It is not only amusing but can be very exciting and erotic especially if one or both opponents like to inflict as well as receive in measured doses so as to prolong the bout as long as possible.
Have done a ball/nutfight by wearing underwear that is 2/3 sizes smaller than what you usually wear - so if you have a 38 inch gut, you wear a 34 or 32 inch underwear - cock pressed hard against the gut and balls tight under. Fighters attack each other's nutsack with hands behind the back - can either agree to just fight balls with balls or also agree to use hard cock to aim for the balls, works either ways.
Can also go on the ground, legs over each other and fight bulge on bulge, as said before, either if one submits with the hitting or one creams first.
Done it various strikes with large wooden spoons...each tie sacs to a fixed object like a doorknob then each pull back...or weights on nuts and go rounds where more is added...all in cam view. First man to give ejaculates on cam for the winner.
Cool. I'd be in for a testicle fight.
I've also heard of nutfighting between two guys where you slam balls together till one guy submits due to the pain or cums
kr424791 (0)
01/8/2018 3:17sounds amusing
georgiaboxboy (0)
01/8/2018 23:09(en respuesta a esto)
It is not only amusing but can be very exciting and erotic especially if one or both opponents like to inflict as well as receive in measured doses so as to prolong the bout as long as possible.
Fistfitem2m (15)
01/8/2018 16:57(en respuesta a esto)
can be a serious fight and can be quite painful on both fighters especially with hard digs into each other's nuts.
Fistfitem2m (15)
30/7/2018 17:04Have done a ball/nutfight by wearing underwear that is 2/3 sizes smaller than what you usually wear - so if you have a 38 inch gut, you wear a 34 or 32 inch underwear - cock pressed hard against the gut and balls tight under. Fighters attack each other's nutsack with hands behind the back - can either agree to just fight balls with balls or also agree to use hard cock to aim for the balls, works either ways.
Can also go on the ground, legs over each other and fight bulge on bulge, as said before, either if one submits with the hitting or one creams first.
HairyWrestler2018 (2)
30/7/2018 21:08(en respuesta a esto)
Cool. Love to try that and have a match sometime with someone
nottmwrsl (7)
30/7/2018 17:15(en respuesta a esto)
I'd def be up for this.
Describe more about how we'd fight bulge to bulge on the ground.
CFbud2 (0)
29/7/2018 22:52Count me in for the tug of war...done some challenges on cam too
HairyWrestler2018 (2)
29/7/2018 22:55(en respuesta a esto)
curious - how do you do a testicle fight on cam?
CFbud2 (0)
30/7/2018 15:52(en respuesta a esto)
Done it various strikes with large wooden spoons...each tie sacs to a fixed object like a doorknob then each pull back...or weights on nuts and go rounds where more is added...all in cam view. First man to give ejaculates on cam for the winner.
HairyWrestler2018 (2)
28/7/2018 19:12Cool. I'd be in for a testicle fight.
I've also heard of nutfighting between two guys where you slam balls together till one guy submits due to the pain or cums
georgiaboxboy (0)
28/7/2018 17:19How about a testicle fight/tug of war where both (or more) start out banded? Whoever gives in first loses and must keep the ban on 20 more minutes.