Wrestling Videos on the Net

My Pandemic pastime... editing favorite gay wrestling clips to slo mo.

matfighter (22)

09/7/2023 3:58

Bravo and thank you!!!!! Both clips had my full attention - well done!


Wrestle4Kombat (0)

07/7/2023 11:12

Finally loaded! I love both. The heavy panting in slow mo is great. I love their briefs in the dry one and I also am an oil fan


Nicofloridian123 (3 )

06/7/2023 21:00

Excellent videos, very erotic. Slowing them down helps one enjoy all the action. I thoroughly enjoyed both videos. Thank you.


BearhugSF (10 )

07/7/2023 3:49

(en respuesta a esto)

You're welcome. I'm glad you were able to open the link. Some guys had trouble.


scissornpinmenow (0)

02/7/2023 6:50

And yes, if you do create more similar slow mo videos, I would definitely be interested.


BearhugSF (10 )

02/7/2023 14:31

(en respuesta a esto)

I'm glad you liked them. More accurately, I'm glad that you were able to open up the link. Some folks have been having trouble as you can tell in the replies.
I'm not sure this is the best platform to share my slo mo videos, so if you want to message me with your email address, I can send you some links that way.


scissornpinmenow (0)

02/7/2023 6:49

Both are wonderful; very, very erotic. Thank you so much for your time and trouble, and for sharing.


Phight1 (3)

01/7/2023 21:30

Can you load them to watchfighters? Idk if there's a copyright issue to do it? 🤷🏻‍♂️


BearhugSF (10 )

03/7/2023 17:15

(en respuesta a esto)

Guys have had varied success in opening up my slo mo clips on this site.
If you have any trouble, you can message me and I can send you the link.


BearhugSF (10 )

02/7/2023 3:47

(en respuesta a esto)

There probably would be if people are paying to view it.


BearhugSF (10 )

01/7/2023 15:02

My apologies for anyone trying to open the link. I didn't realize that there is a maximum viewing limit on video uploaded to Google Drive. So much for my first attempt at posting a video!


headscissorschgonwburbs (21 )

30/6/2023 21:59

i try to open and just keeps spinning


BearhugSF (10 )

30/6/2023 22:18

(en respuesta a esto)

Because I uploaded it to Google Drive, your connection may be slow. That probably explains why it's not loading.


WrestleBob (57)

30/6/2023 21:47

Excellent artistry. in addition to enhancing the erotic aspect your treatment also elevates our enjoyment of the victims pain and suffering and has high educational value in showing how the combatants work their way in and out of holds.


BearhugSF (10 )

30/6/2023 21:52

(en respuesta a esto)

Thanks. Slowing the footage down also turns the wrestlers' grunts into animalistic growls, which I find a turn on.


BearhugSF (10 )

30/6/2023 19:34

During the pandemic, some people baked sourdough; I took favorite clips from gay wrestling videos and slowed them down half speed (to maximize the erotic body contact) and uploaded them to Google Drive.
Here are two examples:
Two Czechs...

and something in oil...

More where those came from. Let me know how you like them.


muscled (26)

05/7/2023 5:05

(en respuesta a esto)

Nice work I really enjoyed your clips thank you


BearhugSF (10 )

05/7/2023 14:24

(en respuesta a esto)

Your welcome! I'm glad you were successful in opening them up.


hereit is (8)

02/7/2023 4:41

(en respuesta a esto)

Both of those 2 matches are really hot to watch. I enjoyed them but I am not a fan of the punching or choking.


Wrestle4Kombat (0)

01/7/2023 6:38

(en respuesta a esto)

I’d love to watch but it says maximum allowable of playbacks exceeded

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