MeetFighters News

Official blog post on the coronavirus pandemic

Hello fighters,

In case you missed the evening news for the past several evenings, there is a coronavirus pandemic out there.

The only thing spreading faster than the virus itself is misinformation about the virus. Since we are wrestlers and not doctors, we can only offer you relief from the misinformation, which we do in the form of a link to the following site:

Q&A on coronaviruses (COVID-19) on the World Health Organization (WHO) website.

Additionally, we are forwarding 50% of all donations made to our site in the next 30 days to the WHO COVID-19 Solidarity Response Fund.

To limit the spread of misinformation, we are asking you to stop blogging about the outbreak on our site. There is no good firsthand information to be shared here, and spreading thirdhand information is superfluous at best and dangerous/misleading at worst. Regardless of how well meaning and informed you think you are, let the experts do their jobs, and not drown out firsthand sources with your interpretations.

[UPDATE 20th March 2020]: The Events page and Match page are temporary disabled.

[UPDATE 21st March 2020]:

Stay healthy, stay safe!
The MeetFighters Team.

Editado últimamente el 21/3/2020 12:12 por Admin
Enlace permanente



surrey71 (21 )

16/3/2020 19:33

Well done Admin for trying to fight the misinformation pandemic!


edscissors (29 )

16/3/2020 19:33

Eminently sensible post from Admin! Thank you.


serengueti (0)

16/3/2020 19:37

agree with being aware of the information that everyone can spread so take measures and be safe!


FullNelson2U (26)

16/3/2020 19:38

Thanks so much for this post!!!


frenchprowrestler (126)

16/3/2020 19:42

Yes. Great ! Thanks
Unhappily no matches for some weeks i am afraid


ordjbr (68)

16/3/2020 19:45

Bravo admin!!!! And thank you!


launce (0)

16/3/2020 19:46

Thank you for your concern and information. Well done Admin!!


Pro jobber (1)

16/3/2020 19:46

Still getting few matches in at least nearly all of us will be fine


Christos (30)

21/3/2020 5:22

(en respuesta a esto)

Greece is very close to Italy and the reports that we are getting from Greek doctors that live in Italy are frightening and you are still getting a few matches ... seriously ?


scottimike (26)

21/3/2020 11:54

(en respuesta a esto)

Well said mate


bobster (34)

16/3/2020 19:46

It's a shame you don't give the thumbs up or down here. This is the first responsible advice I have seen in days. Keep up the great work!



16/3/2020 19:48

(en respuesta a esto)

Votes are enabled now.


surrey71 (21 )

16/3/2020 19:51

(en respuesta a esto)

Huge 👍🏼 From me!


SeattleFight (507)

20/3/2020 23:20

(en respuesta a esto)

What do you think about creating some type of emblem or logo we can all post saying we’re being responsible and not meeting in person during this public health crisis? Sort of like the safety one.



20/3/2020 23:48

(en respuesta a esto)

I thought about that too.
But I don't think anyone can say for sure he has no virus even if your responsible.
But maybe an 'I don't meet' sticker you can add.

Anyway, honestly, I think I did as much as possible and reasonable. Let's see what the situation is in a few days.


Gruffbear40 (2)

16/3/2020 20:01

Thanks admin


freewrestler (24 )

16/3/2020 20:02

Thanks for this great initiative. My friends working at international organizations told me that WHO World Health Organization is the best source for information on this pandemic and that for any information we should follow their advice which can be obtained on their website.


NYC Wrestling (68)

16/3/2020 20:11

Thank you Admin guys!


Dynamo (149)

16/3/2020 20:18

Thank you very much


sisuperman (10)

16/3/2020 21:07

Thank you....Hey guys please stay safe


Love2wrestleyou (25)

16/3/2020 21:08

Thanks for this information !


Ibearian (63)

16/3/2020 21:11

Thanks to the admins for this insightful message. Stay healthy!


bullwrestler (43)

16/3/2020 21:12

Thks, we must wait to wrestle, and we must stay at home, if everybody colaborate, soon we,ll can fight again😀
Hugs from Spain


scottimike (26)

18/3/2020 23:41

(en respuesta a esto)

True it not the time to wrestle now ..


