(en respuesta a esto)
Amazing how so many guys can chat you up for weeks, months, saying they are so interested in meeting, then not a peep from them when you finally say 'we should either do it or stop talking about it." Or the ones who actually agree to a time and place; but when it comes that time and he doesn't show up, you find "Profile not found" or you are blocked.
Wonder what motivates these all-too-common sicko f**koffs who are like some infectious disease pervading the Internet. All we can do about them is hope they meet up with one of their "victims" in a dark alley some night and the vic in a really belligerent frame of mind.