My partner and I are looking to chat to like minded couples.
We can voice verify.
We love fighting fantasies, mvm and fvf both semi erotic and just playful fights.
Outdoor scenarios as well as hotel as we can’t accom.
It’s really tricky to find genuine UK couples who will chat to us. I’ve had a couple of arranged playfights and my partner would love to watch and take part if the chemistry is there. We aren’t competitive and just looking for some sexy harmless fighting fun.
My wife and i were in your position. Ee found it really hard to hook up with genuine couples.
We were lucky to find one via a judo club we all attended which was a long term friendship and others very occaisoonally via ads in personals - before the internet lol. My wife hasn't wrestled for years now which is a shame otherwise we'd have joined you.
fightinboots (0)
29/3/2018 18:44My partner and I are looking to chat to like minded couples.
We can voice verify.
We love fighting fantasies, mvm and fvf both semi erotic and just playful fights.
Outdoor scenarios as well as hotel as we can’t accom.
It’s really tricky to find genuine UK couples who will chat to us. I’ve had a couple of arranged playfights and my partner would love to watch and take part if the chemistry is there. We aren’t competitive and just looking for some sexy harmless fighting fun.
Alf555 (0)
26/7/2021 17:51(en respuesta a esto)
My wife and i were in your position. Ee found it really hard to hook up with genuine couples.
We were lucky to find one via a judo club we all attended which was a long term friendship and others very occaisoonally via ads in personals - before the internet lol. My wife hasn't wrestled for years now which is a shame otherwise we'd have joined you.
Gunboat john (0)
21/5/2019 16:13(en respuesta a esto)
Wish we lived closer