
Datos físicos

Miembro desde 8.3 años
Edad 57
Altura 185 cm
Peso 113 kg
Sexo Masculino
Looking for Masculino o Femenino
Equipamiento boots, trunks, pads
Último acceso hoy
Última modificación 16/5/2024


  1. Estados Unidos - Virginia, Fairfax County
    Alexandria, Virginia

Estoy dispuesto a viajar 200 millas



Lucha profesional Lucha profesional

Estructura de pelea: Squash match, Tag Team/Luchas en grupo, Dos contra uno, Me gusta la lucha virtual

Otros intereses: Soy un heel/rudo (me gusta dar)

Fetiches: Equipamiento de lucha

Seguidores de BigBlackHeel


Big black heel that loves to punish smaller jobbers in long drawn out pro-style punishment sessions. Really into torturing jobbers with long held holds, especially targeting the back like boston crabs, camel clutch, and my favorite, backbreakers (one-shoulder, knee or torture rack.

i love jobbers that are skilled at the art of selling and suffering. Begging me to stop the senseless torture. Literally crying in pain and agony. Also love any and all dirty tactics, like eye/face rakes, gouges, cock/ball torture and of course endless choking (two handed, boot, ropes). And is there anything hotter in a pro match than pulling a poor helpless suffering, pain-racked jobber up by the hair after a 2-count to sadistically continue the vicious punishment as the pathetic loser gasps.." more" Love verbal abuse too. Open as far as age but do prefer jobbers smaller than me so I can toss them around a lot.
Always safe and sane and limits respected.


  • BeatenPAProJobber

    Lucha profesional

    Estados Unidos - Pennsylvania, Newberry Township

    51 / 183 cm / 76 kg
    18 ex-contrincantes en 13 años

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