davey123's blog

This 22 year old guy at my BJJ centre is incredibly strong and flexible, but also very arrogant. After I saw him demolish three opponents in a row, clearly enjoying making them suffer - keeping holds on after they submitted, on seeing me watching he said to me, “you wanna be next to submit old man?”. I thought for a moment then said, “yeah, you’re fast and quite strong but I’d force you to yield within a minute in my speciality hold.” The cheeky boy replied confidently with a sneer, did I wanna bet. “Sure”, said I. “Ten pounds to you if I fail to make you tap within a minute.” He smiled a vaguely unpleasant smile, “Ok old man, what’s your choice of hold?” Now it was my turn to smile, because I was certain of making this arrogant muscle-kid yelp, “Easy, full Boston Crab.” For just a very brief instant I saw his gaze drop to my thick legs which I was casually flexing, but his eyes then locked with mine, “That stupid pro shit will never make me give” he said, “C’mon show me what you got OLD MAN!” I could already feel a wave of wrestle-lust starting to rise in me, but that “old man” jibe, hardened me in more ways than one. This boy was gonna be humbled in the most humiliating and devastating submission hold that I knew. I was going to grind him into the mats whilst bending him to breaking point. Slowly. With his last remark he dropped to the mat pro-actively ready, with athletic puppyish misplaced enthusiasm.

I didn’t waste any time as you can imagine. I positioned my self over him, grabbed his ankles and elevated his legs tightly securing his ankles in my armpits, clamped there in place by my 17.5” solid arms. “Ready BOY?” I asked. “Fuck you, Grandpa!” he replied. The action then followed quite swiftly. I was taking this lamb to the slaughter house and he had no idea. I dropped heavily onto the base of his spine and immediately pulled his legs way, way, back until his thighs were vertical and I could feel his body starting to reach a point of springy resistance. He grunted. A few seconds later I heard him quietly say “Oh fuck!”.

“You wanna submit now kid?”.
“Hell no, fuck you, you’re weak old man!”
“Well try this then kiddo,” I said and slid my feet away out, transferring all my 97kg of muscle weight onto his 73kg under me.
“Am I still weak kid? Oh! You’re not speaking? I think I need to hear you say you’re sorry you called me old! Say it! Say it, or I will tear you in half boy!”
I heard his ascending siren of moaning hummed sound as the hold started to really crush him. The seconds were ticking by.
“…..yes??” I asked. I was actually quite impressed, by now I was laying the hold on quite hard and I knew what he would be going through under me. My full weight sat on his middle back,in addition to most of his own weight, was being directed through his muscled torso to his upper chest which was being stretched and driven crushingly into the mat. Good for him that the mats were thick and well padded!
All I heard was a series of incoherent grunts from him. I could feel the big spinal rope muscles either side of his spine, hardening and writhing as I also started to turn my hips deeper into the saddle of his back. Thirty seconds gone. I could tell he was now in serious agony. His breathing was stertorously guttural and he was panting shallow breaths to try and survive.
Re-wrapping my hands around his hard rounded thighs I leaned back pulling his legs and raising his nicely rounded bubble ass up and back brutally yet crunching down into the hold.
“Aaaagh, aaaaah, ffffffuck, no, no, no, stop please, aaaagh, unhhh, stop, STOP!!”
I took him just a fraction further and said, “what’s that boy? I can’t hear you!”
With a few slight but cruel bounces there came a sudden frenzy of swearing and tapping.
“If you wanna submit, you have to say it ya stupid little cunt” I ordered.
For about a further 8 seconds he continued to just grunt and wheeze in time to my bounces, but with every bounce I was pulling the hold on ever more. I felt him breathe out heavily and locked down on him even tighter.

