Muscle worship

Muscle worshiping a bodybuilder

Pito23 (3)

13/3/2023 15:40

Honestly, that looks great! I want to try it. Big men like that deserve to be worshiped.


Jesse Zane (54 )

13/3/2023 15:52

(en respuesta a esto)

I agree. They work hard to get big. So they should be muscle worshipped. ;-)


AZFighter2 (35)

06/3/2023 5:26

🥵 hot, that’s awesome! I would also like to worship a bodybuilder soon.


Jesse Zane (54 )

12/3/2023 17:27

(en respuesta a esto)

Thanks man! I didn't think I would get so into the muscle worship but man when your opponent is so big... you can't help but want to worship the sheer size of the bodybuilder!

I just posted a second match with the same stud too. ;-)
Hope you enjoy


Jesse Zane (54 )

05/3/2023 16:27

Hey wrestlers,

I figured this would be a good place to create a topic about a very hot and sweaty muscle worshipping session I recently had with a 240lbs bodybuilder. Practically twice my size in every way with his giant bicep peaks, tree trunk legs, and chiseled hairy chest and abs. Feel free to check out the video. I just released it on my Watchfighters account here. Hope you all enjoy! 🙈 ¡Ingresa para ver las fotos de la galería, por favor!


leanaussiemuscle (31)

09/3/2023 23:18

(en respuesta a esto)

Amazing pics mate! Who is that huge sexy guy? (You’re super hot too btw ;).


Jesse Zane (54 )

12/3/2023 17:25

(en respuesta a esto)

Thanks man! I appreciate the compliment. ;-)
Its up against this 240lbs bodybuilder named Mike. We kind got into it during the muscle worship session... ;-)

Here's the link so you can check it out~!


musclemoose (4)

13/3/2023 16:05

(en respuesta a esto)

Who is this monster Mike??? Is he on this site??? I'd like to wrestle him!

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