Brit pro wrestling

SUNDAY 2-5pm PRO-STYLE WRESTLING Weekly Coaching & Practice

frenchprowrestler (125)

25/10/2018 17:42

Don’t hesitate to train with Iain who knows pro style wrestling for sure.


grovepark4u (7)

24/10/2018 13:09

Session this Sunday was quite interesting with some dynamic pro-styling from the wrestlers there.
Coaching-wise we once again focused on forcing an opponent into the corner then ‘working him over’ using forearm and the louder elbow smashes.
From that we looked at two methods of brutally hauling the the dazed prowrestler out of the corner and back into the middle ring. That was the basic hip throw but done our way or a more dramatic and cruel single leg grab.
From there wrestlers had the option of launching an wrist or wider arm attack or going for the leg directly in the form of step-over-toe-holds — lotsa prostyle wrestling screams here!!!
We did some five minute bouts before having to wrap up the session.
This coming Sunday the session will be one hour early at 1pm till 3pm.
Come along if you are seriously interested in PRO STYLE WRESTLING. It’s not a submission style session though I can run a separate submissions session at another time if I get genuine demand for it.


grovepark4u (7)

21/10/2018 11:48

Just to clarify the session is usually two hours from 2-4pm but we sometimes go to 5pm instead if guys still feel energetic!!! You also have free ring wrestling time to enjoy when the training session is finished.


grovepark4u (7)

21/10/2018 11:46

We are coaching this today 2-4 or 5pm.

Pro-style with short training bouts during and after.

Gear is trunks and boots (if you have them).

Come along and learn some pro-style amp good friends.

Last week so did a whole session on the many many variations on fig-4’s!!!



f4leglock (11)

23/10/2018 20:47

(en respuesta a esto)

I wish I was able to train with you Iain!


grovepark4u (7)

17/9/2018 14:49

Hi all!
Now that the summer is receding I’m going to restart the weekend pro-wrestling coaching and practise sessions. I’m thinking a later SUNDAY afternoon session 2-4 or 5pm. First meeting will be SUNDAY OCTOBER 7th.
For these sessions we’ll coach pro-style from the starting position of collar & elbow and take things from there. We have a rock-solid pro wrestling ring at Grove Park so we’ll also make plentiful use of the ropes and corner posts. Participants will get flow charts of the wrestling moves and chains that we develop.
Gear will be trunks and wrestling boots (if you have them) and we’ll mix the coaching with demo and short singles and tag practise bouts. You’ll learn how to properly do heel and jobber wrestling and how to cleanly and convincingly put moves and holds together to make short and extended wrestling chains.
Please indicate your interest by messaging me here or contacting me directly. To try and keep this posting tight please do not add messages which say how wonderful the idea is but that YOU just cannot make it or that you can make it but only if we do the sessions at a time and location that suits you. These messages are pointless. Please only post if you definitely can make (bring a friend too) the sessions which as I say will be Sunday 2pm weekly.
Iain – grovepark4u

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