Wrestling Videos on the Net

Did erotic videos inspire you to make wrestling?

mochablk (22)

12/1/2021 16:49

I was always fascinated by it since I was a kid as well. As kids, we tussled with each other and even then, I found it "fascinating" if you get my meaning. So, as time went by and I moved on to the military, the urge just grew stronger.


westfalia (1)

12/1/2021 18:04

(en respuesta a esto)

And were you able to satisfy your urge in the military or did you have to 'take yourself in hand?.........


mochablk (22)

12/1/2021 23:50

(en respuesta a esto)

I did, but it wasn't other military individuals. My service allowed me to be in regions where wrestling was quite prevalent in the 90s.


movik (29)

13/1/2021 10:42

(en respuesta a esto)

and at that time you could already have erotic matches?


westfalia (1)

13/1/2021 11:35

(en respuesta a esto)

No, you had to be very secretive about it. Myself & this other lad would get on our bicycles after dark, go out of the village along an old track take our clothes off & wrestle. Nothing serious, but knowing we shouldn't be doing it was part of the fun...


movik (29)

13/1/2021 13:15

(en respuesta a esto)

why you didn't do this at home?


westfalia (1)

13/1/2021 15:34

(en respuesta a esto)

Because I was still at school & living with my parents.


westfalia (1)

13/1/2021 2:49

(en respuesta a esto)

I wish the internet had been around in the 60's...... Life for a young guy would have been much more fun....


westfalia (1)

12/1/2021 10:02

No, I've been fascinated by wrestling since I was a kid & discovered WOS wrestling on TV every Saturday afternoon.
It was only when I realised I was gay that I made the connection.
What you young guys forget is that when I was of a 'formative' age, sex between men was illegal & being brought up in a small village where everybody knew everybody, there was no chance of living one's fantasies.
Except with one guy..... but that's another story.........lol


movik (29)

11/1/2021 15:44

You started to wrestle (or box) inspired by respective porno, or exciting wrestling porno pushed you to this sport?

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