I like to torture a guy's NAVEL using my hands, mouth, tongue and TEETH. 😬 Then I slug his abs with my bare knuckled fists, aimed directly for his bruised BELLYBUTTON.
Liongo Fumo. An African warrior who could only be killed by being stabbed in the navel. Ferragut the giant. There was a Chinese warrior who was only vulnerable to a navel stab too. The Shaw Brothers made a movie about him. And the Eastern Europeans believed that the best way to despatch a vampire was to drive a stake into their navels.
I'm wondering if anyone else here is into heroes getting their bellies and navels abused and destroyed by villains. Like stories where a hero fight a villain, but the hero is defeated because the villain knows the hero's weakspot, the navel. So the villain takes advantage of this and defeats the hero by attacking the weak navel. Been using chatgpt a lot lately making such stories and was wondering if anyone is interested in this kind of stuff. Here's a short preview of one of my earlier results with chatgpt. Of course, my preferences for the hero show in how he is described.
In a last ditch effort, Ironclad charged at Phantasm, aiming to tackle him to the ground. But as he approached, Phantasm created a massive shadow blade, which he aimed straight into Ironclad's belly.
Ironclad screamed in agony as the blade plunged into his soft, exposed navel. He fell to the ground face down, writhing in pain. Phantasm approached him, smirking with satisfaction at the sight of his defeated foe.
"You fought well, Ironclad," Phantasm said, "but in the end, your weakness was your downfall."
Ironclad struggled to get back up, but the pain was too intense. He could feel the warm blood trickling down his belly as he gasped for breath. Despite his weakened state, Ironclad refused to give up. He mustered all his strength and turned around to face Phantasm, determined to fight until his last breath.
Phantasm approached Ironclad's fallen body and kicked him in the side, flipping him over to lie on his back. Ironclad's armor was now in tatters, and his soft, exposed belly was covered in blood. Phantasm couldn't help but chuckle as he gazed upon Ironclad's vulnerable navel.
"You really thought you could take me on with that weak spot of yours?" Phantasm taunted, raising his hand to create another shadow blade. "But don't worry, I'll make this quick."
Cool. Yeah. These are the kinds of scenarios i like. Even for matches. Of course no actual penetrations. Just role play. But the hero suffers gut punching and navel torture basically.
GPNavelPuncher (0)
05/4/2023 16:31I like to torture a guy's NAVEL using my hands, mouth, tongue and TEETH. 😬 Then I slug his abs with my bare knuckled fists, aimed directly for his bruised BELLYBUTTON.
Belly Punch (3)
05/4/2023 21:02(en respuesta a esto)
Try my gut and belly button! ¡Ingresa para ver las fotos de la galería, por favor!
Jcanthony (13 )
05/4/2023 17:18(en respuesta a esto)
Same for me but add tools for navel torture like rods and sticks.
Brett58 (0)
12/3/2023 0:39There have been a few heroes with vulnerable navels.
Jcanthony (13 )
12/3/2023 16:25(en respuesta a esto)
Oh. Who might these heroes be? Please tell me so maybe I can write a story using them as characters.
Brett58 (0)
13/3/2023 23:42(en respuesta a esto)
Liongo Fumo. An African warrior who could only be killed by being stabbed in the navel. Ferragut the giant. There was a Chinese warrior who was only vulnerable to a navel stab too. The Shaw Brothers made a movie about him. And the Eastern Europeans believed that the best way to despatch a vampire was to drive a stake into their navels.
Jcanthony (13 )
14/3/2023 6:10(en respuesta a esto)
Nice. I’ll look into these heroes. Or maybe create some based on them. Thanks.
Jcanthony (13 )
07/3/2023 16:07I'm wondering if anyone else here is into heroes getting their bellies and navels abused and destroyed by villains. Like stories where a hero fight a villain, but the hero is defeated because the villain knows the hero's weakspot, the navel. So the villain takes advantage of this and defeats the hero by attacking the weak navel. Been using chatgpt a lot lately making such stories and was wondering if anyone is interested in this kind of stuff. Here's a short preview of one of my earlier results with chatgpt. Of course, my preferences for the hero show in how he is described.
In a last ditch effort, Ironclad charged at Phantasm, aiming to tackle him to the ground. But as he approached, Phantasm created a massive shadow blade, which he aimed straight into Ironclad's belly.
Ironclad screamed in agony as the blade plunged into his soft, exposed navel. He fell to the ground face down, writhing in pain. Phantasm approached him, smirking with satisfaction at the sight of his defeated foe.
"You fought well, Ironclad," Phantasm said, "but in the end, your weakness was your downfall."
Ironclad struggled to get back up, but the pain was too intense. He could feel the warm blood trickling down his belly as he gasped for breath. Despite his weakened state, Ironclad refused to give up. He mustered all his strength and turned around to face Phantasm, determined to fight until his last breath.
Phantasm approached Ironclad's fallen body and kicked him in the side, flipping him over to lie on his back. Ironclad's armor was now in tatters, and his soft, exposed belly was covered in blood. Phantasm couldn't help but chuckle as he gazed upon Ironclad's vulnerable navel.
"You really thought you could take me on with that weak spot of yours?" Phantasm taunted, raising his hand to create another shadow blade. "But don't worry, I'll make this quick."
Belly Punch (3)
07/3/2023 17:57(en respuesta a esto)
I have the same fantasy as you!
Jcanthony (13 )
08/3/2023 12:18(en respuesta a esto)
Cool. Yeah. These are the kinds of scenarios i like. Even for matches. Of course no actual penetrations. Just role play. But the hero suffers gut punching and navel torture basically.
Belly Punch (3)
08/3/2023 15:16(en respuesta a esto)
I’m the same way in my matches.
Jcanthony (13 )
09/3/2023 6:42(en respuesta a esto)
Do you prefer to be the hero or the villain? I prefer to be the hero in these scenarios.