My meeting with CanonGuy here and the really awesome sleeper session we had. I’m gonna have to learn the hold a bit better myself so I can return the experience to him.
Oh really? Would you say it was the BEST you ever had. LOL.
I hope you been practicing because i definitely have to try it if it's the best! Come on pretty boy, make muscle daddy go nighty nite!
I fell in love with sleepers watching TV wrestling as a kid. But I was too weak and too scared to do any of it myself back then. The first time came in the weight room at college. I started watching this one guy doing curls with a heavier weight than anybody else, and he asked me what I was staring at. I was stumbling around for what to say and wanting a sleeper fell out.
A few minutes later he grabbed me from behind. It hurt more than I could believe. But the more I thought about it, the more I liked it. After I started working out, I wrestled this one guy in my apartment. He kept putting me in headlocks. No matter the pain, I kept inviting him back.
Then there was this built guy at my gym. They had mats, and he always seemed to be wrestling somebody. I’d watch, and after a while, he asked me what I was doing. My wanting a sleeper fell out again. I wrestled him maybe three times, and every time he put me out.
My passion grew, and I had to find someone who would teach me to wrestle. I’d ask and everyone refused until one day I came across two guys wrestling at the gym. I stopped to watch and asked to try it, and I lost. But it turned out the guy I wrestled was a Brazilian Ju-Jitsu (bjj) instructor.
I started taking lessons from him and met someone through my bjj classes who became my regular sparring partner. He’d take the air out of me with his abdominal scissors, and then catch me in the neck scissors, but I’d always come back for more. We must have been at almost every weekend for a year or more.
There was another guy I met through a Judo class at the same gym. I showed him how to do the sleeper in one of them. After that, he kept asking me if he could put me out. Finally, he started showing up at my work-out with my regular partner, and he told me to be polite and let him. This guy wasn’t that big, around 180 pounds, but it was all lean muscle, and could do more weight than almost anyone in the weight room. He got me in holds that I could have got out of with others, but his strength was too much. After a while I had nothing, and he stood me up for a sleeper and put me out. I avoided him after that, but later wished I hadn’t.
I wrestled two guys at my place while I was living in Texas who were both bigger than me. One went on to take fourth place in natural body building. I described what happened with him in my last post on “What is your favorite sleeperhold match?” I posted 28 days ago.
The last guy into it I met at the gym I belong to now. He had the looks of a professional wrestler, big and mean, and had strength. I wanted to wrestle him, but he had to do it right there at the gym in front of everybody. Without asking me he put me in choke lift, in a surfboard, and once even in a choke from behind while I was on the biceps machine. I was able to pull his arm off, but then he changed gyms, and I never saw him again. I’ve been looking for guys into it since.
Well since I have some neck problems I can't get a sleeper hold in a fight (at least, not if I want to avoid to be in pain for weeks) so I can only voluntarily get simple rear naked choke holds. That's hardly a problem for me since I want to get knocked out cold.
A real sleeper hold should not be on the windpipe at all. You should still be able to breathe and there shouldn't be any pain at all. I have been put to sleep several times and didn't have a problem unless they weren't doing it properly.
Not very good but I know what I am doing. I have put one guy out before multiple times. I need mpre opponents who are not afraid of sleepers. I also have been put out by 4 people. I have to trust the person, though. Are you?
Flash,No I never did it before so I guess I’m inexperienced.Have had guys in chokeholds but never put them out .Most times they could break free . If you want to show me some techniques I would
Appreciate it . Would love to be put out by a smaller guy ,long as we play it safe .
Agreed, been put out once. He was an experienced heel and knew exactly what he was doing. The last I remember he was working it trash talking as I fondled myself...