50 seconds in…, “Yes, yes, yes, fuck I submit, submit, submit, submit…..pleeeease!”
His voice was compressed with pressure and pain.
“Say you’re sorry!” I commanded loudly, though I allowed him just a little less full pressure in the wickedly painful crab hold. He wailed under me, and I heard a kind of choking, quiet rapid whisper of, “Fuck, fuck, fuck, oh fuck.”
I leaned back again just an inch more, stretching his entire body into a curved shape from his tight abs which were now lifted entirely off the mat, to his knees. Even though I was submitting him with the devilish, punishing hold I was admiring his stubborn ability to take it, showing incredible resilient strength and courage. “Say you’re sorry boy….say it now or I am going to pull you all the way back!” Three or four seconds later he repeated with vehement urgency over and over…”I’m sorry, sorry, sorry, aaaaauugh….sorry, sorry!”
I let most of the pressure of the hold go and reduced the bend in his spine but continued to hold him in the Boston, slightly shifting my position from his middle back to nearer his waist….which I knew compressed the lower floating ribs very uncomfortably. Several half strangled grunting growls came from him. Though I had heard what he said very clearly, I was enjoying my total control and dominance of this rather impressive young wrestler now and prolonged his agony, saying, “I’m sorry I didn’t quite hear you then,…what was it you said kid?”
“Oh…oh…oh please man, please, I’m sorry I called you old,…please, you got me, you got me…I give, I GIVE!!!’

I let him go and his big legs dropped to the mat heavily. But I continued to just sit heavily on him. “Oh my God, fuck, please man get off, please, uurrgh, you’re killing me!”
I rolled off his athletic frame pushing myself off using his tempting glutes.
He started to curl up, but his raging hard on was completely obvious through the thin material of his singlet chosen by him to vainly display his physique.
There was no-one else around now in the huge mat room.
He sat up a bit and peeled down the top part of his singlet revealing a frankly magnificent torso, slightly reddened under the tan because of the immense effort of surviving the crab hold and with a light sheen of sweat further enhancing the lithe muscularity he displayed. Looking at me direct in the eyes he said with astonishing intimate honesty that surprised me,
“Oh shit man, that was the hottest thing I’ve ever known! Holy fuck! Would you do it again, please, but maybe take it slower, and go for as many multiple subs on me as you think I can take?…….please do it!”
After a whole second of thought, I smiled and nodded.
“But first,” I said, “you gotta try the hold on me and see how controlled you can be applying it, I won’t give unless I really have to. Let’s say you have to make me submit at least ten times.”
“Oh my God, yes, I’ll enjoy that too, he said, “but only if you agree to Boston me for at least 20 minutes afterwards as your revenge. I’ve never discussed this or tried it for real before, but…well…it’s my secret top fantasy. Let’s do it!!!!”

Last edited on 5/12/2024 3:13 PM by davey123; 10 comment(s)

Interview with Davey123: Finishing Holds

Dave, tell us what your favourite finisher is and why.

‘Wow, that’s quite a question! I don’t quite know what to say….or, I mean, where to start. I like matches or sessions which have a big variety of holds and don’t really want anyone to think I’m obsessed with just one hold as a finisher. I guess any hold which gives me total control over an opponent - has him completely dominated, and which I can control without danger of injury, - that’s my find of finisher. If I’m gonna submit him, then it must be a hold which can deliver pain. Preferably a lot of it. Yeah. (Laugher) But it must be possible to grade the level of pain I’m doling out, and I love to be on top! Of course there are some great submission holds you can apply from below - like locking off a really good hammerlock with an opponent on top of me. Or I have some really wicked leg locks I can manage, with my legs wrapped around an opponent’s legs when he is on top of me and getting confident and he forgets about his legs. I have a wicked calf crusher! (Laughs again.) And of course a good Triangle Choke is always a reliable hold if I can get it on quickly whilst on my back. Love seeing the look on my opponents face….as it gradually changes colour, starts to screw up as I clamp down harder with my legs. Sometimes I managed a simultaneous straight armbar combined with Triangle. Kinda love to play with the pressure before making him submit!! But actually I like to do that with all the good finishing holds…heh heh….it’s the sadistic side of my wrestling.

C’mon Dave….when we look at your profile it seems to us you go for a Boston Crab whenever you can!
Some of those pics of you applying a Boston look pretty mean. Tell us….!

‘Ah…yes…you are now talking my language it’s true! That is a front-runner as a finishing hold. It’s so fucking painful. It’s a hold I’ve been in myself many times and Holy Shit….it seems to me it hurts more than anything else. Maybe that’s because I just don’t bend all that much…..I think it’s the heavy squats I’ve done for years which had gradually resulted in my big quads preventing my hips from turning when I’m in a Crab hold. Anyhow….you’re right I just love that hold.’

But why is it a particular favourite of yours?

