Omega Man

Datos físicos

Miembro desde 2.0 años
Edad 36
Altura 165 cm
Peso 65 kg
Sexo Masculino
Orientación Homosexual/Gay
Looking for Masculino
Equipamiento Speedo, Singlets, Short
Idiomas que hablas Inglés, Malayo
Último acceso hace 3 días
Última modificación 31/10/2022


  1. Malasia, Wangsa Maju, Kuala Lumpur
  2. Malasia, Johor Bahru
    (Estoy aquí entre 13/11/2023 y 17/11/2023)



Olímpico/Grecorromana Olímpico/Grecorromana
Sumisión Sumisión
Lucha profesional Lucha profesional
Boxeo Boxeo
Mirar solamente Mirar solamente

Estructura de pelea: Pelea equilibrada, Give and take/Dar y recibir, Jugar la lucha, Practicando técnicas, Tag Team/Luchas en grupo, Compañero de entrenamiento, Peleas al aire libre, No estoy interesado en la lucha virtual, Compitiendo

Estilos específicos de lucha: Brazilian Jiu Jitsu/Jiu Jitsu Brasileño, Lucha con golpes al cuerpo, Ir a ver peleas, Lucha en barro/lodo/aceite

Otros intereses: Amistad

Seguidores de Omega Man


Fighterff was my previous account

Completed vaccination and 1st Booster Jab in Jan 2022

Love healthy competitive wrestling, safe and sane, geared up, practice, competitive, and open for any kind of match (practices, give and take, pro wrestling, Boxing, etc.). Not into cyber matches

Looking for an alike person who enjoys wrestling and boxing, making friends, practicing, and more. Love to explore more. Let me know what are you interested in perhaps ill try that too (safe and sane)

DM me or drop me a challenge if you are keen to wrestle me or if you are in my area, and I will reply.

Ps. Please add me again if you are my past opponent, thanks =)


Some past opponents are not shown in the list above. Members who are blocked, suspended or on a hiatus are hidden.
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Omega Man has no cyber opponents.
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