Fighters in training


Tees Dragon (0)

31/8/2019 22:34

We could do with a central location for us all to come to for a weekend and learn then take time out to practice on one another


ikf (24 )

01/9/2019 13:14

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Look at the events, there is such a place in Manchester.


Tees Dragon (0)

01/9/2019 22:07

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Its always bloody Manchester, do we not have other venues around the country? for those of us who can't all get to Manchester and its one ring venue.


ikf (24 )

02/9/2019 0:57

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I'm bloody sorry for you UK guys, but many of us are not in the UK and are doing the favour for you UK guys by flying to the UK to meet you there.

If you care, there are further (and better) rings and matrooms available here in Budapest, Hungary, and I'm sure others from other countries (Germany, France, Spain, Poland, etc.) will speak up too, if asked.


Tees Dragon (0)

02/9/2019 13:37

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Its not that its just all the events seem to be at Manchester and for guys like me turning up you always find the super fin the expert fights taking center stage.

There are plenty of sports clubs up and down the UK with mat rooms but no one seems bothered to go to them, whats needed is more venues with wrestling not boxing rings.


BigIrishman1 (2)

22/2/2019 13:50

Wow id love to visit to get crash course with you Ringeroh. Im only a beginner mma but perhaps in.a few months id know enough to make a trip and get some training?


Seniorboxer (26 )

19/12/2018 14:32

Da gibt es ja doch so was und ich bin dieses Jahr zweimal nach England.👍
Ich hoffe, nächstes Jahr vorbei kommen zu können.


Ringerohr (39)

18/12/2018 2:49

I just want to let you know that here in the north of Germany is a fighters-gym.
Every weekend and even during the week you can fight here in my barn. There is an area 5 by 5 meters with soft matts to wrestle on. A permant boxring is in there fixed up.
My friend and myself we are trained wrestlers and could coach. I also can coach boxers. I still compete in both styles. Sometimes we have fight-nights here.
To make it complete there is a small gym with lots of weights and machines and a small sauna.
And rooms to stay overnight.
So if you want to try fighting there are no flimsy excuses.


scottimike (26)

25/8/2019 4:04

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Its great you can coach or train in both wrestling and boxing ..


AussieBoxer (47 )

18/12/2018 5:39

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