Because it makes opponents say, ‘Oh fuck!,’ when I start to turn it on. (Laughs again) I like to hear the man caught under me grunt and gasp as my weight increases on him when I push my feet out. I get it on and start to pour it on. I know it can make it very hard to breathe, so I shift about a bit and try and find a position where he can just about still breathe but where the bend I put on his spine is testing him to the max.

But couldn’t this be a dangerous hold for your opponents?

Well, weirdly many guys seem to both like and hate it at the same time! Actually that’s not so weird because I know that being in a Boston hold makes you feel completely controlled and very much you are overwhelmed and dominated by the man on top of you……me!! I spend a bit of time when I first get a new opponent (new to me I mean) in a Boston Crab. After I have turned him over with both ankles under my armpits (which I like to do very firmly) as I start to sit on him I will get an idea of how much he can stretch and bend. Initially I will keep my feet close in to his hips so that I am just squatting down with most of my weight still on my feet. As I lower my ass onto his back I’ll just make sure he is pinned there to the mat or floor. Keep him there for a bit so that he is not immediately alarmed - because even that will probably hurt like fuck. I can feel the muscles of his back writhing under my ass and he can definitely feel my glutes, which I will deliberately flex to harden them on and off, and I’ll gently bounce a little to start to soften him up. But then…..hah hah….the real fun begins.’

What do you mean by the ‘real fun’? Surely this hold is not fun?

‘Are you joking? Maybe I should just show you now……?? Ok…what I mean is once I have settled on him and got an idea of what his flexibility is like, then I will sink more of my weight onto him and I’ll probably start the trash talk too. Stuff like, “I’ve got you now boy. You’re gonna take this hold until I’m done with you fucker. You’d better submit to me now and maybe I’ll take it easy on you.” Of course I’m lying. I never take it easy on my man. Well…..I mean within his ability to handle it, I won’t make it easy. Being totally trapped in the gruelling constant pain of a Boston releases Adrenalin and other chemicals in the brain which mean that it is both agony and incredibly hot and challenging all at the same time. It brings out the man in a man!’

So, do you keep it on for a long time, with repeated taps or submissions?

“Oh yeah for sure! Wouldn’t you? I mean unless it’s been a totally straight competitive match and I am going for a swift ending, otherwise I am going to make him take it for a long time! Punishment, sweat, and exhaustion for him. I place my hands on his inner thighs and might let them roam a bit stroking his inner thighs whilst riding him so that he has a mix of something fiercely painful as well as a sensuous thing going on. Once it’s been on for a while - say more than thirty seconds (which can seem like forever when you’re in a well applied Boston) I’ll probably change position and sit further back so that I arch him up even more. I’ll ask him of course “Give up?” If he says yes, then I’ll goad him to take it longer, saying “Nah, I’m not done with you yet, you’re tell me you like it and want it harder.” Then he might respond by saying no, no, no or maybe with some swearing or cursing me, which means then I can really start grinding him into the mat and stretching him up high as I lean further back saying, “I’m not letting go until you say you like it, so SAY IT!” Eventually the poor guy will agree and say it, so I’ll then make him repeat it as put all my weight on him. I know he’s then near the end of what he can take. I might move my hands to take hold of his outer knees so I can pull him back even more. The really devilish trick is to then tilt my hips kinda forward and using the grip of my feet on the mat I’ll pull my hips into him with my leg hamstring muscles so that my hips are forced deeper into the curve of his back. That is hell for him and he will tap for sure. Every time. Of course the view from where I am sitting is great too…..his ass, legs and package all vulnerable and on display. It’s just a brilliant hold. Once he has submitted like that I might stand for a moment or two - still holding him draped under me. Then I will sit right back up high on his back - almost on his neck, and he will be demolished as his body will be in the shape of a ‘C’ - his feet directly over his own head or even near it. No-one can take that for long! C’mon let me show you!’

After that description, you think I’m gonna let you demonstrate on me? No way…..or maybe only if you promise to be gentle…..?

‘Hah hah. Get down boy and I’ll show you what words cannot describe.’

