Nude Oil Wrestling

Food fight ? Food wrestling

messywrestler (1)

10/4/2020 17:24

I have been in many oil matches, g string, thongs and pantyhose attire all with a first to cum scenario. Hottest and messiest match though was years ago, total pantyhose coverage with a much larger opponent in an area marked with 12 pie plates full of chocolate pudding
I was totally destroyed in that match and coated head to toe in dark pudding, worse was when my opponent who weighed 50 pounds more than me, got a full nelson hold on me ,forced me face down into a pie plate of pudding


wrestleindo (75)

14/4/2020 17:16

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wow.. tell us more about that match! really interesting, i've done some so called as "facedown" with several cakes, but never done it with pies


MudFighterMel (0)

14/4/2020 12:51

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love sexy oil and mess wrestling as much as full on filthy wrestling in mud and muck! that pudding match sounds real hot!! if we were closer i'd def like to take you on first to cum BUT first to cum 3 TIMES make it last much longer hehheh in a whole range of mess! in pantyhose!!


Wirral Lad (1 )

07/1/2020 21:15

I love messy fun, id do food, mud, oil shaving foam, anything sloppy


MudFighterMel (0)

06/4/2020 11:28

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Hiya Wirral love to wrestle you in any or all the above and any or all the mess and muck i listed if u up for it once we can get out and about again


wrestleindo (75)

25/3/2020 12:10

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whoa.. lookin good! what kind of food do u fancy of?


wrestleindo (75)

08/1/2020 4:46

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Yeahh.. tell us more about ur experiences.. what kind of food, any rules/stakes, how is it goin


MudFighterMel (0)

06/4/2020 11:33

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hi....have wrestled in cakes custard beans soup gravy meat stew pudding cooking oil flour and eggs (rotten) milk (rancid) treacle and rotting fruit and veg - you? fancy all of that?? like to talk more if ok swap emails? and send you stories of my adventures wrestling and fighting in mess muck filth of every kind.....all good here virus wise and hope same there - Mel


rochroll (21)

06/1/2020 16:30

I have been wanting to try Oil, Mud, Pudding, Whipped Cream, etc. I am not equipped to host that type of activity and I can't seem to find anyone in my area. I also travel back and forth from Michigan and Kansas, usually by car. let me know if anyone is along that route who is interested.


Slingshot superstar (2)

03/1/2020 14:13

I've done mud.oil.whip cream.getting ready to try pudding.spagehitti sounds interesting.cream corn would be cool too.


wrestleindo (75)

28/11/2019 11:18

yeah.. is there any more wrestler who loves these kind of stuffs here ? We should share experiences!


MudFighterMel (0)

09/1/2020 0:58

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I do! you name the mess/muck i've wrestled in it! mud/cow muck/pig muck oil and motor oil paint grease custard canned soup and stew baked beans cake batter i'll wrestle in any mess


Juggler27 (0)

02/1/2020 20:57

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Yeah, man - LOVE this! Though, I've only done it a couple of times. Once my opponent and I had a brutal pie fight with each other and then wrestled. Another time we tried with shaving cream - totally covered and then went at it. Shaving cream was MUCH easier to clean up but dried out quicker (and wasn't good on the eyes...) Anyone else out there try this? You should!


wrestleindo (75)

07/1/2020 4:17

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I’ve tried cake fight (using several birthday cake) instead of pie fight.. how did u do the fight ? Any stakes / rules ?


Juggler27 (0)

11/1/2020 6:54

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Too bad you're on the other side of the planet - would LOVE to have it out with a bunch of cakes!


Juggler27 (0)

11/1/2020 6:52

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It was more of a 'go at it' kind of thing. We knew that we were going to pretty much just trash each other and then wrestled in all the mess. We started with something corny and cheesy (the way a WWE would start a food fight) and then we just pelted each other with the pies until there wasn't any more and then wrestled on the now slippery floor. Was a GREAT way to wrestle. Haven't done it with stakes, but wish that I had. No rules either - we were just having fun rolling around in it trying to get a good grip (with the cream we were using it was difficult to get a decent grip on anything!)


