Gutpunching give/take/trade

How would you start talking to a stranger about gutpunch?

punch (8)

06/6/2023 19:49

Damn this reminds me of my biggest regret in the military...

Ours was a small unit so everybody kinda knew each other and there was this super hot comrade who one day came into the common bathroom where I was alone washing my hands. When he took his shirt off to get ready for a shower, I saw his ripped bare torso for the first time and couldn't help but blurt out something along the lines of "wow so muscular". He (seemed pleased with the compliment but) replied that he was aiming/ training to get an eight-pack. And I was sooo stupid to have just left it at that!

I should've gone ahead to tell him it already looked very strong and asked if he could let me punch. Considering how most people wouldn't want to get hit for nothing but at the same time how alpha he was, I'm pretty sure he wouldn't say no and instead something like he'd agree if I let him punch me back. Man I wish I could turn back time!

Thinking back, I guess my hesitation and eventual decision to play it cool stemmed from my negative experiences in college where I had asked two different guys on separate occasions to give me their best shot - one did it reluctantly (although he totally knocked the wind out of me) and the other was just put off by it.

Oh well...


halndallas (6)

13/6/2023 12:20

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'Latrine' is what we called the huge bathroom in my army barracks . The one in basic training had a long row of commodes with NO barriers . I was so humiliated I couldn't go for 2 days until one morning around 3 am i had the facility to myself and man was I relieved to be relieved from the gut wrenching aching !!! After that I was able to go in front of other men and hold my head down , stare straight ahead or read. Cigarettes helped the odor and most of us had that morning ciggie on the toilet . After a while I was able to go in and join in the conversations. TMI? Yes I agree! Anyway one day I was off from duty as was another tall beautiful dude I always snuck looks at. He would stroll in the latrine every morning stark naked (carrying his towel). His cock and lo hangers flopping about. This particular morning I was staring too hard and he cursed at me. I engaged and we started shouting at each other. I was all of about 117 lbs at 5'8" and he must have been 6'1" 170 chiseled muscle and I'm the aggressor for some stupid reason. I ended up swinging at his head and he ducked then clocked me with an upper cut to my solar plexus so hard my feet left the floor and i came down on my shoulder screaming from the pain and gasping for breath. There was no one else in the whole two story building . I sobbed for several minutes until he started apologizing and knelt down to console me. Then he easily picked me up and helped me back to open area bunk. We later became friends and of course were sent to different parts of the base for our advanced training. One of my most treasured military moments !


pshawfocus (104 )

31/5/2023 15:19

Guys, you know you could simply meet one of the several thousand guys on this site who are actually into gut punching? Life's short, don't spend time fantasizing about something you wanna only regret the things you haven't done.


Solidbelly64 (0)

01/6/2023 0:49

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Sometimes that's easier said than done. This site is loaded with flakes and phonies. Also, when you find someone who is willing to punch you and has no hangups with how you look, they end up being on the other side of the U.S. or in another country.


NorthwestGPer (2)

01/6/2023 8:20

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Good point! Lots of fantasizers.


NewRassler (0)

30/5/2023 15:51

When you are in gym and doing a lot of hanging leg raises, cable crunches, seated crunches. Men and women will approach you and say you do a lot of ab work Then I say i like the way they make me feel. I have had guys ask me do your fight? I smile and say. Only just aying around with friends. Iver the years i have net several friends that way


GPNavelPuncher (0)

30/4/2023 13:56

Tell him that I always aim for the NAVEL as my target. "Do you have an Innie or Outie? " I prefer to slug a big, deep INNIE, surrounded by ripped ABS! 👊🏻👊🏻👊🏻👊🏻👊🏻👊🏻💥🥵🔥


Solidbelly64 (0)

30/4/2023 22:01

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You seriously just walk up to a stranger and say that?


Juggernaut (0)

25/4/2023 0:18

A stranger? Never. Short Story:

Years ago before I knew gp was a thing, a group of us mates were at the gym exercising, and it was my turn to do crunches. The next guy after me was watching and as I was nearing my limit (the highest count in our group) he leaned over and said he wanted to punch my abs. I didn't know him personally, but he was a friend of a friend that had seen around. So not a total stranger.

