southerngrappler's blog

Hi all

It's been a while but I am back in the site. Whilst I have been wrestling I have had lots going on but I am back now

Thanks to everyone who has been a support to me

Hope to catch up soon!!!


Editado últimamente el 08/11/2013 19:11 por southerngrappler; 0 comentario(s)
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As 2012 comes to an end it's time to reflect on what has been my busiest year wrestling ever it also marks 6 years since I started. My last wrestle of the year with Grapplefun was a blast and one that has been four years in the making but then good things take time to organise!!!

This year., although there has been times when I have thought should I continue the hobby I enjoy, I have ended the year still meeting guys and enjoying their company on and off the mats

Before May this year I hadn't wrestled much for about a year but since then I have had the privilege of meeting a variety of guys and learning more about different styles and also about me and my passion for this sport.

Not everything has run to plan but life would be boring I guess if everything was as you expected but that doesn't mean I didn't enjoy the varied experiences from meeting guys who I had chatted to for years but failed to meet until now (and there are still to meet in 2013) or those that I first chatted to this year!

A huge thank you to those of you I met this year and to those who stood by me in the more difficult times (you all know who you are!!)

And so onto 2013... Have a great new year and looking forward to meeting you next year :)


Editado últimamente el 30/12/2012 15:12 por southerngrappler; 0 comentario(s)
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Sometimes I think I am a bit mad!! This weekend I visited Manchester for a Saturday of wrestling at Pippas. To get there in time though involves me a train out of Southampton at 6am!!

However the early start was worth it for sure

I met up with SE Wrestler at Euston after battling a half closed underground system Then we both met Tonyo at Manchester and made our way to Pippas

I love pro. Especially with guys who get a kick out of it like me!! SE Wrestler is one of those guys and I have met him a few times but Toyno is in that group too. He loves the sport, looks the part in his boots and trunks and is a great opponent in the ring. He is also a great tag partner and that's what we are now. Looking the business both in black trunks and white boots we had a great three way with SE Wrestler and a bit of double teaming took place. I enjoyed getting him in the tree of woe among other moves. We had a great few hours and look forward to the next meet for sure

I also stayed on with Tonyo at a group meet after. I realise at these meets what a great set of wrestling friends I have and how down to earth they all are. I wrestled Rick Royal and Muscleneck, both of whom I have wrestled before but a few years ago. And that's what this sport is all about. The friendships you develop and then rekindle years later. I really enjoyed my time in the ring and the buzz of pro.

And I am back up in Manchester next week, another early morning awaits......


Editado últimamente el 18/11/2012 21:58 por southerngrappler; 0 comentario(s)
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I thought after reading Tallblondwrestler's blog entry (it's his fault I am into this now I think...) I thought I would think back over my 6 years of my active participation in wrestling...

Now I have to say that when I tell people I wrestle - those that don't usually - I find the reaction to be along the lines of the title of this entry if not far worse. Many people don't get it and especially gay guys - have learnt in my life not to use it as a ice breaker on a date for instance... Unless of course you actually know that's not going to make them run a mile at the thought!!!

But it did make me think why I started this game. I have met well over 100 guys in my time and although I may not have wrestled them all I have enjoyed the varied experience that has brought. I have wrestled in all sorts of environments although matrons or matted areas and of course the ring work best for me. Open fields and woodland aren't great.... Fun but not the best... Take it from me!!!!

Even including the three months after I broke my ankle and coming back after that injury I have enjoyed being part of this circus of life. And take it from me some of the characters in it make it like that

My love of the sport is firmly in the roots of World of Sport and Saturday afternoons. As a teenager my fascination with it made me want to be there. When I first stepped in the ring at Pippas it was fantastic. Every time I have the privilege of taking someone there for the first time they tell me the same. It's the buzz of the environment and the ring itself. But my love and passion go well beyond that and that's why I am here and I have continued to do this through difficult and frustration times

What have I learned??? Loads about me. I used to hate sport now I am more competitive than I have ever been. I used to be ashamed of how I looked and now I wear trunks and boots in front of guys I have never met before and I have really enjoyed learning about the sport and the moves.

All of this would not have been possible without all the friends I have met through this sport. Some of us are in this for different things like everything in life but for me the interaction and the sport are great. Together with some verbal and some dirty tactics of course :)

So what's it all about. Well it's about being able to understand what it's really about That's about making good friends and having a good time and in my case not breaking my ankle again!!

Enjoy your sport. It's not worth doing if you don't!!!


Editado últimamente el 14/10/2012 16:26 por southerngrappler; 1 comentario(s)
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My weekend hasn't gone to plan. I should have been in Manchestet but due to illness with my Dad I couldn't get there. I however did manage to get to London on Sunday to see Munichwrestler and his partner hunk71fi. I have known Ody for years and with his partner Timo I had a wrestle on the Sunday sorted close enough to home to get back if needs be

Great Anglia didn't help my attempts to get to the hotel but after using the bus - I love Sundays ! - I got to there room. After the required moving around to create space we had two hours of promisson starting in singlets and with me ending up in my Union Jack trunks.

Now what's a Brit Boy supposed to do when he meets wrestlers from Germany and Finland Well my trunks said it all and I managed to show the visitors a thing or too. Thanks to my friend DFC for showing me some moves to use. I showed them to Ody and Timo so they could use them later.,. Maybe ;)

A fantastic meet and just what I needed. It's been a difficult few months and I needed a good wrestle. Ody is a good friend and I count Timo as one too now. Ody was one of those that gave me the confidence to come back on this site

I left them sweaty and well heeled and ready for their next encounter in deepest Bishops Stortford with Tallblondwrestler and the mouth of South Essex. Essexwrestler. He had already been winding up Ody anyways! The antics of that meet will be reported elsewhere on a blog I am sure!!

Hopefully the joys of Essex railways will get them therer ok!!

A great meet with two great guys. And a very happy Brit Boy heads home


Editado últimamente el 07/10/2012 18:37 por southerngrappler; 0 comentario(s)
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