Brit pro wrestling

Your favourite arm/wrist lock ?

NZ Heel (7)

23/2/2011 1:10

I'm a great Jim Breaks fan. I love the way he controlled an opponent using that wrist lever. His pull on grovit was pretty effective too.


wristlock (13)

26/1/2011 11:49

Lincoln lad is spot on i did enjoy watching Jim Breaks working on an opponents arm and wrist, leading to the Jim Breaks Special. I have been in the hold as in one of my photos, but it wasn't put on to the full extent, i was in agony and on the verge of submitting, all the pain is on the wrist, just the slightest more pressure and i would have had to submit


Lincoln Lad (66)

25/1/2011 19:00

Seems to me that wristlock has a bit of the Jim Breaks about him! Nice! I defy anybody to name a brit-pro wrestler who could work over an arm as well as Breaks could. Very few guys didn't end up submitting to the Breaks Special at least once in a bout.

Has anybody actually been put in a proper JBS?? Man, it looked painful - but how bad was it?


grovelad (5)

22/1/2011 15:43

The backhammer is a great submission hold, and a good way to control your opponent down on the mat. In a pro bout it also enables you to "play" to the spectators (if you have any) while you've got the hold on. I usually apply the hold from behind, whilst crouched astride my opponents back. Just remember not to crank the arm too far up - or you may accidentally dislocate your opponent's shoulder !


turpin (71)

16/1/2011 0:35

The straight arm bar is really effective when done properly - it got 2 submissions out of me the last time I was in the ring! I also like the backhammer, especially when applied from in front of the opponent, bringing his arm upwards towards you and leaning slightly away from the shoulder joint.


grovelad (5)

13/1/2011 20:12

Here is the photo that should have appeared with my earlier post.


wristlock (13)

13/1/2011 11:35

I like the wristlock, hance my username, if you can get your oponant back to the canvas and trap his arm with your knees, this leaves both your hands free to work on his wrist. Holding his forearm firm with one hand, and bending his wrist inward with your other hand, slowly increaing the pressure and twisting the wrist from side to side at the same time can be very effective. A good weakening hold that can lead to a submission


grovelad (5)

12/1/2011 18:12

There are a variety of arm/wrist locks in brit pro wrestling - which is your favourite ?

My favourite arm lock is the straight arm bar (illustrated below). I usually put my knee across my opponent's face to prevent him from moving his head (a good way of keeping him down on the mat), place my hand on the side of his chest and then lean back going for a submission by applying pressure to the shoulder joint.

For a smaller guy like me it's great to see some big or muscular wrestler sprawled out helpless on the mat while I take my time to crank up the pressure, and the verbal, with this simple and effective hold. A great hold to use in a brit pro bout - and that's why it's a favourite of mine :)

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