It's complicated. We're drawn here for the wrestling, but as I've seen, wrestling the only thing everyone wants. If you're hardcore here for nothing but the fight, then you can likely ignore this entry since it's not really for you. Otherwise, keep reading.

Fair warning: I'm going to type lots of words.


As I was saying, I think it's complicated, but I've managed to put together that we are looking for:

  1. A battle
  2. A companion
  3. A lover

"But why would you come here looking for...." OK, I hear you, but consider any time in life where you went thinking you would want/feel/think X about something and ended up wanting/feeling/thinking Y:

  • I thought I'd like that movie
  • I thought I'd hate that song
  • I thought I'd like these people
  • I thought I wanted a pizza, but I really want a chicken sandwich

This thing - and any thing really - that involves people always has a potential for that kind of a turn. It starts like, "hey, I just want to find people and wrestle...."

...but suddenly, one day: a friend.
...but suddenly, one day: it is more (or less) erotic than you thought.
...but suddenly, one day: this is a lot lonelier than I thought it would be...

That's the thing, right? It's never just one thing or another. For many, it's a blend of more than a few things and feelings and in all of that it is easy to get lost and start doing or feeling things without knowing what is happening.

For those of you in that spot, the one thing I suggest is honesty - primarily and especially with yourself - about how you feel and where you're at. Things like this make the journey a lot easier and enjoyable.

Dishonesty, on the other hand, has caused cancelled accounts because the wave of who you are channels itself into things you have to take months to process.

Editado últimamente el 04/4/2017 5:23 por synxiec
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briansp (56 )

05/4/2017 3:18

Very true my friend. Good thoughts. Well said.


Slim66 (14)

12/4/2017 0:39

(en respuesta a esto)

Exactly. Every time that I wrestle, I receive more (good stuff) than I bargained for.
