
Datos físicos

Miembro desde 192 días
Edad 48
Altura 183 cm
Peso 90 kg
Sexo Masculino
Orientación Homosexual/Gay
Looking for Masculino
Equipamiento Jocks, thongs and singlets
Último acceso hoy
Última modificación 22/11/2023


  1. Reino Unido, London Borough of Tower Hamlets, England
    Place of residence


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Lucha profesional Lucha profesional
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Estructura de pelea: Jugar la lucha, Practicando técnicas, Compañero de entrenamiento, Chatear, Busco a un profesor

Otros intereses: Amistad, Relación

Fetiches: Quiero sexo, Wrestle for top/Premio para el ganador, Jackoff, Cuero, Equipamiento de boxeo, Equipamiento de lucha, Lucha desnuda, Jugar con las tetillas, Cock fighting, Tirar y quitarse la ropa, Culto Muscular

Seguidores de Lovemusclesub


Lover of all things to do with wrestling, the body contact, the outfits , feats of strength and domination . Would love to meet and chat with other like minded people.
I’m open to learn if there are any people willing to give me a bit of coaching of the different techniques and moves, I don’t have a clue as to what half the terminology means.
What I do know is I have always loved seeing the different shows of strength and domination and also all the horny outfits
This has also given me a new desire to get bigger and put on some muscle so I could take on some of the bigger sexy guys on here


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