As a kid I always enjoyed summer, and seeing guys with their shirts off, and still do. First I would dream about what a hot guy to end up wrestling with, and enjoy my chest pressing against his great chest. Being a shy kid at the time, and a kid know one would take notice of, not great at sports either, though I tried. Did get some some hot wrestling fun in gym class when we could wrestle just for fun, and I did get the chance to wrestle a few guys that were bare chested. That was hot for me. Didn't get that chance to wrestle again till I was older, and have to say I have had a lot of great fun wrestling!
Let my restate my comments..As a kid I really looked forward to see guys shirtless and of course I have a navel fetish and nothing better to look for was shirtless men.As I got much older I was able to enjoy wrestling guys shirtless and often naked.
I'm not pounding my gut like I used to. I'd rather keep it as intact as possible, in case someone else wants to do it. Still, if I can get the video chat here working, and if you'd get a kick out of it/enjoy seeing it, you can watch a sneaker, toe first jammed deep into my abs, and listen to me struggling to talk when I can't get much breath into my lungs. Humiliation by verbal abuse while feeling deep gut pain, intensifies the experience. Hell, I'd just love to listen to someone passionately sadistic talk about how he'd make me suffer.
¡Ingresa para ver las fotos de la galería, por favor!
I am fascinated by the abs and belly button in general. Nothing sexual for me, I just appreciate seeing fit torsos. In my area of FL, I haven't really seen young men of my age or younger going. I've seen older men go around shirtless, guys my age always have their shirts on. And when I've been at the exercise park shirtless, it's typically just me. I'm more comfortable and confident in my body so flaunt myself just off of that. Also, it's just more comfortable when exercising with no shirt. You sweat and the shirt sticks to you, I don't like that feeling. I also like how the fun feels on my skin. There's a few guys from different parts of Asia who's profiles I check, they often share pics of shirtless guys on the street. Thought I'd take the moment to share:
¡Ingresa para ver las fotos de la galería, por favor!
You have THE BODY that shows what we all like most–showing off that stomach and navel area. Lean is so hot. Sometimes, I'm guessing, you'll run your hand along your abs. When I see that happening, I'm instantly turned on. Or a guy reaching up under his shirt or a little showing with a short t-shirt and low slung loose jean. Hot and very beautiful man!
Nah, I don't do that like when I'm outside. I'm not really the type to try and draw attention, I just like to be comfortable outside when I exercise. Honestly, I just be in a zone, I'm focused and completely have no idea of my surroundings, lol. I do hold my hands over my head when I'm catching my breath, that stretches out my abs.
That you speak of sound more in the sexual realm of things, the gut punching for me is about fun, if it sounds fun, and I'm in for a pounding on the abs, I'm in.
A alguien de ustedes les gusta dar o recibir masajes con aceite de bebé en los abdominales?
También me agrada golpear abdominales contra abdominales.
Algún interés similar?
There's a 24 hour gas station/convenience store not far from me. It's always busy. At night it gets a bit rowdy with loud music, and people who clearly are into partying and hanging out. There's also a nearby side street - actually that's where the creepy guys followed me, that I sometimes walk down on my way to the station. A couple of times, I spent about 20 minutes beating on my gut with my fists, making my abs bright red. Then I cut diagonally across the parking lot, attracting a lot of attention, including laughter, fist clenching and bicep flexing. I realize that's very high risk behavior, and more than likely, a confrontation would lead to more body damage than I really want, but when my hormones are spiked, I feel driven to take that risk. Guys complain about women who are "dick teases," well, I guess I could be called a "fist tease." I can stay turned on for hours after such an experience. Being laughed at makes it even better, because I think it's likely that a puncher would feel less inhibited, and take greater pleasure in punching me if he felt I deserved ridicule and pain.
Ever notice how some younger guys, who for no apparent reason, put their hand up their shirt and kind of hold it there for a minute or two, exposing their stomach? I find that a turn on as well. I sometimes wonder if they subconsciously enjoy exposing themselves like that.
Hell yes, they enjoy showing off their bellybuttons, and it's not all subconscious. I just wish this happened more! I wish the guys would do themselves a favor and wear cutoff bellybutton shirts! No need to go to the effort of a shirt-lift!
