Sexfights and total sexual domination

Best poppers you've had?

voyageur 66 (0)

hace 17 días

Buddy of mine just introduced me to Super Rush. About to edge with it now.


Heel Bait (13 )

hace 22 días

Max Impact. I've got some kind of sensitivity to it, so it's straight up knockout gas for me.


Chokestud (1)

hace 23 días

Maximum impact on a rag and dab a little bit of Amsterdam on it as well. The two combined masses, tremendous head rush. And then a few mix it with chokes and strangles. It’s just mind blowing.


voyageur 66 (0)

hace 24 días

Using Jungle Juice Platinum tonight.



26/2/2021 18:49

MaxImpact. makes my bull udders cum.


BeTheBest (0)

24/2/2021 7:27

In Johannesburg you find poppers by the name Men's Scent. It is in a square bottle and is super strong. The best one for me!


LeighLadtoWrestle (1)

24/2/2021 0:04

I tried once and did nothing for me. A few I've spoken with are bottom guys who say its ok for them to take it as it can make you go limp, not good if you are top of course. WHat are they meant to do to you?


john el (13)

26/2/2021 18:39

(en respuesta a esto)

Same, not only didn't do anything, but gave me a huge headache.


JayPuncher (12)

23/2/2021 22:01

Blue Boy and Amsterdam are both pretty good, but because of various government regulations, formulas have changed and none of them are as good as product from the 90's or 00's.


headscissorschgonwburbs (21 )

23/2/2021 17:48

Like poppers but seem to make me go limp


azjobber80 (15)

23/2/2021 17:20

British gold


PrimalPuma (32 )

23/2/2021 0:42

Double Sorpio.


Hslut75 (3)

21/2/2021 12:30

the best is based on nitrite amyl


MAD13 (7)

20/11/2020 5:54

What are the best poppers you've had for an alpha stakes match? Something that got both of you heated to fight and still does today?


scubawrestler (90 )

02/3/2021 2:59

(en respuesta a esto)

I like pig sweat for a match like that, but also Amsterdam, and Jungle juice Platinum

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