NBTUndefeated (2)

29/11/2019 5:50

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I’ve done a few planned and impromptu matches over the years and had a blast (except for the clean up afterwards lol). In different matches, we’ve used spaghetti, jelly, as well as bananas with chocolate syrup


wrestleindo (75)

07/1/2020 4:16

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Spaghetti ? Wow.. tell us more about that, preparation, the match, etc


NBTUndefeated (2)

09/1/2020 4:43

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It was an annual charity event my fraternity put on. We invited the other frats and seniors from local high schools to collect funds to sponsor teams. There were multiple sports besides messling (wrestling in food) like whiffle baseball, rolling chairs basketball, and one armed swim events to name a few. For messling spectators with the highest bid for each round got to select the combatants in the first and second rounds - single elimination. My junior year, a senior from one of the high school teams won the bid and selected me to roll against him - an unprecedented pairing to say the least. He was on the school team at 145 and I had no formal experience at 160. The slippery spaghetti took away much of his advantage but eventually he beat me. Afterwards, when I was alone, he approached me and we began a f@ckbuddy relationship til the end of the school year. We used wrestling as foreplay and sometimes relived our initial meeting/match by incorporating food in our matches. By the end, he taught me a lot and was winning a lot more.


Tigerrific (129)

26/3/2020 23:18

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To NBTUndefeated: Sounds like a great (if unusual) love story!

I've always wondered what wrestling in honey is like. Would it be sticky or slippery? Haha


NBTUndefeated (2)

28/3/2020 1:13

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Yeah, I think honey would be too sticky diminishing, not enhancing the experience- that’s a personal preference though


NBTUndefeated (2)

28/3/2020 1:11

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Thanks tigerrific! Never thought of it as a love story - more of two lads exploring their sexuality and truly bonding as men can on the mats. You opened my eyes to the love story side of it and I have fond memories of our times together and the excitement of anticipation leading to each rendezvous


wrestleindo (75)

27/3/2020 4:41

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TO Tigerrific : well.. it should be a bit sticky.. but if u add water to loosen its consistency, probs its gonna be a good food option.. have u tried food fight before ?


Tigerrific (129)

27/3/2020 11:46

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Not yet. In your experience what sort of food makes for a good match? I've tried mud wrestling before but ugh, the mud gets in everywhere!


wrestleindo (75)

27/3/2020 17:28

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i've tried food fight with several types of food substance.. most of my best matches are done with desserts like cakes, whipped cream, pies, ice creams, etc. Usually i only use boxes of ice cream and whipped cream to make it simple. But, sometimes to spice up the game and fantasy, i set up the place with dinner like table full of cakes and fruits. Its way more complicated, but the sensation is just unbelievable, foods flying everywhere, body got messed up till naked.. and ended with sexy fun on the table..


Juggler27 (0)

19/4/2020 6:15

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Wow - that sounds absolutely amazing!!! Would do that in a heartbeat (it's just always difficult to find a willing partner - ha ha)


NBTUndefeated (2)

28/3/2020 1:07

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Wow wretleindo, that sounds amazing!


wrestleindo (75)

09/1/2020 9:10

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That was a very hot one tho. I think ur fuck buddy have that « food wrestle » fetish. What other food that u used to wrestle with him afterwards ?


wrestleindo (75)

29/11/2019 13:32

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Really ? I’ve never done food fights with « main course »’s food before. Always done it with desserts like cakes, whipped cream, etc.. did u use blow up pool for the ring when u do the spaghetti wrestling? Tell me more!


wrestleindo (75)

28/10/2019 5:22

is there anyone who loves doin food fight ? i've been in several matches using food substance like whipped cream, pies, cake or simply food fight in the kitchen. Tell me your stories! and feel free to share what you found on the net!


Juggler27 (0)

19/4/2020 6:18

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I've had an all our cream pie fight with a buddy - we started out naked and just went at it - was chaotic and a blast. Afterwards, when we were all messed up (as well as the floor) we wrestled in all. Was difficult to get a firm hold on each other, but it was still a lot of fun. Twice other times I've wrestled in shaving cream (head to toe) - eventually nude both times, but didn't start out that way. Again, both end up wrestling in it. Can't tell you how much fun it is - always looking for a willing partner on those types of experiences!


MudFighterMel (0)

28/11/2019 10:41

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i love food fights - anything you like!! oil too and mud - love mud! up for any kinda food fight you fancy - have some experiences to share plus of mucky/muddy wrestles too; be great if we could meet and mess up with loadsa food and messy stuff

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