MuscleSportAZ (60)

20/3/2020 7:46

(en respuesta a esto)

Exactly. This is the time to band together and protect ourselves and others in our wrestling community. Alarming that some still are wrestling.


latinoHT (23)

16/3/2020 21:15

Thankyou for putting the word out there and yes there is a lot of fear and second hand misinformation , your great trying to help guys in the wrestling community at this difficult time .


abuster (78 )

16/3/2020 21:19

You guys are awesome for those donations! 👏


ardeeboy (1)

16/3/2020 21:19

This is good information for all on here, cheers administration


Wrestlertoo (107)

16/3/2020 21:31

Thanks Admin...its this sort of post which lifts this site to its true high level in our wrestle community.


JudoIppon78 (13)

16/3/2020 21:46

Bravo à ce site !


Swenrique (164 )

16/3/2020 21:51

Thank you SOOO much for putting that message out there! Most appreciated


jobberjayse (31 )

16/3/2020 21:54

you are amazing. if only my country's administration were this logical and proactive ! thank you so much for this. and we, as fighters and brothers, should pass links along !


Musealot (6)

16/3/2020 21:59

Thank you possums - keep up the good work.


musclem8 (30)

16/3/2020 22:19

Completely agree with this update


Superfly (208)

16/3/2020 22:26

Well done admin!


MuscleSportAZ (60)

16/3/2020 22:28

Thanks for your proactive stance on this. Indeed there is a lot of misinformation. As always you guys who administer the site are on top of things. Bravo to you for keeping the members always in mind.
I think the responsible thing to do is to limit matches or don’t do any for a few weeks. That suggestion was a good one. Let’s all do our part following recommendations of the CDC.


Mancunian (20 )

16/3/2020 22:28

Thank you for this post, the amount of rubbish out there is amazing !


ChiFight (6)

16/3/2020 22:57

Thank you! Too many unqualified "know it alls" were just parroting whatever they heard somewhere else this past weekend. Glad you are helping to put an end to that.


grkwrestler (1)

16/3/2020 23:07

Nice that the administrator put this out. Only real scientists at WHO and CDC have the facts, not the BS spread on the internet. I'm holding off on wrestling and the gym for a while to see how this plays out.
Be careful men.


scottimike (26)

16/3/2020 23:16

Thanks for joining in the effort to put good information out there, the grappling chat , used the same sources to counter misinformation or other ,
regards & well done Admins !


BilBeaux (0)

16/3/2020 23:21

Stop any fears - spread the correct information...


bodycontactau (1)

18/3/2020 11:46

(en respuesta a esto)

The only thing that should be spread at the moment.


Shamo74 (0)

16/3/2020 23:30

Thank you 🙏


Churd (78 )

16/3/2020 23:32

Good post. Sound advice. Thank you Admin.


BillA (10)

16/3/2020 23:46

Thanks! Since we can’t do much wrestling, can we all get video access? 😇


Cet03 (58)

17/3/2020 0:25

you guys at MF admin are great! thanks for such post and for your donations! a fighting friend from Milan


Tagos (30 )

17/3/2020 0:33

Ragazzi stiamo a casa. So che la lotta manca a tutti noi. LM credetemi vi capisco. Ma in questo momento è meglio sospendere i match.... Evitiamo ulteriori problemi grazie admin per il messaggio


SFFight (70)

17/3/2020 0:41

(en respuesta a esto)

Hey Tagos... saw a video from Italy of everyone on their balconies singing something together and waving to each other (Italian anthem?) - it was the most uplifting example of community banding together. My grandparents immigrated from Rome to the USA in 1900.

BRAVO !!!!


Tagos (30 )

17/3/2020 1:11

(en respuesta a esto)

An Italian who is in a shitty situation and still has to keep working tells you! if you can stay home.


AlexTritos (6)

17/3/2020 12:35

(en respuesta a esto)

I am another italian in a shitty situation. I confirm. Stay safe and stay at home!
Grazie Tagos di essere sensibile anche tu al problema come la maggior parte di noi italiani!


SFFight (70)

17/3/2020 1:44

(en respuesta a esto)

We just went on lockdown in the San Francisco Bay Area. Both me and my partner are retired, so staying in the house is easier for us. Now if only we could find toilet paper, we’d be all set.


SFFight (70)

17/3/2020 0:38

Thanks to the site Admin for spreading the word and not the virus. Stay safe brothers.


bigchicago (68)

17/3/2020 0:42

Thank you for stepping in to fight the misinformation that was spreading.