Last edited on 8/30/2023 9:19 PM by davey123; 2 comment(s)

Taking a Boston Crab

Taking a Boston
I’ve made no secret of the fact that doling out a punishing Boston is a favourite move of mine and I’ve written about applying the hold before. That remains true. I love using the hold to punish, subdue and eventually submit an opponent (lovingly and slowly heh heh!), always with care about my opponent’s safety and listening to sense his limits and response when I have him in this awesome, gruelling hold. I still think it is one of wrestling’s most punishing/painful holds….depending of course on how it is applied. And for all BJJ/MMA/catch wrestling/submission wrestling purists out there who think this is just a fake pro move (….it can be of course) take a look at what pops up now on YouTube when you put in a search ‘Boston Crab’. The two top items are first Jonno Mears using it in a serious BJJ match to submit his opponent without any doubt about it, and the second one is Ramsey Dewey telling you clearly it’s not a fake move with an instructional vid about applying it (https://youtu.be/cfKesjb35C8). It’s great to hear such a prominent authority for legit action saying at the end of his vid,
“I know it’s not all that common. I use it all the time. Anytime I run into someone at the gym bad-mouthing the Boston Crab, I make sure they know what it feels like!”
Nice. I think I’d like his gym!! But, I have been asked quite a few times now why do I, as someone who in fun fights likes to be a heel, actually really like being caught in a good Boston and being made to submit (….um, preferably multiple times!)?
Needless to say, I think this hold is mega hot! I’ve wondered why that is the case. I guess the answer to that is not really very complicated. First, I love the turn….when my opponent grabs my ankles and clamps them under his armpits lifting me up high, so that only my shoulders are on the mat (I am 92kg of mostly solid muscle so that is not always easy for a lighter opponent!) I usually get a great view of his torso and legs working hard to hold me there before he starts to try and flip me over onto my chest. If it’s a fun, give-n-take kind of match I will resist a bit to make him work more to get me over and that is a bit of excitement in itself, especially as I definitely know that once he succeeds in turning me over, I am going to have a hard time! Once I am on my front I have several decisions to make. Some of these depend on how much I can trust the man above me and what his weight is. If he is really heavy (…I have been crabbed by guys up to around 110kg/240lbs) I might put one of my arms deliberately under my own chest/ribs so that I can continue to breathe when he sits on me. But, for my level of flexibility (not much….too much muscle and I haven’t spent enough time stretching over the years in the gym, hah hah!) I have found that generally I can give the impression at least of bending and the opponent can sit better, if I just put my arms in traditional ‘push-up’ position so that I can brace myself against the weight and cranking of the hold from my opponent. That also means the bending/stretching position doesn’t go to my neck quite so much, and I can fight back at least a bit!
But oh fuck, that moment when the man on top sits down either on my ass (easy-ish, depending on who he is), or on my lower back just above my speedos! Either way it is incredibly hot. If he sits heavily just beyond my speedos, on my lower back, that is the most agonizing place for me especially if he starts to pull my legs back. I love to feel his hands roaming around my trapped heavy thighs. The bend in my back is very localized with his weight acting as a precise fulcrum for breaking my back. Or he might try to sit higher up my back….he might succeed in that if he avoids putting his full weight on me immediately, by maintaining his squat position. If he pushes his feet outwards and sits heavily on my upper back, I’m toasted within a few seconds. As he arches me up like that it always seems to crank my neck also. But the good guys will lower themselves carefully to find out how much I can bend that day (it varies a lot, depending for one thing on when I last did a heavy gym session). And they avoid putting all their weight down immediately, getting balanced first with skilled placement of their legs. Nevertheless, once I am in the hold and it is on, I will be immediately aware that the man on top has me virtually nearly helpless in a very painful position where I can feel his power on me. His ass. His legs. His arms wrapped around my legs. Perhaps he flairs his chest wide causing a pull backwards on my legs as his lats fill out and widen. I moan….so he knows what the effect is. Maybe by twisting a little I can see his calves and feet. Being so fucking helpless and knowing that the guy on top is going to work me, until I really have to say I submit is a huge turn-on for me. If he bounces at all….even gently, then I will be yelling the place down and cursing him. I sometimes reach back with one hand and can feel his calves or maybe even his hamstrings. In a futile attempt to lessen the pressure maybe I’ll push at his Achilles tendon area of his foot. If I try that I am usually punished with a vicious bounce or more pressure as the man on top stretches me even more. Then I know just how solid his position is. The hold is a complete mind-blow for me. The more skilled the guy on top is at delivering it, the better! I love it when he says, ‘Take it boy! Take the hold,….c’mon you can take more than this. I haven’t even begun yet.’ That makes me want to be as stubborn as hell.
