Lift and carry funs

First Lift & Carry Experience

froliftee (15)

14/10/2023 20:00

I’ve always been extremely fascinated by lift and carry since I was very young. I didn’t learn it was called “lift and carry” until I was 16. I was always very shy, and thought asking someone to lift me would be too much to ask for – so I just resigned myself to browsing photos and videos, drawing, and writing stories (which I still do).
My first experience as an adult happened through the Lift And Carry Men site. When I first joined, I did not really expect to meet anybody since it’s a small group. That all changed when another member announced he would be visiting my area, and was looking for a liftee! I had never met anyone online before this point, so I got past my shyness and reached out to him. We chatted and got to know each other leading up to the meetup.
The day came and we met at our agreed location. We’re about the same height (5'11"), he’s about 160 lbs (72 kg) while I was 140 lbs (64 kg). He was very friendly and a gentleman, so I felt at ease with him. First we walked around and explored the city for a bit.
Eventually we reached a park, and it was just the two of us on the trail. I happily agreed when he suddenly offered me a couple piggyback rides! He stood in front of me and easily picked me up by the legs. To experience this sensation of being off the ground again was amazing and even surreal too! The trail went a bit uphill at this point, but he still managed. After the ride, I recall having a nice tingling feeling in my thighs that lingered a while.
I’ve since gone on to meet several more lifters, but this very first one will always be pivotal for me!


Balletboy (0)

11/10/2023 10:51

My first lift and carry experience was when I was worked over by a dominant wrestler. He hoisted me up by the front and back of my dance things and forced me to put on of my legs on top of the top rope, in order to support and force my dance thongs, up into my butt crack and crush my cock and balls at the front. I have even been made to sit on the top rope of a wrestling ring, with both my legs on either side of the rope. The same wrestler, then started bouncing me up and down, on the tope rope, in order to force the rope deeper into my butt crack. He even said he felt sorry for me, seeing me suspended on the top rope, seeing the rope riding deeper into my butt crack, so he grabbed my thongs from the back and front and started lifting me up and down, bouncing me for all his pleasures, while I was made to pose like to ballerina with arms arched above my head.

I was and still am into dressing like a male to female jobber wrestling dummy. I love wearing lycra, nylon and spandex dance attire, such as a catsuits, thongback leotards, hot thong dancepants, gymnastic leotards and ballet tights. I wear this attire when I attend ballet and tap classes and I dress like a girl. I am into wearing this attire, as I love the stretchy gear feeling over my body and have done so since I was a school boy - school boy dreams. However I am really into being wedgied off in my leotards and tights, when meeting wrestlers and being used and abused as a wrestling jobber dummy. I have menetioned this in my profile on Meetfighters and I have been invited to be used as a wrestling dummy in order to be wedgied off when being worked over. I get wedgied off alot in my leotards and tights and have recently been worked over by a male and female wrestler, who both worked me over and wedgied me off big time, in the ring and on the top rope. I was made to stand in the middle of the ring and allow the wrestlers to grab the sides of my leotards and tights and bounce me up and down. It was a dream come true for me. However I have noticed that if I really want to meet guys aswell as girls, who are into wedging a ballerina guy off like me, I really need to be in America, as the saying goes - only in America !

So if anyone in England wishes to use me as a wrestling jobber dummy ballerina girl, please message me on my profile which is Balletboy. I am also into group sessions big time, in order to be group wedgied off in my gymnastic leotards and ballet tights.


Juggernaut (0)

10/10/2023 21:06

See below ---------->


Jackpack (0)

10/10/2023 17:47

What was everyone’s first lift and carry experience like and what made you all first get into lift and carry’s?


Juggernaut (0)

10/10/2023 21:08

(en respuesta a esto)

I've been doing the lift and carry (though not by that name) all my life. When I began it didn't have a name. At least not one that I ever knew existed.

Anyway, one day my sister's friend came over to visit her. I was in my room watching TV when I heard a noise of broken glass. I came out to investigate and found she was gone and had left him alone in the house. I found him standing over the broke glass. As he was attempting to leave, I asked him to pick up the glass and discard it, but for some reason he refused. To prevent him from leaving me the mess, I blocked the door and wouldn't let him leave until he cleaned it up. He may have been shorter than me, but stockier. Maybe it wasn't his fault, but I always figured he refusal to clean the mess was because he didn't see me as someone to be taken seriously (I was known as the passive kid on the block).

In any event, he tried to push his way by me, rather than comply. I managed to push him back (to his chagrin), and this went on for several minutes, with struggling going back and forth. After those successful but taxing victories, it suddenly occurred to me that instead of pushing him back, I could lift him up and carry him back to point X. Once his feet were off the ground all his efforts and resistance advantages became useless, and with that he complied.

In another instance, but this time by my mid-teens, I would use it during wrestling matches with another, even more cocky neighborhood kid. But this one, a year or two older than me. Naturally, he hated it – since his superior strength became useless – and he would complain constantly that it was somehow an unfair move on my part.

Even so, we wrested now and again all through high school, and by the time we were in our late teens, he even tried it on me once. I suppose because he was a bit shorter, and less practiced than me, he failed to deliver it very effectively.* That was one of only two times in my life I've ever experienced being the person lifted.

Those were my very first encounters with the lift and carry. That said, I discovered it purely as a technique, which is how I originally used it for a long time. The fetish part was incidental, and came along much, much, later down the road.

* A person much shorter can only lift a taller person by the legs – an inherently unstable lift. Conversely, that taller lifter will lift by the shorter person's upper torso, or under the arms. Making for a very stable and long sustainable lift.

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