water wrestling

First Fight

baltimoredude29 (0)

29/7/2021 17:33

My first real fight was in a pool when I was ten. I had red hair at the time. The other boy was nine, his name was Sean. He was blonde. He played football at school, I wasn't much of a athlete, but we were both skinny just coming into our bodies and the same height. We were all WWE fans, me, him and Tony, and all of our moms were friends so we were stuck with eachother. Tony was both Sean and I's best friend, we never got along all that well but on this day we let it all out. The three of us and another boy were wrestling and I didn't like how Sean was being super aggressive to the other boy so I took him under the water. We held each other down and he grabbed me by my hair. I kicked him in the stomach to get him off of me. We both rose out of the water and started yelling at each other and got in each others faces. The lifeguard and our parents probably noticed at this time but were used to us goofing around so didn't really think much of it. We got into a test of strength where I think he was surprised we were even so he started pulling my hair again. I had had enough of that so I yanked his pretty blonde hair and shouted in his face, "how do you like it?" We kicked each other under the water, aiming for each other's balls. The lifeguard blew the whistle, and we let go of each other, but I decided to grab both of his arms when he turned around and press my knee into his back. He screamed in terror. I let go after a few seconds as the lifeguard blew his whistle again and Sean turned and punched me hard in the nose. I started bleeding and punched him back several times as hard as I could, giving him a black eye. Two lifeguards jumped in and separated us, and we were never forced to hang out again lol. Funny thing is I do remember us dry humping the fuck out of each other one time in probably my first gay experience. Lol well that's my first fight story, thought I'd share.

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