Sometimes the combined weight of the man on top of me, plus my own body weight driving through my crushed chest in the Boston, with my legs being pulled back resulting in my abs being taut, means that I just cannot breathe. It is devastating. I don’t want to submit. I will take it as long as I possibly can. I’ll maybe try to push up a bit on my hands if they are both free. If my tormentor is not alert maybe I can create enough momentum by simultaneously straightening my legs that I flip him off, causing him to fall forwards. But if I’ve been trapped in the hold for more than about half a minute this becomes decreasingly possible. Times goes very slowly indeed when you are being worked in a full Boston Crab. Five seconds can seem like an age. My lower back muscles begin to burn. If he drives the hold on more in response to my struggles I find his determination to force me to yield to him a turn-on, as my spine starts to scream at me and my trapped feet will involuntarily start to flap about. I start to tremble with exertion. I know I should relax my body will not do that. My quads are stretched hard and maybe he wraps his hands around my inner thigh for even more dominant control. Though when the man on top has his hands in a ‘butcher’ S-grip in front of his own belly that is also a very powerful position, and he can start to turn his hips more into me. His ass weight feels like a planet is sitting on me. I can feel his glutes tense and relax. The slightest movement like that from a skilled guy on top can grind the hold on agonizingly and very, very effectively. Maybe it’s at that point that he makes the solid decision to get me to submit. Even a light guy of around 70kg/154lbs can make this hold extremely punishing. As the angle and torque in the hold causes my face to be flat against the mat, maybe he shifts his weight further back on me. He knows I will have to submit. He can hear it in my groans and sense it in the extreme tightness of my body and rapid, panting breathing under him.
Having initially been defiant and abusive, saying ‘Fuck you!’, there comes the point where I just cannot take it any longer and I yell out rapidly and urgently, ‘I give, I give, yes yes!’. What happens next is up to him. Does he back it off a little and ask me, ‘You give up? You submit?’…..? If he does and has backed off some pressure I will definitely respond with, ‘No way, you bastard. I’m not submitting!’. That’s of course his invitation to go again and show me what he can really do. I can take it quite well for an extended period if the man on top stands up periodically and then waits a moment before sitting again. It gives me just enough respite to take the brutal hold again for a few moments. Maybe now when he sits he will wrap his hands around the front of my knees. Then I know my position is truly hopeless because like that he has tremendous power available to crank the hold back. All I can do is grit my teeth and take it, trying to delay my submission. As my back is arched and my abs pulled up off the mat my package is exposed totally and I have sometimes heard other wrestler’s watching the action say ‘Oh shit’….because they know what it feels like. I might smack the mat violently to try and get some distraction from the pain….some BJJ guys will immediately think that is a submission but they usually ask for a verbal confirmation. I’ll swear a lot whilst I’m trapped – it comes naturally. (Is there anyone who doesn’t say ‘Oh fuck!’ once this hold is locked on??)
It’s strange, but really the worst Bostons I have endured have come not from the heaviest, strongest guys (with the biggest asses!), but from the guys in the mid-weight range around 79kg/175lbs. For some reason, these seem to be the guys who can get the hold on, really lock it into position, muscle-down and drive their feet into the mat to pull my legs back effectively and they seem to find that point where I am just on the very edge of submission, and keep it there, making tiny adjustments to the torture. They know how to be sadistic. Taking that hold I am totally helpless and hopeless. I know I can’t escape. He has me. He owns me. He can do whatever he likes. Keep me in extreme pain, or play with the weight and stretching of my body which the hold exerts, making me respond like an instrument under him. My mind is wiped clear of everything except knowing that I am being forced to accept what is not acceptable. One man literally bending and crushing another man to subjugate him and perhaps even forcing him to say trash like ‘I submit, SIR!’. Humiliation. A full test of my body and mind. Stretching every part of my hips, legs, abs and spine, crushing my ribs. I am being ripped apart. Demanding the full submission from me, my opponent is showing who the Alpha is without a doubt. He is exultant and rampant. I did my best but was defeated. That’s wrestling.
Always have a safe word guys! You may well need it for this experience.

Last edited on 12/10/2021 5:41 PM by davey123; 8 comment(s)