Restrictions on Facebook!!
- Wrestlg
- 19/11/2024
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My Wrestling profile “Glenn Scott” keeps getting restricted on Facebook.
I only post Wrestling pics etc, no nudity etc, but they keep flagging me for Obscene pictures!! Most being memories posted previously!
I shall return soon!
Add me as a friend and join me to celebrate the Wrestling we Love!!
NXT Finale!
- Wrestlg
- 07/6/2010
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I was Very Happy with A lot about NXT's First Series.
Wade Barrett Deserved to Win. He was The "Best" out of Ten GREAT guys. All HOT, Talented & for the Most Part, Great taste in Gear!
I just Didn't like the Abrupt Eliminations, 3 in One Show! The Pros Decided the Final Outcome & Not Enough Matches!!
Already Looking forward to Seeing The Next group of Guys!!
Watch Season One's Best Matches on
Lets Gear up & wrestle like the BIG boys!!
Another great week for WWE's NXT. Besides the Stupid Challenges, The wrestling itself has been GREAT!
All the Guys are great in the Ring!
Michael Tarver Can't seem to WIN, BUT He's Awesome to Watch, Looks HOT too! Love the Tattoos & Bad Attitude!!
Heath Slater is a Lot of FUN. I Am not Loving his Hair, But I Enjoy his Ring action & Great attitude!!
Wade Barrett is my favorite All around Rookie! He's Got it all! Great looks, Hot Simple Gear, a Muted Gimmick, I Look forward to him Wrestling anyone!
David Otunga is my Sexiest Rookie, in my Book. He is just Beefy Goodness. Love to see his Hot Ass Bouncing Around!
Darren Young is the Black John Cena! With Crazy Hair! he is a Great addition to Any Show he's on!
Justin Gabriel has Great Moves. He Is Sexy but in an ODD way, totally Unusual!
Skip Sheffield is your Traditional Muscle Head, Love his excitable Action in the Ring!
Daniel Bryan is Wacky Funny! Like to see him Win, But I seem to Like to Watch him Lose! Skip Clotheslined him 360 degrees! Totally HOT!
Watch it Online, if you Missed these Great Matches!!
Pretty Good Action Hidden in this week's WWE Shows! (I say DV-r the Shows & Skip the Dreck)
last week's Smackdown wasn't the Usual quality that I enjoy. I like the way the show goes & the "adult/Diva" stuff is kept to a Minimum.
Watched RAW from Monday, on Tuesday. The Smackdown stars Helped out with the Raw Superstars stuck in Europe. Cena & Sheamus on Satalite Feeds. Who Knew that Sheamus would Look so Good in Clothes!!
The Prize Match on Raw was No Surprise: The Undertaker Vs Jack Swagger! Watch it Online! Great Back & forth, Even Action! The Undertaker Rarely Disappoints, & Jack swagger Totally Showed Why he got the Push to the HeavyWeight Championship! I gotta watch it Again!
I think Matt Hardy got Really Clocked on the Back of his head in his match with Drew McIntyre. He really hit the steel Stairs Hard! I hope he is fine. He always Adds to the Shows he is on! I can Live without Jeff Hardy, But NOT Matt!
The NXT show has All Great rookies, Lets see what last night's show had to Offer! Watch this space! Wade Barrett is My current Favorite! glenn
wrestle Hard!
Wrestling FUN!
- Wrestlg
- 12/4/2010
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Hey guys! Hope you are All gearing up & hitting the Mats & each other!
Wrestled with 5 pals on Easter Sunday! Lots of Sweaty Submissions! But no one Got me! Don't talk about it, Gear up & do it!
WWE news: Still loving the WWE/NXT show. David Otunga wrestled with Tarver in a great back & forth match! Tarver Throwing Otunga out of the Ring & then Back in the ring, giving Otunga a Great wedgie! Otunga has One Great ass! Should I enjoy watching Daniel Bryan get Beat up every week?? But I Do. lol Love seeing KANE interact with the rookies too. Kane gives great Match! All the rookies have something! Wade Barrett is my Favorite, he's a great all around Character & Wrestler! Who is Hot too!
My Boy Sheamus Destroyed Kofi Kingston, But Not in a total Squash! HOT Guys in Hot Action, & I'm Happy!
I'm happy that Jack Swagger is Champion on Smackdown. On Raw he had a great match with Randy Orton.
more Ezekial Jackson, Kozlov, Evan Bourne, Carlito, Santino, & bring Back rene Dupree!
Tell me I'm Wrong & i'll wrestle you Hard!