
Boxing Story Trade (G rated)

Psych Jock7 (1 )

02/5/2016 6:28

Mine was outside the ring/gym. I was visiting my grandmother 3 years ago with my three brothers. The youngest one decided to go play basketball with a group of adults, or early 20's guys. They started picking on him. I mean, my little brother does have a bad attitude and smart mouth, but I'm his older brother so I came to his rescue. Me and the my other brothers tried to talk to these guys and asked them to calm down and the he was just a kid, but they were itching for a fight... And to be honest, I was too. I hadn't been in a gym for days so I had some pent up stress that needed to be released.

Anyway, the second youngest, he's 19, charged in and started fighting with one of the guys. They had a fair one on one fight, but my brother got his ass handed to him. After we pulled them two apart, the other guys were hyped up; their blood was pumping from the sight of a brawl.

I just stood there glaring them down. Smiling ear to ear. One took his shirt off and started yelling "Who's next?"

I just stepped in and punched one of his friends then hit him with an uppercuts. They faced me and another guy joined them. They rushed me. Punches shot passed me. I just dodged them. Man were they slow. I could literally see there punches. I could see holes in their guard. I wanted to counter so bad, but I just kept thinking "Move. Move. Use footwork. Wait for the perfect counter. Move. Move."

When I actually did hit one with a counter he just stumbled and I charged him. It was a stupid move because soon as I landed another punch one of his friends tackled me. The other guy came up but my other brother knocked him on the ground and climbed on top of him and started laying into this guy.

I ended up getting full mount on the other guy and started choking him out, whispering "Just stop fighting and we'll leave I promise. I don't want to go to jail today." He shook his head and I let him go and pulled my brother off the other guy.

Man it was a rush! I hadn't had that much fun since then.


BoxingBestFriend (0)

01/5/2016 19:13

Hi, I'm a good creative writer - I'd be happy to trade (G rated) fight stories, where you create the characters you want to have fight, and I'll write the actual fight I think they have (you can also request a winner) – while you do the same for my characters. Stories non-sexual in nature only, where the fighters are both willing participants and adults. If interested, message me directly, thanks.

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