Here is mine. I met this guy at Gold's gym when I lived in Texas, and we wrestled on mats I had at my place. I told him to try to put me out, and I'd try to defend. I could tap out to anything except sleepers after the first three taps. He had some BJJ but I had a lot more. We first tried some holds, starting with the sleeper from the standup. The right way to do it is to pull the neck back as you put on the rear choke, and the guy immediately goes down. He put me down and turned me on my stomach and tried to choke me out, but I put my head down to protect my throat. He said he had an alligator style where he turns guys where he's on top and they can't do anything. (Alligators like to get their prey underwater where the alligator is on top and the prey can’t do anything). Then we tried some figure-4s. He turned me down on the mat, and almost had me but I was able to get up on my knees and get out. I told him to try to wear me down. He had very strong legs. He did foot chokes, leg chokes, cobra clutch, etc. We did one from the stand up where he pushed me down under his legs crossed his ankles and choked. But I got behind his ankle and pushed him over. (I met this real tall guy at International Fitness who liked to do that. We were going to wrestle but he disappeared. I heard from some others he did that to them and put them out). A couple of times he got me behind the neck and crossed his feet. Once he got me across the neck from the side, and I was barely able to get out. He had very strong legs. If he knew better what to do with them, I would have been out. I bet you know how to use your legs, though. I go down really fast to cobra, especially if you shake it. Then there’s the Japanese cobra where he put his fist in my throat, put one arm around, and pulled with the other. It’s the most painful of the lot. He also got me in the vertebral sleeper, where he pinched my rear carotid with his weight on my back so I could get up very fast. A number of times he tried to footgag me by putting his foot on my nose and mouth. He kept trying to fish-hook my mouth and stick his toe in, but I was able to keep him out. I looked that one up on YouTube. It can put you out. Finally, we stopped doing holds and just wrestled. I was pretty worn down by that time, just defending and not doing anything to sleeper him. After that, he kept trying to get me in a raw choke across my windpipe by putting one arm around my neck and pulling it back with the other, but I kept my head down to protect my windpipe and rolled out of it. Finally, he put his foot up against the wall so I couldn't roll him anymore, covered my mouth with his hand. When I was pretty much gone, he stood me up in a rear choke from the standing position and put me out. It went on for about half an hour. I still think about it all the time. He tried so many holds on me I can't even remember then all. He was a bodybuilder around 200 lbs.
chicagocroix (16)
26/2/2021 21:47Calmuscle does have magnificent guns! I've had the pleasure of taking a nap in them many, many times!
sleepermuscle (127 )
02/3/2021 12:48(en respuesta a esto)
Id love to see that! Let your hand drop three times and then take advantage of your weakened state!
Alex 8510 (0)
26/2/2021 9:48Id let anyone put me in a sleeper hold and id fight back a bit if you wanted lol
Wrestletowrestle (29)
30/1/2021 15:22I like both give and receive as well
Wrestletowrestle (29)
30/1/2021 14:22Also love to trade sleepers with you Sleepermuscle
sleepermuscle (127 )
30/1/2021 14:56(en respuesta a esto)
Oh, don't worry. I love to give and receive! It's only fair. LOL
sleepermuscle (127 )
30/1/2021 12:34Bring it on! I’m pretty good at selling them.
calwrestler (146)
25/2/2021 18:37(en respuesta a esto)
I'll buy one....sight unseen!
Bring it dude....and turnabout is fair play!
sleepermuscle (127 )
25/2/2021 18:54(en respuesta a esto)
Damn, those are some fine guns you got! I'd be in heaven on either side of the sleeper with your sexy ass.
calwrestler (146)
26/2/2021 0:43(en respuesta a esto)
You've made my day!
Jcoolz2020 (1)
26/2/2021 23:27(en respuesta a esto)
Nice bicep, I wouldn’t mind being put to sleep in the sleeperhold by you
Wrestletowrestle (29)
29/1/2021 20:32Love your stories Jwest. I am pretty good at sleepers
PA Wrestler (48 )
07/8/2020 13:40My meeting with CanonGuy here and the really awesome sleeper session we had. I’m gonna have to learn the hold a bit better myself so I can return the experience to him.
sleepermuscle (127 )
30/1/2021 12:36(en respuesta a esto)
Can I be your teacher and victim?!
PA Wrestler (48 )
30/1/2021 15:09(en respuesta a esto)
Of course you can
sleepermuscle (127 )
28/1/2021 14:42(en respuesta a esto)
Can I watch?
PA Wrestler (48 )
29/1/2021 0:37(en respuesta a esto)
Oh I’d be down for that!
sleepermuscle (127 )
20/11/2020 13:14(en respuesta a esto)
Oh really? Would you say it was the BEST you ever had. LOL.