I love to see shirtless guys on the streets too, especially when others around them are dressed. Somehow I would be more turned on by shirtless guys in areas where there’s no reason to, than say guys in swimming trunks around a pool. Cutoffs would be even more of a turn-on but sadly they are not worn anymore - at least I don’t see it around my area.
On warm evenings, I walk around with my shirt open and sleeves folded high. There's usually enough breeze to keep my abs fully exposed. A surprising number of guys at the gas station on the road, or stopped at an intersection, stare at me. I like when that happens! I realize there's risk involved. Someone could get out of their car and do more damage to my body than I want to receive. Only once so far did it look as though someone was going to stop their car and come after me. It was two guys in a Mercedes. They creeped along next to me until I stopped, approached their car and asked them what they wanted. They just kept staring, and when I walked away, they started creeping next to me. At the time, I was so desperate to be gut punched, I was willing to risk getting more than I bargained for. It would've really sucked if they just hit me over the head and robbed me though.
I think even though their were two of them, my approaching their car made me appear to be something other than a typical victim, and that was enough to give them second thoughts. My heart was racing and I was shaking, but still feeling erotic twinges. I still wish one had held me while the other punched me. I've mentally rehearsed telling a guy that as long as I could walk away from a punching, I'd make myself available for future punching sessions.
To me, an open shirt frames the abs in a very tempting way. The sleeves rolled high, reveals my slender arms, which I think look nice, but also hopefully helps guys to feel confident in their ability to overpower me.
"– and the reactions and sounds, watching him fold over in agony doubled up and trying to recover –" A decent punch will do that to me, even if I flex. An accompaniment of verbal abuse helps me to vicariously enjoy the puncher's enjoyment.
So, I just keep walking around, at times being stared at, and enjoying it. Maybe I'll get what I'm hoping for one of these days.
Driving home tonight, I saw a nice looking chap strolling down the sidewalk with his t-shirt raised up to his chest. I about crashed the car (kidding), but it really got my attention. I've had this reaction since I was a kid – being turned on by a guy who's either shirtless – or in a cutoff t-shirt – walking around in public. Before the internet came on the scene, I used to thing I was the only guy in the world with this odd fascination for male stomachs/navels, etc. For me as a gay person, seeing a goodlooking shirtless guy is probably equivalent to a typical gay man seeing a guy in public with no underwear on. I mean, that's how strong that image/fetish is for me.
Brett .. I love when summer comes around and guys parade around .. stripped to the waist. . there always seems to be a sudden influx of hot guys everywhere... There's a great park in Glasgow where you're always guaranteed to have dozens of shirtless guys playing football... or rugby ...
shirtless scaffolders in the summer is also a highlight!!
My only interest in a guy is his torso ... I've almost no interest in seeing his cock ... it's the chest, the abs... the hair on the stomach ... the definition ... the skin meeting denim ... the musculature of the back ... imagining how this guy would take a punch .. what it would be like to fight him etc etc... so no you're not alone!!
We're the same. No interest in cock. If it shows under trunks, it's even hotter. It's all about yhe stomach (my trigger word) and the navel, the muscles around it, the pattern, and then seeing a guy stretching and rubbing his stomach, maybe lowering his jeans a little, testing it, maybe a slight tap and you see the expression on his face – imagining what he would look like after being hit not expecting it in that stomach, maybe not flexed – and the reactions and sounds, watching him fold over in agony doubled up and trying to recover –
Agree with you guys. The torso is the sexiest part of a guy's body. Cutoff shirts are intensely hot, displaying the abs and the fact, the main reason to wear a cutoff shirt is to show off the bellybutton. However, guys rarely wear bellybutton shirts anymore. Even hotter are lean, athletic guys totally shirtless! The image of ripped muscle, chest hair, belly hair, dark nipples, and knotted navel sitting long inches above jeans or trunks, turns me on fucking bad. And always has! But the sight does not make me think about punching the guy in his navel! Instead, I lust after him! I want to taste his spit, lick his nipples, finger-fuck the pit of his bellybutton, and slip down his jeans, to reveal his dick, which by now no longer seems so ugly!
fightkumpel (5)
22/9/2021 18:36My comment was wrong adressed, sorry
Yonceshow (3 )
24/9/2021 12:55(en respuesta a esto)
Hi I’m 18 someone wants to destroy my navel or abs?
