
Datos físicos

Miembro desde 6.7 años
Edad 32
Altura 175 cm
Peso 98 kg
Sexo Masculino
Orientación Bisexual
Looking for Masculino o Femenino
Último acceso ayer
Última modificación 27/3/2024
  1. Estados Unidos - Ohio, Columbus

Estoy dispuesto a viajar 50 millas



Sumisión Sumisión
Lucha profesional Lucha profesional

Estructura de pelea: Give and take/Dar y recibir, Squash match, Jugar la lucha, Practicando técnicas, Tag Team/Luchas en grupo, Dos contra uno, No estoy interesado en la lucha virtual

Peleas paradas: No interesado en peleas paradas

Otros intereses: Soy un jobber (me gusta recibir)

Fetiches: Sentarse en la cara, Tirar y quitarse la ropa

Seguidores de MAwrestle


Hey I'm honestly a bit new to all of this and kinda of just want to try it out. Nothing TOO intense, just some sexy fun. I'm definitely more on the jobber side but totally willing to learn and trade holds. As far as other likes go, it's always fun to get stretched out in a good hold or squeezed between some thighs. Also totally love a good wedgie and maybe a good ass to the face :P Definitely up to try things though.

Anywho please feel free to contact me. I'm a tad shy so if I just look at your profile and don't message it's probably me just assuming you're way out of my league or way more intense than you actually are.

Also not to be rude, but I'm not really looking to wrestle with anyone over 25 years older than me. Not cause of fitness, heck a lot of ya are in better shape than me. I just find it awkward to do this with someone my father's age.


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