Would any of the guys in WV or close to the any of the WV toughman locations be able to help me out with entering? I entered once but they rejected me since I was In Buffalo, NY, they stated I have to be within 50 miles of the desired location of the event to participate. So I need to use someone's address to enter the event. Message me if you can help out
Boxing dude (37)
05/11/2018 7:17Would any of the guys in WV or close to the any of the WV toughman locations be able to help me out with entering? I entered once but they rejected me since I was In Buffalo, NY, they stated I have to be within 50 miles of the desired location of the event to participate. So I need to use someone's address to enter the event. Message me if you can help out
Thanks guys,
hvywght blk bxr (7)
06/11/2018 23:08(en respuesta a esto)
They will ask for your ID when filling out the paperwork and that's going to be a problem as well.
Boxing dude (37)
06/11/2018 23:33(en respuesta a esto)
Didn't think of that, I could say I just moved there.