Guysmiley (41 )

17/3/2020 0:54

You guys are the bomb. As an older person with an autoimmune condition, two strikes is enough. I’m self quarantined at home.


CelticFire (27 )

17/3/2020 2:13

When people of a fight site are more on the ball and competent then the US administration. Good job and thank you!


GrappleViking (114 )

17/3/2020 2:15

Unbelievable amounts of respect to you guys.
This site is one of the best communities out there, and it wouldn’t be what it is today without the amazing admin team leading the way and running it the way you do.

Thank you.


Brown Bomber (149)

17/3/2020 3:38

Wrestling is fun but our health is far more important to keep us wrestling. I am prepared to postpone trips and matches due to this pandemic and hope my fellow wrestlers will consider to do the same.


hereit is (8)

17/3/2020 3:42

Thanks Admin. Let us not spread not only the virus but also any other diseases that come with oral or anal action. I know that the desire to do so is there but we all want to live healthy lives after our matches.


dusty rhodes (6)

17/3/2020 7:49



nu2rasln (42)

17/3/2020 8:45

Thanks for the post admin, it is much appreciated. I know it will be hard for us but we need to be safe and healthy to continue wrestling.


Eu2 (19)

17/3/2020 9:03

Well done! 👍🏾


Lieberbär (16)

17/3/2020 9:58

Pleas stay at home not travel or plans matches. Take care


madrid90 (12)

17/3/2020 11:02

Thank you all, we'll stay strong and healthy and we'll be back fighting soon


Vegas rassler (24)

17/3/2020 13:26

Great info keep up good work living here in Las Vegas Nv our city is slowly closing down be safe stay calm we will get through this.


andrewj (21)

17/3/2020 14:42

I cannot commend you more highly for this post.

So much misinformation, so many with groundless opinions and so many organisations falling over themselves telling you how much they care about you, but lacking any substance to their words.

You quiet rightly say your not doctors and can't give advise, but giving half your donations is a positive and constructive thing to do.

Thank you and well done.


AlexTritos (6)

17/3/2020 15:09

Thanks in Italy we are more concerned because we are the first country in Europe to have known this virus after asian countries, thanks for your understanding, men!


Tanker (208)

17/3/2020 17:57

As always so impressive.
Always ahead of the pack with intelligence and good sense.
Proud of you!


FLGripper (8 )

17/3/2020 18:08

Great statement and advice... Thanks administrators!



17/3/2020 19:26

Thank you all for the overwhelmingly positive feedback! It feels great reading your comments.
Our community is great! :)


latinoHT (23)

17/3/2020 19:33

It keeps people calm and level headed , but I will say there are some attacks on here about it , and it’s not ok but at least your updating every one with facts not fear or hate , Thankyou 😊👍


amateurjase (4 )

17/3/2020 22:40

Fantastic post to keep the calm and be pragmatic. Thank you Admin!


WrestlerColumbia (0)

18/3/2020 0:09

The only answer for the next 6 months is NO MEETINGS. Almost every country now is closing or will be closing their borders. Meeting strangers on this site is suicide for older wrestlers. You have no way to know if they have been tested. And often many wrestlers don't care, so they will get infected, either because they dont know they have the virus, or because they think its something else. Good luck to all of you and remain safe but SELF ISOLATE!


Tagos (30 )

18/3/2020 0:34

exact. it is not known whether the other person carries the virus ... it could be asymptomatic. so please make an effort. don't fight, don't meet ... we must all be responsible. it is needless to say on one's profile to respect the hygiene rules before a match to avoid contagion. be careful...


Body slam (79 )

18/3/2020 1:51

Thank you !


Vegas rassler (24)

18/3/2020 2:36

Las Vegas is closing be safe all😳


MaulerMike (14 )

19/3/2020 2:40

(en respuesta a esto)

you be safe Jim


Vegas rassler (24)

19/3/2020 13:24

(en respuesta a esto)

Thank you I am you too as well as everyone else


greatrook (28 )

18/3/2020 9:47

Safety first, dudes! Wrestling can always wait. Your health is wealth.


ATONMAN (221 )

18/3/2020 20:31

9th day of lockdown here in Italy and alowed only move to go work or buy food. Is very strange live in this way but is the only way to be' safe - good luck to all of you and take care yourself for the people you love. We will survive!


