
97780 recommendations

sonicgr is recommended by Jason Grantham (30/5/2024)

I had a fun match with Sonicgr when I was going through Athens. I do regret not meeting him on his mats... we did our best on my hotel mattress, but we were two pretty big and tall guys rolling around on a mattress that wasn't nearly large enough. The amount of times we had to pause and recenter was pretty frequent. The funny thing is our skills were unfortunately similar in that we're both pretty good at defense, not so great at offense, and we're stubborn and hate tapping out. So - no taps in our match, but it was a good solid roll with a nice solid guy. Fingers crossed that our offensive skills will match our defensive skills next time. And of course, we'll have a bigger space to roll! =)


tzitzi is recommended by Jason Grantham (30/5/2024)

I'm pretty slow getting to writing this review so I'm sure I'm missing details, but the most important things are pretty etched in my mind. First was Tzitzi's entrance, charmingly mocking the hotel room's tight quarters with wit and humor that started the meeting off well. Then was this guy's upper body strength. He was not about to let this American get the best of him. We fought long, hard and had fun - what else can you ask for from this Greek stud? Glad he left a bit of a wrestling hiatus to give this yank a good match. Great guy, fun wrestle.


Rocko Mortis is recommended by Kayden (30/5/2024)

Had a lot of fun with this guy. He's skilled (for a rookie 😏) and very enthusiastic and sexy in all the right ways. Had a great time wrestling and chilling after. Looking forward to throwing down with him again in the future.


Tagos is recommended by VICENZAFIGHTER (30/5/2024)

Eh si finalmente ci siamo riusciti. Non pensavo fosse così tosto... tutto nervi e muscoli. Con i suoi strangolamenti non concede tregua... veramente un ottimo match, corretto, leale, sudatissimo ma divertentissimo. Tagos è un' ottima persona a modo, educato e pulito. Si è creato subito il giusto feeling sportivo e di amicizia. Ci conto per la rivincita... e chiaramente non tra dieci anni... sfidatelo! Non ve ne pentirete...


blu 09 is recommended by Wreslnewbie2 (30/5/2024)

Blu09 is always a great match. I’ve been lucky enough to have a few matches with the guy and they are always amazing. He’s well skilled and a force to be reckoned with. He’s also a great guy off the mats, kind and personable. Definitely hit him up for a match if you get the chance.


Otto26 is recommended by ROULE44 (30/5/2024)

Voici un gars qui aime la lutte. Il m'avait prévenu !!
Infatiguable, résistant , une sacré force pour son gabarit .
Ne vous laisser pas berner , quand il vous dit qu'il est débutant, ou alors il a un sacré instinct de combat
Si vous voulez le rencontrer soyez un peu en forme
On se revoit quand tu veux , jeune lutteur :-)

Here's a guy who loves wrestling. He warned me!
Tireless, resistant, a lot of strength for his size.
Don't be fooled when he tells you he's a beginner, or else he's got one hell of a fighting instinct!
If you want to meet him, you've got to be in shape!
See you whenever you like, young wrestler :-)


ProWorkover is recommended by Mike77ny (30/5/2024)

Proworkover really is a pro working you over! He knows how to get you in holds that can make you tap out and test your strength and endurance. I’m glad I was able to have both of those things since we spent over two hours rolling around and having a good time. Aside from his show of power and dominance, he is a very intelligent, kind and caring person and to talk to and felt lucky to have met him during his short visit to New York City, and hope to have another match again! Would definitely recommend 👍


VICENZAFIGHTER is recommended by Tagos (30/5/2024)

Dopo più di 10 anni finalmente siamo riusciti ad incontrarci con questo veterano del sito come me. Sapevo sarebbe stato un match tosto... E così e' stato. Instancabile, forte, una roccia. Magari un po' fuori allenamento... Il che mi ha permesso di farlo battere diverse volte. Persona simpatica e con la testa sulle spalle. Da incontrare nuovamente in futuro (spero non tra altri 10 anni 🤣) ovviamente super consigliato per chi vuole un match sudato e divertente.


DragonSleeper63 is recommended by ForrestTaylorWrestling (30/5/2024)

DragonSleeper63 is such a great opponent. He’s sexy, strong, and talented! Great communicator for what to do in the match and everything flowed so well. I’m also a sucker for pecs so muscle worshipping DragonSleeper63 was so sexy 🤤 he’s such a cool dude to chill and hangout with outside of wrestling too. If you get the chance to meet and wrestle I highly recommend doing it.


Wrestswim1 is recommended by lutte95 (30/5/2024)

Nouvelle rencontre 17/ 10/22.
Une joie de revoir un lutteur ,un ami ,expérimenté et toujours aussi fort . On a bien transpiré et la lutte aussi mouvementée que fun ,!
J ai eu droit à une balade dans le vieux Lyon ,ou la découverte des traboules et autres arrières courts sont tout aussi incroyables ..encore merci pour ces moments de lutte et de partages ..
J espère a bientôt 💪😊
On était voisin ,ce qui était pratique pour lutter ensemble.on s'est revu sur Lyon il y a qq temps de cela .
Toujours aussi fort et expérimenté.tres sympa de surcroît.a chaque rencontre je subit sa puissance mais toujours en sécurité,ce qui est appréciable .on s amuse avec une motivation de faire durer le combat et d apprendre de nouvelles prises
Fortement recommandé

Venir sur Lyon et ne pas à nouveau rencontrer ce lutteur hors pair aurait été vraiment dommage.
Toujours aussi fort, musclé et tellement adorable. J espère aussi avoir la possibilité de refaire des rounds ensemble.
Rencontrer le c est juste le top .
97780 recommendations