J wrestle fan

Datos físicos

Miembro desde 63 días
Edad 36
Altura 190 cm
Peso 86 kg
Sexo Masculino
Orientación Homosexual/Gay
Looking for Masculino
Equipamiento Singlet, trunks, speedo
Último acceso hoy
Última modificación 10/5/2024


  1. Canadá - Ontario, Newmarket
    Place of residence



Sumisión Sumisión
Lucha profesional Lucha profesional

Estructura de pelea: Squash match, Jugar la lucha

Estilos específicos de lucha: Promission

Fetiches: Culto Muscular

Seguidores de J wrestle fan


New to wrestling but don't let the lack of experience fool you. Have always been attracted to wrestling and finally want to experience it. Mostly into promission style, probably with a competitive edge. Looking for nearby guys to wrestle with.

Been working out for years, finally time to put these muscles to use.


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