There was a whole trip to New York back in July where I spent a week with Nick and meet a number of others like Ky, Virgo and Mr. Woodbridge.

This trip was more for visiting family, but getting a bit of wrestling and just roaming the city was nice. It was as if I hadn't left. Unfortunately, due to the trip being mid-week, I found most people were busy with work. I've also learned that, should I plan an actual wrestling trip in the future, having a meeting place would be a good idea.

As usual, hanging out with Nick was super cool and seeing him walking around and talking to people was interesting; he's a very warm personality and will talk to anyone at a moment's notice about nearly anything.

Nathan's still has wonderful hot dogs, Staten Island has good Sri Lankan food, and the city feels like I never left it. I'll have to go back soon.

I went on a cruise about a month later and it is a shame that there's no good way to find wrestlers on cruises, because I would have been SOOO down for that. The cruise was an enjoyable, quiet getaway, though. I got a ton of reading and writing done.

Now that I'm back in GA, I'll have to see about this GA, TN, and SC people.

Here's to getting some end of summer wrestling in!


Editado últimamente el 12/9/2018 14:20 por synxiec
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your punching bag (0)

15/9/2018 7:14

What about Alabama??


NJWoodbridge (139)

12/9/2018 17:45

So happy to finally meet up and tangle with you. More next time you visit NYC.

Enjoy the fall!


synxiec (74)

12/9/2018 17:57

(en respuesta a esto)

Oi! Write me a Recommend! :D

More seriously: I hope all is well up there. There shall be more visits.
