No absolute beginners, thats right. There should be some experience in formal training. Nevertheless it need not to be more than some beginner level as there will be some workshops and exercises.
Allerdings haben sich bisher ziemlich gute Boxer angemeldet, soweit ich sehe. Daher sollte man auch im Trainingsprogramm sehr viel mehr als ein paar Jahre Erfahrung zu bieten haben. Sonst ist es für beide, die Könner und auch für die fortgeschrittenen Anfänger frustrierend, finde ich.
Ausserdem ist mir immer noch nicht klar, was da nun KONKRET ausser Wettkampf angeboten wird.
Weiss jemand Genaueres. Den bisherigen Kommentaren ist das nicht zu entnehmen.
Registration for boxing is now finally open and running.
You need to create a profile and login first (beware with lower/upper case in email address and password; also read through the conditions before ticking the boxes otherwise it won’t work ).
We look forward to seeing many participants, whichever your practise level and your country (yes: non Europeans also welcome)
Happy to answer your questions if any..
Ok Guys.. Save the date!
boxing confirmed at Eurogames in Duesseldorf, Germany this summer, August 7th afternoon and 8th all day.
Registration form available in January.
Hope many of you will participate !
we're gonna offer boxes. At the moment we cannot estimate exactly how many people will come. So we're going to drive in threes.
We will have a workshop where we will train together. Thereby we will work together with the Budo sports, so that you can also visit those in the beginner courses. But you can also box continuously if you like.
Then we will definitely have a competition, which is about coordination and fitness.
We will also have sparring for sure, and if you are in the well-occupied weight classes, we can also organize it as a tournament. But we can only say that shortly before the date. At the moment we are taking care that we get a high ring, so that it also feels like a real fight.
Within the framework of the Eurogames 2020 we would like to offer boxers* from all over Europe an opportunity to meet and train together. For this purpose we will offer a series of workshops and joint training sessions. The units will be a mixture of technique, conditioning and sparring sessions.
Anyone who has some boxing experience can take part - we will divide the classes up so that there is something for every level. Besides, we are not limited to Europe. All countries are welcome!
In addition to training, we will also offer a small competition, but we will focus on fitness and technique so that everyone can participate.
If enough people are interested in a real boxing tournament (please indicate when registering), we will also organize a tournament for the corresponding performance and weight classes.
Key Facts
Days: Friday, 07.08.20 and Saturday 08.08.20
Disciplines: Workshops for condition, technic and sparring
Levels: No levels, everyone with boxing experience is welcome
Sports details
See main information.
EGLSF-member fee: 80 Euro
Additional fee for non-EGLSF: + 20 Euro
Sports price: + 7 Euro
It looks Boxing will be part of the Eurogames programme in Düsseldorf, Germany next summer!
An occasion for all of you, Europeans and other boxers to participate, practice and meet other guys sharing that passion from all over the world..
Save the date ... 5-9th August 2020. More news to come soon...
FrBoxer (97)
31/1/2020 14:23Hey guys ..
Remember than even with limited experience you are invited to participate as participants for training. Boxing competition is optional!
H16111960 (14)
12/2/2020 21:13(en respuesta a esto)
But I guess it won't be senseful without much expierence. There will be expierenced and skilled fighters.
Boxingmarco (36 )
13/2/2020 12:04(en respuesta a esto)
No absolute beginners, thats right. There should be some experience in formal training. Nevertheless it need not to be more than some beginner level as there will be some workshops and exercises.
H16111960 (14)
25/2/2020 22:09(en respuesta a esto)
Allerdings haben sich bisher ziemlich gute Boxer angemeldet, soweit ich sehe. Daher sollte man auch im Trainingsprogramm sehr viel mehr als ein paar Jahre Erfahrung zu bieten haben. Sonst ist es für beide, die Könner und auch für die fortgeschrittenen Anfänger frustrierend, finde ich.
H16111960 (14)
25/2/2020 23:13(en respuesta a esto)
Ausserdem ist mir immer noch nicht klar, was da nun KONKRET ausser Wettkampf angeboten wird.
Weiss jemand Genaueres. Den bisherigen Kommentaren ist das nicht zu entnehmen.
H16111960 (14)
13/2/2020 18:35(en respuesta a esto)
Are there any informations, how many workshops and exercises there will be compared to tornament?
germanboxingman (11)
01/2/2020 14:17(en respuesta a esto)
Got a mail:
the registration for boxing is now online.
H16111960 (14)
27/1/2020 23:10I have just read, that there are only two registrations for boxing!???
Are some of You just spectators?
germanboxingman (11)
31/1/2020 14:04(en respuesta a esto)
Now 3, but just open since one week
realboxer (46 )
27/1/2020 18:03I will be there too and take part of the tournament.