I hope you been practicing because i definitely have to try it if it's the best! Come on pretty boy, make muscle daddy go nighty nite!
FLASH1025 (12 )
28/1/2021 10:22(en respuesta a esto)
Wish that you were closer.
FLASH1025 (12 )
30/8/2020 9:05(en respuesta a esto)
You can "practice" on me. I can help you a bit. Not an expert but I can show you a bit.
canonguy (76 )
08/8/2020 10:07(en respuesta a esto)
Woof - hell yeah man 😈
Lovetobecrushed23 (24)
09/8/2020 13:40(en respuesta a esto)
Can’t wait to experience those sleepers for myself next
jwest1111 (0)
07/5/2020 17:08I fell in love with sleepers watching TV wrestling as a kid. But I was too weak and too scared to do any of it myself back then. The first time came in the weight room at college. I started watching this one guy doing curls with a heavier weight than anybody else, and he asked me what I was staring at. I was stumbling around for what to say and wanting a sleeper fell out.
A few minutes later he grabbed me from behind. It hurt more than I could believe. But the more I thought about it, the more I liked it. After I started working out, I wrestled this one guy in my apartment. He kept putting me in headlocks. No matter the pain, I kept inviting him back.
Then there was this built guy at my gym. They had mats, and he always seemed to be wrestling somebody. I’d watch, and after a while, he asked me what I was doing. My wanting a sleeper fell out again. I wrestled him maybe three times, and every time he put me out.
My passion grew, and I had to find someone who would teach me to wrestle. I’d ask and everyone refused until one day I came across two guys wrestling at the gym. I stopped to watch and asked to try it, and I lost. But it turned out the guy I wrestled was a Brazilian Ju-Jitsu (bjj) instructor.
I started taking lessons from him and met someone through my bjj classes who became my regular sparring partner. He’d take the air out of me with his abdominal scissors, and then catch me in the neck scissors, but I’d always come back for more. We must have been at almost every weekend for a year or more.
There was another guy I met through a Judo class at the same gym. I showed him how to do the sleeper in one of them. After that, he kept asking me if he could put me out. Finally, he started showing up at my work-out with my regular partner, and he told me to be polite and let him. This guy wasn’t that big, around 180 pounds, but it was all lean muscle, and could do more weight than almost anyone in the weight room. He got me in holds that I could have got out of with others, but his strength was too much. After a while I had nothing, and he stood me up for a sleeper and put me out. I avoided him after that, but later wished I hadn’t.
I wrestled two guys at my place while I was living in Texas who were both bigger than me. One went on to take fourth place in natural body building. I described what happened with him in my last post on “What is your favorite sleeperhold match?” I posted 28 days ago.
The last guy into it I met at the gym I belong to now. He had the looks of a professional wrestler, big and mean, and had strength. I wanted to wrestle him, but he had to do it right there at the gym in front of everybody. Without asking me he put me in choke lift, in a surfboard, and once even in a choke from behind while I was on the biceps machine. I was able to pull his arm off, but then he changed gyms, and I never saw him again. I’ve been looking for guys into it since.
Matt Teo (1)
05/5/2020 20:23Well since I have some neck problems I can't get a sleeper hold in a fight (at least, not if I want to avoid to be in pain for weeks) so I can only voluntarily get simple rear naked choke holds. That's hardly a problem for me since I want to get knocked out cold.
kcjobberboy (0)
05/5/2020 20:21I like combination sleeper holds like camel/sleeper or body scissor/sleeper holds.
FLASH1025 (12 )
04/5/2020 12:06A real sleeper hold should not be on the windpipe at all. You should still be able to breathe and there shouldn't be any pain at all. I have been put to sleep several times and didn't have a problem unless they weren't doing it properly.
Sammeywrestler2019 (0)
29/7/2020 21:11(en respuesta a esto)
Hey Flash ,are you good at applying sleeper holds ?
FLASH1025 (12 )
01/8/2020 10:58(en respuesta a esto)
Not very good but I know what I am doing. I have put one guy out before multiple times. I need mpre opponents who are not afraid of sleepers. I also have been put out by 4 people. I have to trust the person, though. Are you?
