Navel Torture/Fetish

Favourite navel activity

Jaykub (0)

04/6/2024 16:23

Sometimes you just have to lay out all the possible tools and let your tormentor decide. We've found dental hygiene and manicurist tools to be especially interesting. ¡Ingresa para ver las fotos de la galería, por favor!


MrMerdoc (3)

04/6/2024 19:51

(en respuesta a esto)

oooooooh this made me tingle all those tools. thanks for the tip, going to check that out on amazon.
my tip have a look at lether working tools, wink wink.


MrMerdoc (3)

02/6/2024 19:47

poking my belly button with a crosshead screwdriver and twisting it slow as i cum. if anyone wants to do this to me.... yes please...


lived eht (3)

16/5/2024 1:54

Shot in the belly button with stainless steel darts from a 22 air gun . Took 3 shots . Had to use snipenose pliers to pull the darts back out .


big belly (0)

14/5/2024 13:49

Over the years the best things and most painful things I've had to my navel are below

hard fists
hard knee's
end of baseball bat
bowling ball
hot candle wax dripped into my navel



15/5/2024 14:11

(en respuesta a esto)

Beat by a rival, exhausted with no fight left, my opponent put me on my back, sat reverse on my chest, pinning my gloves down with his knees, pulled his gloves, spit in my belly button 2 or 3 times, aggressively finger fucking my belly button, very rough and painful as he rammed his finger in hard and to full depth, twisting it, not able or wanting to fight anymore, I submitted again several times, he then did his best to get two fingers in, trying to yank my navel open farther, I feared he would rip me apart. I was red, sore and bruised for near two weeks, painful and humiliated.


GPNavelPuncher (0)

14/5/2024 13:19

My hands, mouth, tongue and TEETH. 😬 This, after Gutpunching Jobber for hours with my bare knuckled fists, each punch aimed directly for his NAVEL. When I am done, his NAVEL is red, raw and SORE...all ready for his next Gutpuncher. Then, apply more TEETH marks to Jobber's bruised, HOT NAVEL. 🔥🥵


daddybryan (0 )

13/5/2024 9:26

Whats the favourite thing of things you like to take of give to a man's navel

Sharp object
Fist to it
Knee to it
Being stood on full weight
Navel on end of bed knob supporting own weight
Being kicked either bare feet or booted


MattaGutpunch (0)

29/5/2024 6:10

(en respuesta a esto)

Count me in

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