silverwoodfox (11)
22/9/2021 16:33As a kid I always enjoyed summer, and seeing guys with their shirts off, and still do. First I would dream about what a hot guy to end up wrestling with, and enjoy my chest pressing against his great chest. Being a shy kid at the time, and a kid know one would take notice of, not great at sports either, though I tried. Did get some some hot wrestling fun in gym class when we could wrestle just for fun, and I did get the chance to wrestle a few guys that were bare chested. That was hot for me. Didn't get that chance to wrestle again till I was older, and have to say I have had a lot of great fun wrestling!
navels (5)
22/9/2021 18:20(en respuesta a esto)
I Hatshepsut same experience and feeling
navels (5)
23/9/2021 6:46(en respuesta a esto)
Let my restate my comments..As a kid I really looked forward to see guys shirtless and of course I have a navel fetish and nothing better to look for was shirtless men.As I got much older I was able to enjoy wrestling guys shirtless and often naked.
slimp (0)
24/9/2021 3:55(en respuesta a esto)
How old were you when you when abs and navels first got your attention. I was seven.
joejohnson01608 (0)
24/9/2021 15:06(en respuesta a esto)
Had thoughts of being stabbed/bled around age 5-6.
silverwoodfox (11)
22/9/2021 19:51(en respuesta a esto)
Happy to know I am not the only one who had these feelings growing up.
fightkumpel (5)
22/9/2021 13:35Könntest du alles schon längst live haben , aber bist ja in der Versenkung verschwunden
slimp (0)
22/9/2021 4:06I'm not pounding my gut like I used to. I'd rather keep it as intact as possible, in case someone else wants to do it. Still, if I can get the video chat here working, and if you'd get a kick out of it/enjoy seeing it, you can watch a sneaker, toe first jammed deep into my abs, and listen to me struggling to talk when I can't get much breath into my lungs. Humiliation by verbal abuse while feeling deep gut pain, intensifies the experience. Hell, I'd just love to listen to someone passionately sadistic talk about how he'd make me suffer. ¡Ingresa para ver las fotos de la galería, por favor!
joejohnson01608 (0)
18/8/2021 15:59When I see someone shirtless wonder how it would look with a knife in that gut.
ritual (3)
19/8/2021 5:46(en respuesta a esto)
Yeah, or in the belly button
Belly Punch (3)
31/8/2021 18:38(en respuesta a esto)
Yes, right in the belly button!
SBGutpuncher (3)
19/8/2021 6:04(en respuesta a esto)
Well, of course. The bellybutton's the prime target for a knife thrust! That's how I wanna die!
Belly Punch (3)
31/8/2021 18:39(en respuesta a esto)
Me too! In my belly button!
TakeThePunchesAI (13)
17/8/2021 18:53I am fascinated by the abs and belly button in general. Nothing sexual for me, I just appreciate seeing fit torsos. In my area of FL, I haven't really seen young men of my age or younger going. I've seen older men go around shirtless, guys my age always have their shirts on. And when I've been at the exercise park shirtless, it's typically just me. I'm more comfortable and confident in my body so flaunt myself just off of that. Also, it's just more comfortable when exercising with no shirt. You sweat and the shirt sticks to you, I don't like that feeling. I also like how the fun feels on my skin. There's a few guys from different parts of Asia who's profiles I check, they often share pics of shirtless guys on the street. Thought I'd take the moment to share: ¡Ingresa para ver las fotos de la galería, por favor!
Belly Punch (3)
31/8/2021 18:39(en respuesta a esto)
Great picture!
abs007 (1)
18/8/2021 14:54(en respuesta a esto)
You have THE BODY that shows what we all like most–showing off that stomach and navel area. Lean is so hot. Sometimes, I'm guessing, you'll run your hand along your abs. When I see that happening, I'm instantly turned on. Or a guy reaching up under his shirt or a little showing with a short t-shirt and low slung loose jean. Hot and very beautiful man!
TakeThePunchesAI (13)
18/8/2021 15:12(en respuesta a esto)
Nah, I don't do that like when I'm outside. I'm not really the type to try and draw attention, I just like to be comfortable outside when I exercise. Honestly, I just be in a zone, I'm focused and completely have no idea of my surroundings, lol. I do hold my hands over my head when I'm catching my breath, that stretches out my abs.
abs007 (1)
18/8/2021 18:27(en respuesta a esto)
Would like to see a pic of that posture–the stretching. Do you get into any gutpunching fantasies/meetings/massage?
