Mid-Atlantic Fighters

Claymont Delaware open gym

WrestleBob (58)

08/5/2022 21:27

There was an Open Mat Day on May 7th. Only 4 wrestlers showed but it was a great time. That was mainly due to the real pro wrestler and instructor that our host arranged to be on hand. A bundle of energy and skill, he wrestled with each of us and led us through learning some grappling stuff as well as trying out a few pro moves. He moved easily from going fully competitive with the 2 guys way heavier than him to dialing it way down for me for some light, back and forth play/fun wrestling. The two big dudes battled each other and had a couple three way tag matches with the pro. One of he heavyweights (220 I think) promised he would not crush me (135 for sure). I'm always a little doubtful but he had excellent control of his weight and strength and we had a great roll. I've loved each of these meets I've attended. They are open to any skill level from raw beginner on and to any style wrestling that two men want to try. The guys have been friendly, there is no pressure to do anything if you don't want to, and no one criticizes another's ability (or lack thereof). I remain puzzled as to why more guys don't take advantage of these great chances to meet and wrestle others into the world's first and greatest sport. The next gathering is tentatively scheduled for early July, hopefully with improved advance notice.


Mike Gaine (68)

17/5/2022 17:53

(en respuesta a esto)

Thank you for report on the day. I appreciate that the opportunity was provided. Unfortunately for me, I haven’t been able to attend—yet. Wrestle on, men!


wrestlepa (37)

09/5/2022 1:45

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I also had a good time wrestling at the open mat day. The next one is on July 9th. I hope I can get the day off of work to attend.


wrestlepa (37)

06/5/2022 18:36

So I take it the open house is still going to happen tomorrow.


mikey3458 (25 )

06/5/2022 19:38

(en respuesta a esto)

Yes it is still happening tomorrow noon to 5


wrestlepa (37)

06/5/2022 20:24

(en respuesta a esto)

Sounds great, just wanted to know before I make the drive there.


Mike Gaine (68)

05/5/2022 19:52

Sorry. I can't make it this time. Mike


wrestlepa (37)

03/5/2022 16:22

Any idea on who is coming on Saturday?


Jrugbyguy53 (37)

03/5/2022 17:47

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I am hoping to be there but do not know the address


wrestlepa (37)

03/5/2022 21:31

(en respuesta a esto)

950 W Ridge Rd
Unit C-16
Claymount DE 19720


Jrugbyguy53 (37)

03/5/2022 21:34

(en respuesta a esto)

Thank you hope to see you there


mikey3458 (25 )

03/5/2022 22:04

(en respuesta a esto)

Tri State Industrial center
950 Ridge rd Unit C-16
Claymont DE
Tovar Entertainment


Jrugbyguy53 (37)

29/4/2022 19:23

Hi is there going to be an open gym May 7th


mikey3458 (25 )

29/4/2022 21:07

(en respuesta a esto)

Yes and the pro josh will be there. Phil is unable to post it, technical difficulties. If any of you are willing to post speek up


Jrugbyguy53 (37)

27/4/2022 19:33

Where do we sign up I’m in Philadelphia that weekend and def would be interested


mikey3458 (25 )

28/4/2022 1:03

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the guy in charge is working on getting it posted under the meetups


wrestlepa (37)

26/4/2022 7:26

I'm looking for the event page and I can't find it.


Kruhn (67 )

26/4/2022 7:15

Dammit I'm out of town that day. Ugh!!!


RNC23 (366)

04/5/2022 12:53

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Same with me. 😔


mikey3458 (25 )

28/4/2022 1:13

(en respuesta a esto)

maybe July 9th?


Kruhn (67 )

28/4/2022 1:43

(en respuesta a esto)

That one looks good


mikey3458 (25 )

26/4/2022 4:09

Okay, lets make it Saturday May 7th. Don't forget to sign in at the event page!


wrestlepa (37)

26/4/2022 7:21

(en respuesta a esto)

Sounds great


mikey3458 (25 )

25/4/2022 18:36

Are we doing another Open Gym? Any interest? I am will to host if you guys want one.


wrestlpin123 (9)

26/4/2022 3:34

(en respuesta a esto)

Im Baaaccckk.
After a couple years of limited personal time. I will be Coordinating this effort and future open gym programs. Come on out you will have a great time.
Our guesr pro wrestler will be on hand to tea vh some of the finer points of wrestling. Mma. Submissions. Boxing and much much more . Come on and hit me back through meetfighters with any questions.
Great opportunity to meet
New friends and re onnect with
Old ones.


wrestlepa (37)

27/4/2022 20:44

(en respuesta a esto)

Did you make an event page?


MrLockAndRoll (2 )

26/4/2022 4:07

(en respuesta a esto)

When will it be? Thanks.


mikey3458 (25 )

26/4/2022 5:30

(en respuesta a esto)

Saturday May 7th 12 noon to 5

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