Perseus's blog

Blocking persons

I don't normally feel strongly enough to write a blog but I do on this occasion! Someone has blocked me from their profile coz I've messaged them twiice and they have not responded. Why can't people just be big enough to say thanks but no thanks your not my type. That's what I've done in the past. I find it it really rude but I suppose the proponents in defence will say it's their right to do such a thing but it thing it's cowardice -just say you don't want to wrestle buddy and I'm big enough to accept it- No hard feelings.

Editado últimamente el 30/8/2012 23:10 por Perseus
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Scrapmerchant 1 (151)

31/8/2012 2:17

Petros - is it any different from you removing recommendations you have made because they have not been reciprocated by past opponents?


Perseus (147)

31/8/2012 7:11

I think so- I tell u the reason why? If u are constantly writing recommendations for others but they don't return the favour at all then your profile rapidly looks skewed. In other words persons may question the authenticity of the individual they are to wrestle if for example they have recommended 20 guys but only received 1 or 2 in return. Personally , I feel the recommendation process should be a two way thing accepting that some find it difficult to express what they want to say or not to recommend at all in case they upset anyone. I can see why you think it's similar but guys blocking others suggest there is a hostile motive involved by the guy being blocked - like stalking or something.


Mark uk (294)

31/8/2012 11:46

Hi Perseus. I agree with you on both counts. I get a bit fed up with guys on here who think they are better than anyone else or have the right to be rude. A polite no thanks or not for me mate doesn't hurt anyone. Unfortunately its the same on global. For recoemmendations it would be unusual if one guy had a good time and the other hated it. a mutual comment no matter how small take 30seconds.


ironranger (71)

12/7/2016 11:34

(en respuesta a esto)

Very well said, by both of you. I find it mystifying when someone blocks. I get it if one feels they're being stalked by someone, perhaps if the other persists in repeated messages or request for matches after being politely told "not interested." But to block under the described circumstances, or as in my case following a chat where we debated and differed on a point of view but seemingly like adults... seems petulant.


Sturdy (31)

31/8/2012 20:16

In an ideal world it would be nice if everyone acted in a fair and equitable way... But the world is far from ideal!

If someone blocks you there really is nothing you can do but accept that, for whatever reason, that person does not want to talk to you. There could be any number of reasons for that, other people are a mystery!

When it comes to recommendations some people are just not very good at writing them, not because they do not think the other guy deserves it, or even simple apathy. Not everyone is comfortable expressing themselves using the written word.

It is kind of annoying to write a recommendation for someone and not have the favour returned, but it is another thing you just have to accept. It would be nice to recieve at least a word or two in response - 'a good fighter' or something - but I suspect they feel that a short recommendation would look mean, so they put nothing.


dirtyfitcheetah (14)

03/9/2012 1:24

(en respuesta a esto)

Granted theres nothing the blocked victim can do about it but he is entitled to moan about the rudeness. The "many reasons for this rudeness argument" should be given short shrift. Rather than hit the "block" button with no warning, people should consider the effect they are likely to have first, and if they cant do that they should grow up.


Perseus (147)

31/8/2012 21:26

Zak I accept what u say fellla but the point I made earlier remains - that is if I accept your scenario then my profile might have maybe 60 recommendations I've given but only received 15 in return and what would a smart guy think of that when he's looking at my profile ??


Tallblondwrestler (79)

31/8/2012 23:22

(en respuesta a esto)

Interesting exchange here.

I understand Perseus' feelings very well. Blocking someone when you simply try and contact them seems very peculiar and rude.

On the other hand (I am sorry - I am a lawyer who sees lots of different points of view) Sturdy makes a very good point. It's just "people". Who knows why. And you just have to, in my opinion, accept you will never get to the bottom of such things.

Perseus, my friend, you just want to be loved. And you are. Fact some guy blocks you when you try and contact them sort of "hurts" because it's inexplicablr - and unjustified. But who knows why? And it's not your problem.

And yes, one must not forget that not everyone is "into" writing recommendations or indeed, really as "into" this site as others are. Some guys like wrestling but not writing about it.

I like both.

Live long and prosper, Perseus. Loads of guys want to wrestle you. Don't worry about the motives of others who don't. It does not matter.



01/9/2012 9:44

I would like to refer you to this support page.


Perseus (147)

01/9/2012 18:36

Yep court convened and sentence passed gotta move on now methinks-:)


dirtyfitcheetah (14)

02/9/2012 10:46

Tell me about it Pers.. I would consider it a badge of honour higher than a "recomm" if somebody blocked me unfairly!


Pitbull (31)

03/9/2012 0:16

Lets just wrestle. Man was built to wrestle.


ScottT (1)

19/9/2012 7:08

Just came across this- Pers- anyone that blocked a stud like you may not be all there upstairs.....


Davey716 (45)

03/11/2012 23:34

Personally, I think someone who has blocked you without replying after two attempts to engage him has done you a favor. He's clearly kind of odd, and there are enough wrestlers out there who are great guys that you needn't waste anymore of your time on him.

On the issue of writing recommendations for guys who don't, no big deal. Sure, it would be nice and more polite if they did. But really, when i'm looking at someone's profile, I don't think much about it if the number of recommendations don't equal out.

Oddly enough, on my profile, the three guys who haven't written recommendations for me are three of my best wrestling buddies. They are all guys I communicate with frequently...and all are repeat customers. So, I don't try to read too much into the recommendations.


littleforbigg (3)

30/1/2014 2:29

A very belated comment long after this "thread" seems to have ended, but only bcoz these happened to me only recently: One rather new member blocked me simply bcoz I "faved" him. Nothing more–no accompanying message saying I thought he was hot/great bod, etc. I guess he was offended that he might actually appear on the fave list of a guy like me. Name gladly supplied upon request. Another, a long-time and very popular member who, in some of the several messages we exchanged, not only wrote that he liked wrestling guys "my size" but actually challenged me, blocked me not bcoz of anything here or bcoz of messages we exchanged on his direct e-mail (which he lists in his pro) but bcoz I chided him on his over-use of Facebook. Apologies for venting but just sayin'.


surrey71 (21 )

20/9/2016 11:01

Same thing happened to me with blocking!
If a guy puts things like "if ya hard enough" and "I'll break you" in their profile, I see that as a challenge, so I send a message calling them out - and they block you!
Complete cowardice!!