TakeThePunchesAI (13)
18/8/2021 22:30(en respuesta a esto)
That you speak of sound more in the sexual realm of things, the gut punching for me is about fun, if it sounds fun, and I'm in for a pounding on the abs, I'm in.
abs007 (1)
19/8/2021 14:26(en respuesta a esto)
Yep. It's the play. So just what IS it about a man's abs that is so amazing. I look all the time.
navels (5)
18/8/2021 6:16(en respuesta a esto)
Looking good
TakeThePunchesAI (13)
17/8/2021 18:54(en respuesta a esto)
I have to post separate. ¡Ingresa para ver las fotos de la galería, por favor!
TakeThePunchesAI (13)
17/8/2021 18:55(en respuesta a esto)
Sorry, I'm not spamming. ¡Ingresa para ver las fotos de la galería, por favor!
TakeThePunchesAI (13)
17/8/2021 18:55(en respuesta a esto)
Last one, I promise. ¡Ingresa para ver las fotos de la galería, por favor!
Jose Adan (4)
17/8/2021 7:32A alguien de ustedes les gusta dar o recibir masajes con aceite de bebé en los abdominales?
También me agrada golpear abdominales contra abdominales.
Algún interés similar?
Brett364 (1)
17/8/2021 14:45(en respuesta a esto)
There's a video somewhere on the internet of two guys banging their abs against each other. Kind of hot! Is that yours?
Jose Adan (4)
17/8/2021 17:34(en respuesta a esto)
Si, probablemente si
slimp (0)
17/8/2021 4:28There's a 24 hour gas station/convenience store not far from me. It's always busy. At night it gets a bit rowdy with loud music, and people who clearly are into partying and hanging out. There's also a nearby side street - actually that's where the creepy guys followed me, that I sometimes walk down on my way to the station. A couple of times, I spent about 20 minutes beating on my gut with my fists, making my abs bright red. Then I cut diagonally across the parking lot, attracting a lot of attention, including laughter, fist clenching and bicep flexing. I realize that's very high risk behavior, and more than likely, a confrontation would lead to more body damage than I really want, but when my hormones are spiked, I feel driven to take that risk. Guys complain about women who are "dick teases," well, I guess I could be called a "fist tease." I can stay turned on for hours after such an experience. Being laughed at makes it even better, because I think it's likely that a puncher would feel less inhibited, and take greater pleasure in punching me if he felt I deserved ridicule and pain.
Brett364 (1)
15/8/2021 18:00Ever notice how some younger guys, who for no apparent reason, put their hand up their shirt and kind of hold it there for a minute or two, exposing their stomach? I find that a turn on as well. I sometimes wonder if they subconsciously enjoy exposing themselves like that.
SBGutpuncher (3)
15/8/2021 22:12(en respuesta a esto)
Hell yes, they enjoy showing off their bellybuttons, and it's not all subconscious. I just wish this happened more! I wish the guys would do themselves a favor and wear cutoff bellybutton shirts! No need to go to the effort of a shirt-lift!
ritual (3)
19/8/2021 5:45(en respuesta a esto)
My sentiments exactly!
navels (5)
15/8/2021 23:53(en respuesta a esto)
And ican’t help looking for them.
ritual (3)
13/8/2021 13:16I love to see shirtless guys on the streets too, especially when others around them are dressed. Somehow I would be more turned on by shirtless guys in areas where there’s no reason to, than say guys in swimming trunks around a pool. Cutoffs would be even more of a turn-on but sadly they are not worn anymore - at least I don’t see it around my area.
navels (5)
14/8/2021 6:52(en respuesta a esto)
Agree with you for sure
slimp (0)
14/8/2021 5:23(en respuesta a esto)
On warm evenings, I walk around with my shirt open and sleeves folded high. There's usually enough breeze to keep my abs fully exposed. A surprising number of guys at the gas station on the road, or stopped at an intersection, stare at me. I like when that happens! I realize there's risk involved. Someone could get out of their car and do more damage to my body than I want to receive. Only once so far did it look as though someone was going to stop their car and come after me. It was two guys in a Mercedes. They creeped along next to me until I stopped, approached their car and asked them what they wanted. They just kept staring, and when I walked away, they started creeping next to me. At the time, I was so desperate to be gut punched, I was willing to risk getting more than I bargained for. It would've really sucked if they just hit me over the head and robbed me though.