Anyway, I thought it was weird at the time, but it reminded me of when I was in middle school and other kids I didn't know from Adam would come up to me and say they wanted to fight. Back then winning a fight with the biggest kid gave you street credits. I wasn't big by any measure, but I was the tallest in the school so I guess that was close enough for them.


slimp (0)

24/4/2023 4:39

I think of myself bi - straight and with a GP fetish. Most of my youth was spent before the internet or acknowledgement of fetishes like gut punching. Usually the only way to experience it was to get into a regular fight. There were times when a kid would make a teasing poke at my abs, and I'd say, "go for it." I think a lot of guys can relate to the GP fetish. I used to and still do walk around late evenings with an open button down shirt. I did and still do attract looks that suggest to me that the person looking would like to punch me, but no one has approached me. I don't think anyone thinks it's safe to approach a stranger who's walking around at night for any reason these days, especially here in Florida where the mentally ill are often armed.

With all that said, I really haven't figured out a way to initiate such a conversation with a stranger, even if he looks like he'd be interested. I have been known to back up to a tall chain link fence in an alley, then reach over my head and stretch, exposing my gut and fantasize about a guy coming along who tells me I must be asking for it, and me answering, "yeah, I must be." Anyway, if I made eye contact with a guy who eyed my gut lustfully, I might stroke it and say, "it looks like you'd like to do something to it." Hopefully, he'd say, "yeah!"


Solidbelly64 (0)

24/4/2023 5:23

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The same as with a GP fetish. The fact that I make it clear on my profile that I don't want sex or to do anything sexual in a GP session usually raises a red flag on here, and therefore many don't want to meet up with me for that reason, which is fine because I'd never succumb to doing something I don't want to..even if it means missing out on a few GP sessions.


marquis419 (0)

23/4/2023 16:02

I read a story once about a punchee who was looking for some action, so he went to a bar wearing a t-shirt that covered his entire torse, but it was a bit shorter than a t-shirt would normally be. He was standing at the bar when he began talking to a guy he was attracted to. At one point during the conversation he pretended to do one of those big yawns, where you stretch your arms up and out while, of course, yawning (or pretending to yawn). This, naturally, made his short t-shirt ride up a bit and the other guy could see at least a bit of his bare stomach, and the guy looked. He threw a light, playful punch at the exposed area, which is something I think even non-GP people might do when presented with that opportunity. The guy in the short t-shirt said, "Careful, I might like that," and apparently the other guy interpreted that as it was intended.


Solidbelly64 (0)

23/4/2023 21:27

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Well, I don't hit bars...straight or gay...because I don't like the element or the environment in them. I've had most of my luck finding someone online. Ironically, even though I have a gut on me, I don't like showing it off in public with tight or tucked-in shirts, and in all honesty, I don't like having the extra pounds in the torso area, but I do enjoy having the belly when being punched. Every day, I see guys whom I'd love to have punch me, but all I can do is dream because most of them are straight. ¡Ingresa para ver las fotos de la galería, por favor!


GPNavelPuncher (0)

30/4/2023 13:37

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I like the reddened stomach skin around the Jobber's NAVEL...HOT! It is my sign of success, a job well done!


luis2083 (1)

23/4/2023 19:23

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When I was young I would put myself in a position while chatting in a group with my friends and believe me it worked for me they would give me some light blows to the navel. when you put your body as if to understand that you want a blow .. thank you very much good strategy


Solidbelly64 (0)

23/4/2023 9:15

Not an easy task for a punchee.


GPNavelPuncher (0)

22/4/2023 6:29

Ask to see the guy's NAVEL. If it is an "innie," go for it!!!


Brett58 (0)

25/4/2023 11:37

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And if it’s not?


luis2083 (1)

21/4/2023 2:25

Are you in a bar or at a party and you look at a man with a body to have a gutpunch session... how to start a conversation that leads to punches in the stomach?


GPNavelPuncher (0)

22/4/2023 6:33

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I love the pic of your reddened stomach skin following a long session of slugging your gut! Puncher must have used your NAVEL as target!!!


Gut Challenge (4)

21/4/2023 17:49

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Look directly at his 6-pack and say " bet THOSE abs could take a bunch of hard punches "


Mortadelo (10 )

23/4/2023 11:30

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That is exactly what I would say. Just tease his ego.

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