
What gloves have you owned?

BilBeaux (0)

20/3/2018 9:12

I check out Etsy for used radios and antique posters. Different tangent here.

Every so often, I see seller posts from Kiev or other former Communist countries - listing pretty hefty Russian leather boxing gloves. At pretty hefty prices for used gloves, too.
From the 70s or a bit later.
The glove design is a bit different from our Western//Asian gloves.
Does anyone own any of these?

Am sure that Russia does not make any anymore - see enough Ringside/RDX/Everlast pro gloves in televised or web bouts from there.


glovelover (4)

20/3/2018 18:17

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I have always preferred the old style gloves! I have a vintage set of old German BERG boxing gloves, 12 oz, for sale, leather, from the 1970s, in good shape, all four match. just $200 plus postage. I also sell Everlast, Ken-Wel, Ben-Lees, and many others, the old school types.


glovelover (4)

08/5/2018 15:39

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all brands seem special I have a few Cleto Reyes now for sale too


HarborFighter (53 )

20/3/2018 0:42

You name it, I have it. I'm a professional boxing coach and masters competitor. I have a storage room full of gloves. My trainees use them and lots of my classes use them. My prize possessions are my set of BEAULIEU 18 oz, triple cuff black. They feel awesome...when I wear them it feels as if I was born with them on my fists. I use them for competitive fights. I have several pairs of vintage brown EVERLAST 10 oz, some of which hang on my wall and two pairs of which I occasionally use. The gloves that I regularly use are:

1) A set (2 pairs) of RINGSIDE ULTIMATE 14 oz black/brown trim Fight Gloves.
2) A set of EVERLAST 16 oz black Sparring Gloves.
3) A set of EVERLAST 12 oz red Fight Gloves.
4) A set of PUNCH 10 oz black Fight Gloves.
5) A pair of TOPTEN 10 oz black Sparring Gloves.
6) A set of REYES 8 oz blue Fight Gloves.
7) A pair of LONSDALE 10 oz black Fight Gloves.
8) A set of REYES 10 oz black Fight Gloves.
9) A pair of MORGAN 12 oz red Sparring Gloves.
10) A set of JIM BRADLEY 12 oz black Fight Gloves.
11) SIX SETS of TITLE 16 oz (2 black, 2 red, 2 blue) Sparring Gloves.
12) A set of FAIRTEX 14 oz red Sparring Gloves.
13) TWO SETS of BOON 12 oz black Fight Gloves.
14) TWO SETS of TWINS 10 oz (1 black, 1 red) Fight Gloves.
15) A pair of EVERLAST 14 oz yellow Fight Gloves.
16) A set of REYES 12 oz black Fight Gloves.
17) A set of WINDY 12 oz black Fight Gloves.
18) TWO SETS of GRANT 10 oz black Fight Gloves.
19) TWO SETS of FIGHTING SPORTS 16 oz white Training Gloves.
20) A set of TOP KING 16 oz black Training gloves.
21) A set of HAYABUSA TOKUSHU 16 oz white/black trip Sparring Gloves.
22) A set of RIVAL 14 oz red Sparring Gloves.

The above is what I can remember off the top of my head. If I did a complete inventory for you here it would be a longer list. This is thousands of dollars invested in boxing gloves. Boxing is my life.


glovelover (4)

08/5/2018 15:40

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beautiful collection, I too have hundreds of gloves, all sizes & brands


BilBeaux (0)

20/3/2018 3:23

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I learned for serious boxers - they are the tools of your trade.
You have a “world tour” of gloves brands.
I am guessing that the longer you are at it - technology in fit, finish and padding WILL change. Then you will buy the newest gear.

I am and will always be a neophyte.

Maybe with a tad bit of OCD for all of the gloves bought and given away.


glovelover (4)

19/3/2018 14:59

all kinds, sizes and brands, I collect them and sell them, mostly vintage leather beauties!


BilBeaux (0)

20/3/2018 9:27

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Used to know a guy in MD who bought old Rawlings, JC Higgins//Ted Williams, Everlast and other defunct American-made gloves of the 40s and 50s. Found a lot were more kids oriented. Most from garage sales. So many he pitched as he said he “curated” his collection.

When he did find pro quality 8/12/16 ounce gloves - they went into his “vault” of treasures. He did keep more obscure kids brands.
He was the first guy that I knew with FairTex gloves.