I think even though their were two of them, my approaching their car made me appear to be something other than a typical victim, and that was enough to give them second thoughts. My heart was racing and I was shaking, but still feeling erotic twinges. I still wish one had held me while the other punched me. I've mentally rehearsed telling a guy that as long as I could walk away from a punching, I'd make myself available for future punching sessions.
To me, an open shirt frames the abs in a very tempting way. The sleeves rolled high, reveals my slender arms, which I think look nice, but also hopefully helps guys to feel confident in their ability to overpower me.
"– and the reactions and sounds, watching him fold over in agony doubled up and trying to recover –" A decent punch will do that to me, even if I flex. An accompaniment of verbal abuse helps me to vicariously enjoy the puncher's enjoyment.
So, I just keep walking around, at times being stared at, and enjoying it. Maybe I'll get what I'm hoping for one of these days.
Belly Punch (3)
31/8/2021 18:43(en respuesta a esto)
I'd love to stare at your gut as you walk around, very sexy!
slimp (0)
01/9/2021 3:54(en respuesta a esto)
I think I'll do some spontaneous bare ab rubbing/slapping when I see someone watching me as I walk around at night. I'll let you know how it goes.
Brett364 (1)
11/8/2021 3:04Driving home tonight, I saw a nice looking chap strolling down the sidewalk with his t-shirt raised up to his chest. I about crashed the car (kidding), but it really got my attention. I've had this reaction since I was a kid – being turned on by a guy who's either shirtless – or in a cutoff t-shirt – walking around in public. Before the internet came on the scene, I used to thing I was the only guy in the world with this odd fascination for male stomachs/navels, etc. For me as a gay person, seeing a goodlooking shirtless guy is probably equivalent to a typical gay man seeing a guy in public with no underwear on. I mean, that's how strong that image/fetish is for me.
Can anyone else relate to this?
dabbler1973 (17)
12/8/2021 7:56(en respuesta a esto)
Brett .. I love when summer comes around and guys parade around .. stripped to the waist. . there always seems to be a sudden influx of hot guys everywhere... There's a great park in Glasgow where you're always guaranteed to have dozens of shirtless guys playing football... or rugby ...
shirtless scaffolders in the summer is also a highlight!!
My only interest in a guy is his torso ... I've almost no interest in seeing his cock ... it's the chest, the abs... the hair on the stomach ... the definition ... the skin meeting denim ... the musculature of the back ... imagining how this guy would take a punch .. what it would be like to fight him etc etc... so no you're not alone!!
abs007 (1)
12/8/2021 21:11(en respuesta a esto)
We're the same. No interest in cock. If it shows under trunks, it's even hotter. It's all about yhe stomach (my trigger word) and the navel, the muscles around it, the pattern, and then seeing a guy stretching and rubbing his stomach, maybe lowering his jeans a little, testing it, maybe a slight tap and you see the expression on his face – imagining what he would look like after being hit not expecting it in that stomach, maybe not flexed – and the reactions and sounds, watching him fold over in agony doubled up and trying to recover –
SBGutpuncher (3)
15/8/2021 6:47(en respuesta a esto)
Agree with you guys. The torso is the sexiest part of a guy's body. Cutoff shirts are intensely hot, displaying the abs and the fact, the main reason to wear a cutoff shirt is to show off the bellybutton. However, guys rarely wear bellybutton shirts anymore. Even hotter are lean, athletic guys totally shirtless! The image of ripped muscle, chest hair, belly hair, dark nipples, and knotted navel sitting long inches above jeans or trunks, turns me on fucking bad. And always has! But the sight does not make me think about punching the guy in his navel! Instead, I lust after him! I want to taste his spit, lick his nipples, finger-fuck the pit of his bellybutton, and slip down his jeans, to reveal his dick, which by now no longer seems so ugly!
fightkumpel (5)
11/8/2021 14:41(en respuesta a esto)
Yes , I can.
As child i always loved men in underwear or swimclothes on the prospects