Datos físicos

Miembro desde 2.2 años
Edad 43
Altura 175 cm
Peso 59 kg
Sexo Masculino
Orientación Homosexual/Gay
Looking for Masculino
Equipamiento Singlet, speedo, shorts, spandex
Último acceso hoy
Última modificación 18/5/2024
  1. Estados Unidos - New York, City of New York
    Place of residence



Olímpico/Grecorromana Olímpico/Grecorromana
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Estructura de pelea: Pelea equilibrada, Give and take/Dar y recibir, Jugar la lucha, Practicando técnicas, Compañero de entrenamiento, Busco a un profesor

Peleas paradas: No interesado en peleas paradas

Otros intereses: Masaje, Tengo acceso a un tatami, Amistad, Postas (stakes)

Fetiches: Jackoff, Spandex, Equipamiento de lucha, Culto Muscular

Seguidores de MikeNYC


Kinda new to this. Only wrestled a few people.
Oh, and I have mats now. 6x6ft.

(Jan 2024) Took a long break from wrestling. After two surgeries (not a sports injury) and finally regaining most of the weight I lost I might be interested in starting again.
(Feb 2024) Met a couple great guys during wrestlefest. And there are already a couple locals I'm looking forward to seeing.


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