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Wrestle in london's blog

I just thought I’d put this out there as a way to make it a bit more real, more concrete.
I have struggled with my mental health in the past, particularly anxiety, and had a serious illness a few years ago. I’ve gone through dry patches on here where I haven’t met anyone for months on end, let some people down (something I’m really not proud of) and sometimes thought about jacking it all in.
As of now I’m so pleased I didn’t. I’m starting to slowly get back into it and have thoroughly enjoyed my last two matches. I’ve come to realise that not only do I really enjoy wrestling, but I’m actually not too shabby at it. I’m stronger than I look, I’m REALLY stubborn about submitting and I have a few surprises up my sleeve. I’m finally acknowledging that the recommendations people have written ARE actually about me! This is not meant to sound boastful or arrogant, it’s about me starting to appreciate myself more.
My new mantra is:
“Stop overthinking and taking it so seriously, just have fun - you love to wrestle, DO IT!”

Last edited on 10/07/2018 7:59 PM by Wrestle in london; 5 comment(s)
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Can anyone give me the details and pricing for booking the Walthamstow matroom?
I’d muchly appreciate it!

Last edited on 3/27/2018 9:48 PM by Wrestle in london; 6 comment(s)
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To say that the last couple of years have been a rollercoaster in an understatement. I’ve had soaring highs and crushing lows, I’ve felt in the best shape of my life and struggle with extreme anxiety and depression. I haven’t managed to do anywhere near as much wrestling in 2017 as I would have liked to, mostly due to me.
I’m not going to lie, there have been numerous times I thought about giving it all up, and to be honest I’m still not 100% decided.
This is not a begging blog, just something for me to look back on, something concrete that I can’t ignore about how I’ve been feeling about myself as a wrestler.

Last edited on 12/25/2017 7:11 PM by Wrestle in london; 4 comment(s)
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What a rush! So glad to be back wrestling again! It was brilliant to experience the competition, the sweat, the body contact, the struggle and to secure the win.
I loved dominating my sexy opponent (B2bomber) and wringing the submissions out of him. Fingers crossed that this is the first of many matches this year - bring it on!

Last edited on 1/31/2017 4:52 PM by Wrestle in london; 2 comment(s)
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