Christos (30)

21/3/2020 5:43

(en respuesta a esto)

We are getting reports from Greek doctors that live in Italy about what is going on there... and it is scary.... The lockdown here started about the same period ... but in Greece we have lots of assholes that they are not taking it seriously... Anyway I wish that the reports from Italy will get better the sooner with fewer and fewer people getting it!!! Stay strong 💪💪💪


sisuperman (10)

18/3/2020 22:08

Keep posting pics, videos and stories....we can use the diversion from all the bad news.
We will get thru this together...
Be well and stay safe!


arabicwrestler (6)

19/3/2020 6:04

Thank you very much admain


wrestlingspeedos (27)

19/3/2020 13:53

Well done admin! Thank you very much !


Iwreslinca (31 )

19/3/2020 20:23

Thank you guys. I happen to live in two hotspots in California; West Hollywood, and the Palm Springs area - so I'm urging all of us to self isolate according to the dictates coming out of the Governor's Office and our local communities.


Tom 049 (22)

20/3/2020 5:56

Why the hell are match requests still possible on this website?



20/3/2020 14:36

(en respuesta a esto)

Not very nice words, but it is a fair point.
Although I think everyone should be old enough to be responsible. (and the number of open match request do confirm that)
I will disable match requests for a few weeks. Should be done later today.

It would be a good sign to highlight again that MEETing random FIGHTERS is not the best thing to do right now.


Tagos (30 )

20/3/2020 14:37

(en respuesta a esto)

very good!


Iwreslinca (31 )

20/3/2020 16:12

(en respuesta a esto)

Thank you for doing this - I agree - in a perfect world we should be looking out for our own health, and the health of those around us...



20/3/2020 15:23

[UPDATE 20th March 2020]: The Events page and Match page are temporary disabled.


ardeeboy (1)

20/3/2020 16:39

It’s just common sense , not To arrange any wrestling meet this particular time


bentleyboyuk (38)

20/3/2020 19:45

Here in the UK, the Prime Minister has announced the forced closure of all gyms, swimming pools, recreation centres. I guess this also includes boxing rings and wrestling rings.....unless anybody knows different?


Didja1 (21)

20/3/2020 23:34

Thank you Admin. For keeping this community alive during these hard times that we face.



21/3/2020 11:48


Wrestlertoo (107)

21/3/2020 14:50

I will put a "not meeting" note on my profile....Its a web based network from now my view. Good luck to all my MF friends here and thanks again Admin for taking a lead with responsible information.


MuscleSportAZ (60)

21/3/2020 17:23

(en respuesta a esto)

Thanks a great idea. It also sends a message by those who are being responsible during this dire time. It is a serious situation. No one should be wrestling for awhile.


Tagos (30 )

21/3/2020 15:32

I think I will too!


vonsueno (8)

21/3/2020 18:57

Very thoughtful of you to share these videos. This is not a surprise; you folks in Admin are very professional.

Just hope you all there, and indeed all our members, can stay healthy and be careful as we get through this health crisis.

Thank you.



sisuperman (10)

22/3/2020 15:38

I notice new recommendations post every day, are some guys still wrestling? or are these recommendations long over due? I hope, for everyone's well being, the later is true.
Please stay safe and heed the experts warnings 💪🏻💪🏻


Vordele Walker 2 (74)

22/3/2020 16:58

We must stay physically safer. Thanks for the post.


matslam (197 )

25/3/2020 15:00

I suppose it is harmless to cyber wrestle then till this nightmare is over?


wrestler122001 (139)

27/3/2020 16:25



AlexTritos (6)

01/4/2020 17:50

I appreciate the change of the name, sirs ( eatfighters) but I wouldnt mind to see the face pic or the chest pic of my opponents and fighting friends. I understand this is to help us to fight pandemic, so thanks anyway admin!


Shadow Knight (76 )

11/7/2020 16:42

I think people are wanting an update from Admin as we come out of lockdown?



11/7/2020 17:58

Sure, I can give an update.
Take this information “as is” only the official site news will confirm our plans and action.

If you followed our actions regarding the pandemic we provided an update more or less all 30 days.

On 15th of July (latest 1st of August) we plan to open the new meetups page. With a fresh design that includes our public events and match request feature.

If all goes well the site news will go online on a couple of days.


Shadow Knight (76 )

11/7/2020 19:36

(en respuesta a esto)

Thanks Admin