Ringerohr (39)
27/1/2020 17:28and I will be there
FrBoxer (97)
26/1/2020 23:35Hello guys
Registration for boxing is now finally open and running.
You need to create a profile and login first (beware with lower/upper case in email address and password; also read through the conditions before ticking the boxes otherwise it won’t work ).
We look forward to seeing many participants, whichever your practise level and your country (yes: non Europeans also welcome)
Happy to answer your questions if any..
H16111960 (14)
27/1/2020 16:20(en respuesta a esto)
Who of You will participate???
FrBoxer (97)
27/1/2020 16:44(en respuesta a esto)
Boxingmarco and me already.. and a few other guys who are not on Mf.
FrBoxer (97)
27/1/2020 16:45(en respuesta a esto)
And many many more hopefully
HardFighter (6)
29/12/2019 14:28I would love to see this sent.
realboxer (46 )
24/12/2019 19:53I will join the Eurogames!
FrBoxer (97)
24/12/2019 14:30Ok Guys.. Save the date!
boxing confirmed at Eurogames in Duesseldorf, Germany this summer, August 7th afternoon and 8th all day.
Registration form available in January.
Hope many of you will participate !
Jackboxes90 (2)
24/12/2019 16:15(en respuesta a esto)
Hi, I'm new here. Does this event attract a lot of guys?
FrBoxer (97)
24/12/2019 16:28(en respuesta a esto)
Yes, We hope it will!
Boxingmarco (36 )
23/11/2019 18:10I'll be there, too.
germanboxingman (11)
28/12/2019 23:08(en respuesta a esto)
How many weight classes will be there?
Boxingmarco (36 )
30/12/2019 18:53(en respuesta a esto)
Classes will be made appropriate to the participants, if there will be a tournament.
germanboxingman (11)
07/1/2020 12:52(en respuesta a esto)
I asked Eurogames for details, here the answer:
Hello, XXX,
we're gonna offer boxes. At the moment we cannot estimate exactly how many people will come. So we're going to drive in threes.
We will have a workshop where we will train together. Thereby we will work together with the Budo sports, so that you can also visit those in the beginner courses. But you can also box continuously if you like.
Then we will definitely have a competition, which is about coordination and fitness.
We will also have sparring for sure, and if you are in the well-occupied weight classes, we can also organize it as a tournament. But we can only say that shortly before the date. At the moment we are taking care that we get a high ring, so that it also feels like a real fight.
germanboxingman (11)
07/1/2020 12:53(en respuesta a esto)
Yes there will be boxing. The registration will be opened this Monday.
Seniorboxer (26 )
09/1/2020 7:20(en respuesta a esto)
So far Boxing is not listed on the site of Eurogames.
Does anybody register already, with a remark for boxing?
germanboxingman (11)
13/1/2020 19:13(en respuesta a esto)
Boxing at the eurogames 2020
Within the framework of the Eurogames 2020 we would like to offer boxers* from all over Europe an opportunity to meet and train together. For this purpose we will offer a series of workshops and joint training sessions. The units will be a mixture of technique, conditioning and sparring sessions.
Anyone who has some boxing experience can take part - we will divide the classes up so that there is something for every level. Besides, we are not limited to Europe. All countries are welcome!
In addition to training, we will also offer a small competition, but we will focus on fitness and technique so that everyone can participate.
If enough people are interested in a real boxing tournament (please indicate when registering), we will also organize a tournament for the corresponding performance and weight classes.
Key Facts
Days: Friday, 07.08.20 and Saturday 08.08.20
Disciplines: Workshops for condition, technic and sparring
Levels: No levels, everyone with boxing experience is welcome
Sports details
See main information.
EGLSF-member fee: 80 Euro
Additional fee for non-EGLSF: + 20 Euro
Sports price: + 7 Euro
germanboxingman (11)
13/1/2020 19:19(en respuesta a esto)
Ringerohr (39)
23/11/2019 5:51I will be there too.
svenmarc (4)
22/11/2019 17:43Interesting news, thanks FrBoxer for posting that! I'll see you in August at the latest.
realboxer (46 )
22/11/2019 14:06Great news!
Training or tournament?
I will be there.
FrBoxer (97)
21/11/2019 11:25It looks Boxing will be part of the Eurogames programme in Düsseldorf, Germany next summer!
An occasion for all of you, Europeans and other boxers to participate, practice and meet other guys sharing that passion from all over the world..
Save the date ... 5-9th August 2020. More news to come soon...
H16111960 (14)
26/11/2019 23:12(en respuesta a esto)
Will anyone of You participate as fighter?
ozboxer (98)
23/11/2019 9:34(en respuesta a esto)
you're so clever :)