Datos físicos

Miembro desde 97 días
Edad 31
Altura 191 cm
Peso 88 kg
Sexo Masculino
Equipamiento shorts, underwear, nude
Último acceso hace 9 días
Última modificación 25/2/2024


  1. Estados Unidos - Texas, Austin
    Place of residence


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Estructura de pelea: Jugar la lucha, Practicando técnicas, Compañero de entrenamiento

Otros intereses: Masaje, Amistad, Posar

Fetiches: No quiero sexo, Jackoff, Lucha desnuda, Culto Muscular


still dipping my toes in the water here...

Not particularly competitive nor athletically coordinated, but always interested in watching or participating in physical combat of this sort. Would love to watch a match or learn a few tricks while enjoying some nude or semi-nude comradery.

Tell me your specific interests and we can work from there.


¿Disfrutas de la lucha virtual? Try our brother site, ChatFighters.com!
Kooga has no cyber opponents.
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