No - we never sparred but I saw his collection at a party at his house.
Lost track of him in about 2003.


Maleboxing (2)

19/3/2018 5:15

I have 16oz red and white everlast boxing gloves that I bought from amazon and still have them and they are pro training gloves


Nightmareera (0 )

19/3/2018 2:23

Everlast mma heavy bag and training gloves. I bought it at walmart


BilBeaux (0)

19/3/2018 1:46

My first were 1950s hand me downs from kids who outgrew them. Brand unknown, weight unknown. Used thru sophomore in high school.

As an adult - I always bought/buy in sets of 2 pairs - matched.

Next pair - supposedly 16 ounce Everlast - bought from a discount chain after college.
Crappy gloves - maybe a 12 for kids. Poor padding though adult-sized.
Gave them away to another college kid.

Replaced them with 16 ounce Jaguar Indian-made sporting goods store gloves. Great padding, a true pro sparring glove. Gave them to my then boxing partner who lost them when his storage unit flooded. He was my first gay friend that I sparred with on a regular basis. He bought some good Everlast 12’s designed for real sparring. We boxed a couple of times with those. He started boxing with younger guys after that, probably used them for 15 years!

Had several sets of Everlast true 16 ounce consumer grade gloves which didn’t last - they would tear. I was backyard and apartment boxing a lot - then.

Bought some expensive, pro quality 10 ounce Everlast sparring gloves - loved them. They were the smallest REAL gloves that I have ever owned. They were lost in a move. Think the packers took them.

Lived next in a Texas town with no good sporting outlets. Was in Lubbock and bought some okay 16 ounce consumer grade Everlast gloves at a Penney’s of all places. So so - gave them to a friend’s wife to re-gift to him.

Moved to OKC. Century Martial Arts was just doing judo/karate stuff back - no boxing gear.
Bought some cheap slip-on 16 ounce consumer Everlast gloves at Wards. Remember the boxes touting training tips from the boxing coach at the US Naval Academy on the side? Were okay for fun sparring with neighbors. Got knocked out for the first time using them - realized they were NOT what I needed. Gave them away to a 20 year old who I wanted to spar MORE with.
Worked with too many guys into backyard boxing - except I was their boss. Ethically I could not glove up with them.

Moved to the East Coast. No boxing for years. Bought Ringside 20 ounce “white collar” boxing gloves. Great stuff - never used, gave them to the Salvation Army Men’s Shelter.

Moved to the Midwest. Have had several pairs of used 14 and 16 ounce gloves - sparring partners always fell through. Bought 2 pairs of 18 ounce to spar with my gay former boss he was 6’2” and 315 pounds. He got very ill, he still has one pair of gloves.
A 78 year old former Marine neighbor wanted to box - he had too many ties to my neighborhood and it just felt ODD. Growing up - he was always the Summer-time shirtless muscle guy cement contractor. Yeah, as a kid - I fantasized boxing him. Too weird.
Was supposed to start sparring with a nearby tough, small 70 year old guy. He worked out, had a heavy bag and some 30-40 year old TufWear bout gloves. He went to Florida for the Winter and died there.
Greg - my biggest hope in sparring - was shut down by his now ex-wife for boxing. She had been into Takwando at one time. She would beat HIM up. A good guy whom I always felt comfortable with.
I gave away all of the gloves to Goodwill - I was over 57 and sparring partners were hard to find.
I never liked gyms. I was getting fat and illnesses started stacking up. I had no real connections in my small town to pursue.

After vowing to quit buying any gear - ended up buying 2 pairs of Century Martial Arts 20 ounce UFC close-out gloves and new cheapy mouthpieces. Will they ever get used?
My teeth are detiorating and my vision is worsening. All may be a pipe dream.

What do YOU own in gloves and WHY did YOU buy what you did?


PunchingBagWanted (5)

06/5/2018 19:22

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Here are some pics of my gear, I lean more towards vintage gear ... ¡Ingresa para ver las fotos de la galería, por favor!


boxingfight88 (1 )

09/5/2018 5:14

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hot colecttion


BilBeaux (0)

07/5/2018 1:45

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Neat stuff, PunchingBagWanted!


PunchingBagWanted (5)

07/5/2018 1:47

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Thanks guy. ;)


boxinboy82 (1)

06/5/2018 23:51

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PunchingBagWanted (5)

07/5/2018 0:03

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Thanks man.

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