Sammeywrestler2019 (0)
02/8/2020 5:55(en respuesta a esto)
Flash,No I never did it before so I guess I’m inexperienced.Have had guys in chokeholds but never put them out .Most times they could break free . If you want to show me some techniques I would
Appreciate it . Would love to be put out by a smaller guy ,long as we play it safe .
FLASH1025 (12 )
03/8/2020 13:45(en respuesta a esto)
O.K., sounds fair. Let's chat.
Sammeywrestler2019 (0)
06/8/2020 18:53(en respuesta a esto)
Okay message me maybe we can set something up
harrier (4)
06/5/2020 15:50(en respuesta a esto)
Agreed, been put out once. He was an experienced heel and knew exactly what he was doing. The last I remember he was working it trash talking as I fondled myself...
FLASH1025 (12 )
08/8/2020 12:02(en respuesta a esto)
Who was it? Was there wrestling, too?
Good looker (0)
10/4/2020 8:34They ALL seem 2wana put me 2sleep, they all have massive hard ins as i go limp i notice
Grakoda (91)
09/4/2020 5:42Biff Busick (Oney Lorcan) vs Timothy Thatcher
Wait until the end, i almost think it may be real? If not it’s great selling.
calwrestler (146)
25/2/2021 18:35(en respuesta a esto)
It definitely looks real..... this is one of the best matches ever!
Mat1510 (1)
24/8/2020 14:47(en respuesta a esto)
Unbelievably awesome match! Brutal Choke Hold by Lorcan to win. The whole match is awesome
chicagocroix (16)
07/5/2020 20:54(en respuesta a esto)
this clip is great! what are some of everyone else's favorite clips? I'll go look for some of mine
jwest1111 (0)
08/4/2020 22:42Here is mine. I met this guy at Gold's gym when I lived in Texas, and we wrestled on mats I had at my place. I told him to try to put me out, and I'd try to defend. I could tap out to anything except sleepers after the first three taps. He had some BJJ but I had a lot more. We first tried some holds, starting with the sleeper from the standup. The right way to do it is to pull the neck back as you put on the rear choke, and the guy immediately goes down. He put me down and turned me on my stomach and tried to choke me out, but I put my head down to protect my throat. He said he had an alligator style where he turns guys where he's on top and they can't do anything. (Alligators like to get their prey underwater where the alligator is on top and the prey can’t do anything). Then we tried some figure-4s. He turned me down on the mat, and almost had me but I was able to get up on my knees and get out. I told him to try to wear me down. He had very strong legs. He did foot chokes, leg chokes, cobra clutch, etc. We did one from the stand up where he pushed me down under his legs crossed his ankles and choked. But I got behind his ankle and pushed him over. (I met this real tall guy at International Fitness who liked to do that. We were going to wrestle but he disappeared. I heard from some others he did that to them and put them out). A couple of times he got me behind the neck and crossed his feet. Once he got me across the neck from the side, and I was barely able to get out. He had very strong legs. If he knew better what to do with them, I would have been out. I bet you know how to use your legs, though. I go down really fast to cobra, especially if you shake it. Then there’s the Japanese cobra where he put his fist in my throat, put one arm around, and pulled with the other. It’s the most painful of the lot. He also got me in the vertebral sleeper, where he pinched my rear carotid with his weight on my back so I could get up very fast. A number of times he tried to footgag me by putting his foot on my nose and mouth. He kept trying to fish-hook my mouth and stick his toe in, but I was able to keep him out. I looked that one up on YouTube. It can put you out. Finally, we stopped doing holds and just wrestled. I was pretty worn down by that time, just defending and not doing anything to sleeper him. After that, he kept trying to get me in a raw choke across my windpipe by putting one arm around my neck and pulling it back with the other, but I kept my head down to protect my windpipe and rolled out of it. Finally, he put his foot up against the wall so I couldn't roll him anymore, covered my mouth with his hand. When I was pretty much gone, he stood me up in a rear choke from the standing position and put me out. It went on for about half an hour. I still think about it all the time. He tried so many holds on me I can't even remember then all. He was a bodybuilder around 200 lbs.
Spenser Locke (19)
11/4/2020 6:18(en respuesta a esto)
So hot! Sounds like that alligator totally chomped down on you.